The second meeting of the Fourteenth National People's Congress Standing Committee of China, reviewed and approved the newly revised anti -spy law and implemented it on July 1.The new law has made more comprehensive adjustments and specifications in terms of definition of espionage behavior, systematic setting anti -spy security, and comprehensive and standardized anti -spy administrative law enforcement guarantee.Get a certain record.

However, because the content of the law may be too vague and generous, the market concerns may not be ignored or avoided. Even if the problem itself is discussed, it may have become a problem.However, the national movement of the rise of China is like the throat, so you must talk about it.

In particular, on the occasion of the comprehensive confrontation between China and the United States, foreign investment has decreased sharply. It is not too much to say that China has the most difficult situation since the reform and opening up.Therefore, since this year, the Chinese government has introduced a series of measures that stabilize the economy and boost market confidence.However, the anti -spy law will undoubtedly have a certain negative impact on the investment environment of foreign -funded enterprises in China, increase legal risks and uncertainty risks, and even cause foreign companies to worry about it.Southeast Asian countries, India and Japan with lower risks.

This law may also have a negative impact on China's international academic exchanges and scientific research cooperation.You must know that since the beginning of the opening, China has grown so fast, technological progress has improved so rapidly, and even in some areas that have surpassed Europe and the United States to lead the world. All of them must be inseparable from international exchanges and scientific research cooperation.Just look at Tsinghua and Peking University in recent years on the ranking of world universities. You can understand one or two.

The United States said that restricting Chinese scientific research exchanges is to prevent high -tech leakage, and what effect does China have such legislation?Although it is a way to prevent cracking on spy activities and maintaining national security in the form of legislative forms, it is a way to avoid the production of chilling cicadas, leading to people's hearts, making cocoons and self -disciplines.

At this point, the author thinks about the eternal male texts written by Lisi more than 2000 years ago.In 237 BC, the Qin people found that Zheng Guo, a Korean water conservancy expert who was a water conservancy project for Qin Guoxing, was originally a spy. The real purpose was to consume the human resources and material resources of the Qin Kingdom through a large scale, drag the Qin Kingdom, and make it unable to cut the Korean.Delay the pace of the merger of the Qin State.After this intention was exposed, some Qin Guosheng who felt that personal interests and opportunities were squeezed by the violation of the violations, and persuaded Qin Wang to expel the six kingdoms to enter Qin.Lu Buwei's power later).

The beginning of the book, Li Si did not vaguely "stealing".Immediately afterwards, a well -known facts were put on, and cleverly avoided the subjective motivation of the non -cleaning and chaos, and also avoided the embarrassment and passiveness of self -defense.Li Si talked about the sage from Qin Mugong, and listed Mu Gong's five people from the West, Baili Emperor Baili, Song State's Uncle Song, Jin Guo's Leopard, and Gongsun Zhijie.A few years of merging 20 vassal states to dominate Xirong.Xiaogong adopted the new law of Shangyang. Therefore, the country was rich and strong. The people rushed to play for the country. They defeated the Chu and Wei army.Hui Wang adopted Zhang Yi's strategy to overcome the land of Sanchuan, merged Bashu and Shangjun, control the land of Hanzhong, Jiuyi, and Chu Zhizhi, and possess the danger of Cheng Qi.Come to serve the Qin Kingdom, and the merits have continued to this day.Zhao Wang won Fan Ye, abolished Hou, exile Huayang Jun, strengthened the monarchy, weakened the trend of noble giants, and feded all the time.These four monarchs achieved the karma of Emperor Qin Kingdom with the credit of Ke Qing.Where did Guardian live up to Qin State?If the original rejection of Keqing is not accepted, alienate is alienated without reusing, and where will there be Qin Guo's wealth and strong reputation?

In the end, Li Si emphasized that Qin King now abandons the people to help the enemy, and the guests will achieve the world's dominance, so that the wise men in the world will retreat and dare not come to the west.Send food to thieves. "Although items are not produced from the Qin Kingdom and there are many treasures, the virtuousness does not come from the Qin Kingdom, but is willing to loyal to the Qin people.Today, the deportation of Keqing uses the enemy to harm its own people and is beneficial to the enemy, which will inevitably make the country empty and complain about the princes. This will cause the country to be in danger.

Observation of the full text, not only the sidelines, the texture, but also the magnificent, magnificent, and magnificent, like mercury diarrhea, it is done in one go.No wonder Lu Xun would say, "Qin's article, Li Si is just a person." What is even more amazing is that although Li Si approved the inverse scales, Qin Wang not only changed his order, recovered the order of the guest, and since then Li Si was responsible.In the end, under the careful assistance of Li Si, "Fen VI. The strong, rejuvenating the long strategy and Yu Yu, swallowing two weeks and dying the princes, fulfilling the supremacy and making Liuhe, whipping the world, Wei Zhen Sihai"To.

The prerequisites for the treatment of Zheng Guo's spy case are the same.After the spy case, Zheng Guo replied: "Although I am a spy, after the water canal is repaired, it will definitely bring huge benefits to Qin Guo. I just fought for South Korea for several years, but established for the Qin StateIt is the merits of the world. "King Qin believes that he is reasonable. Not only did he not sin him, but he ordered his sins and continued to be responsible for building a canal. He was finally completed in 236 BC and was named Zheng Guoqu.After 15 years after the completion of Qu, Qin extinguished the six kingdoms and realized the unity of the world.

It can be seen that Qin Shihuang's dominance is never accidental. He relies not to catch spies and expel guests, nor is he intentionally to do it.

Looking at history, which one can be called the prosperous world is not compatible and stored.In just 40 years, he can surpass the history of Huaxia and strives to catch up with the achievements of the industrial revolution in the Western more than 200 years in modern times.EssenceThe reason why it is successful is the mentality of openness and sharing; it is China's extremely high confidence in the market and the spirit of adventure and fearlessness of the market.The pragmatic spirit of myself; it is the eternal value of "inside the inside and not to bully" by the simplicity of Confucius' simple epistemology, and it is also the eternal value of "inside and not being deceived."Only in this way can we further promote and deepen reform and opening up, and ultimately promote the comprehensive development and innovation of China's economy.

The author is a researcher at the Ash Democratic Governance and Innovation Center of Kennedy College of Harvard University in Humboldt University in Germany