The situation of the people of Gaza today is a great irony for Western democracy and humanitarianism.

Since Hamas launched an attack on Israel on October 7, the sky was artillery, and the death of both Harbin was suffering, and it was described as Israel's September 11 incident.Judging from the past experience, the Singapore government's response to such terrorist attacks is rapid and the attack has a clear position.Sensitivity, this is not a general terrorist attack.

Many places in the world have caused sporadic hatred, such as a 71 -year -old Jewish landlord in Illinois, Illinois, a six -year -old child from Palestine and his mother who seriously injured him.The capital of Belgian capital Brussels had a fatal shot. Two Swedish citizens died and were injured. Members claiming to be the extreme organization "Islamic State" were responsible for online videos.The incidents of the sympathy of the two parties like this are invincible. Shang Mogan said in an interview with the media a few days ago that Singapore will strengthen internal security and deal with possible emergency accidents at any time. The Chinese must also be vigilant and prevent possible terrorist attacks.

The Singapore Police and the National Park Bureau recently announced that they refused all the application for related activities and public assemblies of the Pakistani and public rally because they were not allowed to bring foreign politics into the local area. "This is Singapore's consistent position and expression.However, when Singapore emphasizes the maintenance of various religions and communities, some people must be guided by the impression of this subject.Local Memorial teachers and Jewish elder Labby wrote to each other to condolences and express their goodwill. This is Singapore -style anti -prevalence. Singapore must not make racial hate roots grow in society.

Before, the Singapore government was condolences to Israel's attack.The humanitarian situation of the Gaza Strip has deteriorated. Singaporean President Shangdaman, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, and Dr. Vivian, Foreign Minister Vivian respectively wrote to Palestinian leaders to express condolences.

Premier Li hopes that all parties can abide by international humanitarian law, make every effort to ensure the security of civilians, and achieve a solution of the Palestinians and Israel to live peacefully and live a safe life through negotiations.This international call should now be actively responding to the conflict.

After Israel was attacked, the teeth were returned with their teeth.When the people of Gaza were unbearable, a hospital was blown up, hundreds of casualties, and Israel immediately clarified the relationship, saying that it was a Palestinian Islamic Battle Organization that failed to launch and hurt himself;Israel's revenge, Israel's position was supported by US President Biden.

The two world tragedies, which are 10 days apart, are reminiscent of the two classic short stories of Shimosuke Akutagawa Ryosuke in the early 20th century in Japan.

Israel built an underground wall and ground fence consisting of sensors and reinforcement concrete around the inner flying ground of Gaza.The underground wall can prevent Hamas dig tunnels, and the wall is to block more than 2 million Palestinian people in Gaza as prisoners, and Israel controls the water and electricity and all the supply of all life here.Such a copper wall and iron wall are comparable to prison, but the people in their lives are simply hell.

In order to pursue the ultimate art of art, the artist under the pens of Akutagawa dragons must draw a blood -stained hell screen without hesitation to sacrifice her beautiful daughter and let her die in the fire. After the painter completes the shocking workHe also committed suicide.If Israel continues to be evil, it cannot be good with its neighbors, but it is a neighbor to build a high wall, dig traps, and block neighbors. It is proud and cold to the extreme, which is also equivalent to a suicide behavior of the Israeli government.And the tragedy of Gaza Hospital, who is the real black hand, may become a "Luo Shengmen" that speaks.

Lianhe Zaobao · Speech Edition Recently published a comments from former Israeli Foreign Minister Shilomo IsraeliThe arrogance encountered the Kesta and severely criticized the 15 -year -old Prime Minister Neyhho's "Destroyed Political Magic", saying that his enthusiastic government made the bleeding incident unavoidable.From the calm analysis of Shilomo, it can be seen that Neutanahu ignored the radical organization Hamas, who was "lying salary" in the Gaza Strip because of his arrogance and arrogance.Hamas has pretended to be a low posture in the past few years, keeping a distance from another radical organization "Islamic Holy Battle Organization". Now suddenly a "Lu Fengxian attacked Xujun by night" -The attack was unprepared and crushed Israel at the Gaza border on the Gaza border.The uninterrupted defense was shocked by the world.

The Gaza Strip is a hell on earth. The Israelites and hells are neighbors, and this hell is created by itself. Is it happy?The gate of hell will not be closed in a day, and there will be more "hell changes" in the future, and the fire of hell will eventually burn them.When the conflict is full of resentment, hatred is constantly accumulated, and each other will lose their minds. They are unwilling to hear the truth that is not conducive to themselves, and there will be more "Luoshengmen" incidents to confuse the world.

The situation of the people of Gaza today is a great irony for Western democracy and humanitarianism.The Singaporeans should warmly support the fundraising of the Red Cross or other religious organizations and give the people's humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza.of.