North Korea may continue to provoke behaviors in order to strengthen the leverage of new consultations in the future.But North Korea should understand that this attempt is a direct threat to world peace, which is just the self -conflict of the hereditary dictatorship that sacrifices all the national system to maintain the country's system;Life.

The world in 2023 also contradicts economic security issues in terms of politics, military, and concepts.The US -China strategic competition has continued to deepen. The Russian and Ukraine War could not find exports for three years. North Korea has been provoking regardless of everything. He also tried to take the opportunity to establish a actual military alliance with Russia.The pattern, the conflict between Israel and Hamas, is leading to tension in the Middle East.During this process that has not been separated from the sequelae of the coronary disease, in this process, it has revealed the colors of the country's centerism and extreme protectiveism.

Under such extremely uncertain circumstances, the 2024, known as the largest election year in history.According to the International Election System Foundation (IFES), there are 76 countries this year and 4.2 billion voters with more than half of the world's population participated in various elections.Starting from the Taiwan election, which is known as the "US -China Agency War" on January 13, the Russian election that Putin is expected to be governed again will be held in March.By November, Biden's background in Trump was held in the United States. This year, global indulgence in the vortex of the election.

The situation of the United States participating in two fronts such as Ukraine and the Middle East can continue to be particularly watched before the US election.In addition, at the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit last year, Biden held a summit talks with Xi Jinping to reach an agreement on the "preventing conflicts to prevent contradictions".Influence.In particular, South Korea, which is closely connected with the international supply chain and regional security, must be vigilant for all election results.Because of the future trend of Sino -US relations, it has a close relationship with the continuous provocation of the Korean Peninsula's stable North Korea.

A shadow on the Korean Peninsula this year.Kim Jong -un in North Korea re -positioned North -South relations at the National Labor Party's plenary meeting at the end of December last year.According to his statement, the South Korean and North Korea are no longer the same relationship and homogeneity, but the relationship between the two hostile countries and the two warring countries in the war.He announced that he could not achieve the unity of the federal system. Instead, he emphasized that in a very time, all physical means and strength, including nuclear forces, must be mobilized to prepare for the general event to settle South Korea to continue to step up the major events.This is not a need for dialogue. It proposes the use of nuclear weapons through the precedent.

In particular, the General Labor Party's meeting emphasized that it will build the basis for continuous increase in nuclear weapons production, implement nuclear weapons production plans without errors this year, and add three reconnaissance satellites.Kim Jong -un also claimed that he would exacerbate the responsibility of military tensions on the Korean Peninsula, and blamed "the United States and its following forces."He advocated that South Korea became a military base and nuclear factory in front of the United States, and strongly condemned the US military's strategic assets to deploy and joint South Korea -American and Japan joint military exercises on the Korean Peninsula.He clarified that the strategic line of the United States and the United States and the male and female, threatening that the "war" of the Korean Peninsula is moving towards the realization.

The reasons why the Kim Jong -un regime clarify the unified route of South Korea at this time, perhaps because the competition of the South Korean and North Korea system is intense and ensured the actual needs of North Korea's nuclear state.In addition, in order to be recognized by nuclear countries, Pyongyang adopted a strategy of intensifying the military tension of the Korean Peninsula in an attempt to obtain the concession of the United States and South Korea.Coupled with the UN Security Council's sanctions on the DPRK, the blockade of the new coronary virus, and natural disasters, North Korea needs to calm down the dissatisfaction within the case of grain difficulties and economic crises.In addition, North Korea emphasizes the use of military means to work against South Korea in order to eliminate the people's longing and follow South Korea.

In fact, at the sixth plenary session of the Eighth Committee of the Central Committee of the Labor Party in the previous year, North Korea announced that "a large number of production tactical nuclear weapons" and "increased the number of nuclear bombs in geometric levels", and stated that when emergency situations occurred, the emergency situation occurredYou can use nuclear weapons to make people first.In March last year, North Korea has disclosed a miniaturized and lightweight tactical nuclear warhead volcano-31. It only launched solid fuel-containment missiles (ICBM) Mars-18 only last year.Last year, the reconnaissance satellite, known as the Eye of Nuclear Martial Arts.North Korea gave up the dialogue and chose a tough route.

Although the September September Pyongyang declaration signed between South Korea and North Korea, North Korea successfully launched the third reconnaissance satellite on November 21 last year after the failed to launch the reconnaissance satellite in Russia last year.In response, the South Korean government stopped implementing the 919 North -South Military Agreement.In response to this, North Korea, which was opposed, announced the full abolition of the 11th monitoring posts, and abolished the declaration of action.Just as it refers to the big incident of Pingding South Korea's territory, North Korea's provocations have become rough in military, and it may evolve into military conflicts.

Of course, South Korea is preparing for this thorough response.President Yin Xiyue said in the Chinese New Year in 2024 that as of the first half of this year, the enhanced Han and American extended deterrence system will be completed, which will fundamentally block the threat of Nuclear and missiles.He emphasized that South Korea does not rely on each other's goodwill, but to build true and permanent peace by relying on strength.South Korea has a three -axis suppression system. This refers to the first -axis killing chain, detection and intercepting the missile launching missiles when emergency situations occur when emergency situations occur.The three -axis large -scale punishment revenge (KMPR) of the main facility.

In fact, North Korea, which has been sanctioned by the UN Security Council, has always stated that the provocative behavior that will continue to conduct a "ruling proposal" is a positive ignoring the United Nations and the international community.Coupled with the rejection of the Security Council in China and Russia, in the absence of the failed to achieve the sanctions, the pain and difficulties brought by North Korea's blindly developing nuclear and missiles to North Korea residents have broken the responsibility of the North -South relations and the deterioration of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.Pushing to South Korea and so on, it was just a thief shouting to catch a thief.

At present, North Korea may continue to provoke behaviors in order to strengthen the leverage of new negotiations in the future.But North Korea should understand that this attempt is a direct threat to world peace, which is just the self -conflict of the hereditary dictatorship that sacrifices all the national system to maintain the country's system;Life.

The author is a granting of Korean University of Foreign Languages

President of the Northeast Asia Future Cooperation Forum