Yajia'an -Japan Commemorative Summit adopted the Asian Simpan -Japanese Friendly Cooperation Statement Statement and Vision Implementation Plan on December 17th. Three pillars were strengthened to strengthen comprehensive strategic partnerships, which were partners of cross -generation hearts and created the future to the future.Economic and society partners, as well as partners who maintain peace and stability.In order to implement a common vision, the two sides list about 130 implementation plans.This year marks the 50th anniversary of the friendly cooperation between Asia and Japan. The commemorative summit held in Tokyo reflects bilateral good cooperation relationships.At the moment when the world situation is increasingly turbulent and the prospects of Asia are facing challenges, as an important partner of the region, Asians and Japan are more responsible for promoting free trade and maintaining peace and stability in Asia.

Economic globalization reverse flow has led to weakening the global free trade environment. The security awareness of various countries has risen, military mutual trust weakens, and facing threats peacefully.With the game of major powers from the US -China trade war, and the decoustal reorganization of the global supply chain, the world free trading system has faced unprecedented challenges since World War II; corresponding to the looseness of both international patterns and order.The sovereignty disputes of China and Japan in the East China Sea Diaoyu Islands, the situation of the Taiwan Strait's situation continued to be tight due to the Taiwan election, the Chinese and the Philippines in the South China Island Reef, and the continuous nuclear provocation of North Korea and the expansion of Myanmar's civil war. It is not taken for granted that Asia's peace and stability.

Therefore, it has become a top priority to promote trade to strengthen the spirit of cooperation.The new wave of economic globalization after the Cold War has not only greatly improved the living standards of the people participating in the people of the country, but also because of the exchanges of comparative advantages, allowing countries to establish valuable mutual trust and understanding.Therefore, strive to change the current free trade reverse, which is in line with the common interests of Japan and Asia's fine security.As a result, Axian and Japan have a responsibility to strengthen cooperation and play the role of promoting trade to strengthen peace.In the summit, Premier Li Xianlong proposed to improve the free trade agreement between the two parties, promote the emerging fields of digital and sustainable development, and promote economic cooperation to the next stage. It can understand its significance from this background.

After the commemorative summit, the two sides held the first leadership meeting of Asia Zero Emission Commission (AZEC) initiated by Japan on the 18th, showing that they had a serious attitude towards promoting bilateral relations.In addition to Japan, a total of 10 countries participated in AZEC, including the Nine Kingdoms (excluding Myanmar) and Australia.In addition to new fields such as green economy and digital economy, strengthening traditional economic and trade cooperation, especially interpersonal connection, is equally important.Prime Minister Li Xianlong suggested that Asian'an and Japan should conclude a mutually beneficial aviation service agreement to promote the folk and economic relations between the two parties.This is closely related to the development of "heart -connected" partnerships in the next half century.

In addition to the field of economy and trade, Japan and Asia's Simpan jointly maintain the peace and stability of Asia, which is inseparable from military security cooperation.诚如李总理所说,在东亚峰会等以亚细安为中心的关键区域平台上,日本是重要成员,对区域安全合作可以作出很大贡献,例如在海事安全、打击网络和信息威胁,以及化学、In terms of biological and radiation defense.Therefore, Singapore is willing to deepen cooperation with Japan to promote regional peace and stability, including the welcoming aircraft and ships that welcomes the Japanese Self -Defense Force to stop in Singapore.At the summit, Japan and Asians agreed to strengthen dialogue and cooperation to maintain maritime safety and security, and the maritime order based on the rule of law, including navigation and flying over freedom and security and business activities.

The cooperation experience of Ayanian and Japan's half century allows both parties to further discover the opportunities for cooperation on the basis of common interests and mutual trust, and raise the relationship between Japan and Asian'an to "new height."Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishita pointed out at the opening of the commemorative summit that the world is at a rotating point, and the free opening international order based on the rule of law faces severe challenges.Japan attaches great importance to the promotion of cooperation with Asianan, maintains and strengthen the free opening international order based on rules, and ensures that human rights are guaranteed.Zako, President of the President of the Ayanian Wheel Value, described that Japan is one of the most active partners of Ayanan, and the two sides have a responsibility to maintain the peace, stability and tolerance of the region.Based on this consensus and common interests, the future relationship between the two parties is active.