Source: Taiwan Industrial and Commercial Times Society

Time sequential enters autumn, and the European Union has reached the turning point of history in terms of national defense, diplomacy, economy, and society.The latest detonation point is that in the three days of September in late September, an Italian island, which is close to North Africa and less than 8,000 people, poured in more than 8,000 refugees.When Catholic Pope Francis visited Marseille on September 23, he called on French President Macron and other European leaders to open their ports and accept refugees, but did not get positive responses.Coupled with a series of political chain effects, the issues of war refugees and illegal immigrants have become a major issue that EU countries must be faced, otherwise the EU society will face a crisis of division.

Following late May, 3,500 refugees from Italy refused to accept Italy. The French government has clearly stated that it will not receive a new batch of refugees.Pooh, jointly headed to Lanpecus Island to reiterate the policy proposition of "anti -immigrant".The human rights crisis also prompted the European Executive Committee Chairman Feng Delin to quickly visit the island, because the problem of refugee has become more and more intense, and it has evolved into an outpost in the European Parliament election in June 2024.

The German ruling alliance, which has been accepted by 1 million war refugees in the middle, has also caused local elections due to economic recession and high energy prices.The coalition government of the Izo Army had to express its position to refuse to accept refugees.The support of the other party has increased from 14 % in January to 22 %.The governing Social Democratic Party has only 27 % of the support. The satisfaction of Souls Cabinet is low. Facing the German Parliament election in 2025, "temporarily refusing to accept refugees" is an endless policy. It also shows that the German people have lived because of life.It was not good, and slowly formed a national atmosphere of "anti -immigrant".

In terms of diplomacy, although the main axis of the European Union's "pro -beauty" is unchanged, how to deal with the issue of "China is an institutional opponent", the leader of the great power, such as Germany and France, still retains space.It is important that the rotation of political parties with different consciousness types will affect the economic, diplomatic, energy, and social policies of various countries.Due to the right party or alliance of European countries, the "immigration" and "public security" and "unemployment" are equal. The anti -immigrant policy claims.It is surprising.

The issue of immigration is the historical work of European countries.As a sovereign country of many countries, the European powers have originally become citizens of the colonial people, and they are legal immigrants of the old generation. From 2010 to 2011, the Jasmine Revolution, farming from North Africa and the Middle East.There are many major European cities.However, for ethnic minorities who have become European citizens, even if the second or third generation that has taken root, it has been facing the system's systemic discrimination in the long run, and it has been reduced to find a job or a good job.Even multiple disadvantaged groups.This kind of hidden phenomenon, once a major event of the fuse, will immediately explode into street violence or how to urban riots.The national urban riots from the end of June to the beginning of July are examples of the European Union's major economies and wealthy cities that must be learned.

Under the current situation of "war first in war, the second economy, and immigration", the European governments of the European Union are facing the huge political and economic society and cultural impact, as well as the pressure of regular elections, coupled with the drought of extreme climateThe flood disaster is constantly invading, and the government's officials must maintain consistent diplomatic, economic, and social policies, which are extremely difficult. It can be described as a difficult scripture.Although the European Union has established a strategic policy that continues to support Ukraine, countries that provide assistance for "willingness" and "capable" can be said to be clear.Basically, the countries that are farther away from the Ukrainian battlefield are relatively capable, but they lack their willingness to provide military supplies to Ukraine.The reality is that the three major economies of Germany, France, and Italy are far away from the Ukrainian battlefield, and they all face serious immigration problems.

The war will end after all, and the economy will gradually recover. However, the problem of refugees and immigration from the Middle East and North Africa and Ukraine may affect several generations.This compound problem of "cross -border, long -term, society, race, public security, religion" is not on the major agenda of NATO in the United States, but for the European Union, "Europe is European European", and social governance is the re -elevation.In order, whether it is a big country such as Germany and law, or other European countries, it is at the historical turning point of having to make a choice.