Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Mingzhu

The Russian and Ukraine conflict ushered in the second winter, and Ukraine, which counterattacked atmosphere, is facing the resistance of further aid.However, at the NATO meeting held on November 28, the United States and NATO strongly reiterated their support for Ukraine.Scholars of interviewees pointed out that the United States and Western are not fully supported by Ukraine at all. They are viewed on the wall. The aid will continue, but the strength may be restrained.

In the case of downturn in Ukraine's counterattack at the atmosphere, US Secretary of State Brosky and NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg "strongly reiterated" the support of Ukraine on November 28.

Brinken said that it will strongly reiterate the support for Ukraine and continue to promote the development of NATO.Stoltenberg said that NATO countries must "persist to the end" for Ukraine's support, which is also related to NATO's own security interests.

In this regard, Ding Chun, director of the European Issues Research Center of Fudan University and Professor of EU Moane, told a reporter from Hong Kong News Agency on the 29th that Pakistani conflicts involved a lot of energy in the United States.Equipment, plus Ukraine's counterattack is not smooth, the war is long, and burnout in Europe.The United States and NATO must reiterate their positions to show Western support for Ukraine.

Before the United States reiterated its firm support for Ukraine, the media recently broke the news that Germany was "limited for military aid" forced Ukraine to "harmonize" to Russia.In addition, the United States and NATO reiterated that the support of Ukraine, does this indicate that the United States will not give up Ukraine?

Wang Yili, director of the Institute of International Affairs of Renmin University of China, told Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency on the same day that the United States did not sincerely support Ukraine, but at first it was just to contain Russia.At present, Ukraine's counterattacks are not obvious. In addition, the US President Biden faces the needs of the election. Therefore, the United States wants to get out early and throw the baggage to other members of NATO.Other allies in NATO also want to set up the United States, afraid that the United States will throw baggage.

Due to the poor counterattack effect, the United States and the West have different differences in whether to continue to aid Ukraine.The temporary expenditure bill adopted by the US Congress does not include funding provided to Ukraine.At the same time, the European Union provided 29 billion euros (S $ 29.2 billion) military aid plan to Ukraine within four years, and was resisted by Hungary and other countries.

Will the support of U.S. and NATO's support will be landed or verbally?Ding Chun pointed out that the West is not yet easy to let go, and does not support Ukraine or as a wall view.The high probability of assistance will continue, but the specific assistance and the purpose of the purpose of the assistance will be variables. It will be constrained by factors such as the United States election, the United States and Europe, and the internal conditions of the Russia and Ukraine.

At the time of the NATO Foreign Minister's meeting, Russian President Putin signed a legislation to formulate the proposed budget on November 27, and officially approved the significant increase in military expenditure by nearly 70 %.about.

"Russia's adjustment of military expenditure is a solid protection of the offensive, representing Russia's economic transformation, and it also shows that they have prepared for the post -war." Wu Fei, a professor of Jinan University, told reporters from Hong Kong Sino -Swadels on the same day that the past was in the past that the past wasRussia does not attach importance to the military industry, and Russia's transformation will also make Ukraine's future counterattacks and the possibility of victory.

As for whether Russia can return to the negotiating table, Wu Fei pointed out that this was not a decision to Ukraine, but the United States.It is difficult to meet the negotiation conditions before the next year's election; only after the US election, which party is governed, can we know whether there will be conevitable conditions.

Ding Chun also believes that in the end, he always wants to return to the negotiating table. The question is what situation and how to return to the negotiating table. This is restricted by multiple factors and needs to be successful.Both sides have the willingness to talk about peace talks, and they also prepare a certain degree of compromise.But now there are many variables, and you haven't seen a clear turning point.Due to the different military and population strength of Russia and Ukraine, it is largely dependent on the United States and Europe, especially the United States' assistance to Ukraine and the goals they want.