BRICS countries have historically reached an important consensus on the process of expansion in 2022. Since then, there have been increasing discussions. Many countries have expressed their willingness to join the BRICS countries through different forms, or submit corresponding corresponding to the corresponding corresponding.application.During this year's BRICS Summit, South African President Rama Puta announced that Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE were invited to join.On the one hand, this shows that the BRICS countries have a certain appeal, which is in line with the development interests of these emerging market countries and southern countries.But on the other hand, the expansion of the BRICS countries and the expansion of the circle of friends have also exacerbated the hostility of some Western countries to cooperate with BRICS.

According to the perspective of power struggle that has always emphasized realism, and has the characteristics of exclusiveness and scarcity, it will inevitably be favored by countries around the world.To this end, the state will stage a drama of power fighting for power, and the logic of the zero -harmony game is established, and it may even lead to "the tragedy of the great country's politics."From this perspective, the development and growth of the BRICS countries will inevitably lead to suspicion from some Western countries.At the same time, the imbalance of international politics makes it difficult for the West to know what action the other party will do and what the purpose of these actions, and finally further exacerbate the anxiety of Western countries.In their eyes, the group rising of the BRICS countries not only erodes its vested interests, but also seek to expand the influence of the country in the middle.Confrontation and even want to defeat the G7 to build a new world order.

Therefore, the big and stronger of the BRICS countries will not be conducive to maximizing Western interests.Therefore, it is not difficult to find that the theory of "BRICS threats" and "BRICS fading theory" in the past periods are endless.Especially after the BRICS and its affiliated agencies put their expansion issues on the agenda, some media also tried to hype major differences inside the BRICS countries, trying to differentiate and weaken the influence of the BRICS countries in this way.

It is important to note that the reason why these western countries are afraid of the rise of the group of BRICS countries because they have gone through the rise of almost weak meat and strong food.However, the development of history is a process of spiral rising. It cannot simply apply the rise of the first country to the development process of the post -developing country.BRICS countries always want to establish a unique model of actively participating in global governance and steadily promoting the steady changes in world order.The reason is that the BRICS countries have a wide consensus on global development issues, and they are the foundation of the expansion and deepening of related cooperation.

At the same time, the issues that the BRICS countries are concerned about are also interested in other global southern countries. This provides convenience for subsequent expansion and various peripheral dialogue activities.For this issue, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov recently told Reuters that developing countries have a strong interest in the BRICS countries, showing that the organization "has huge potential, growing authority and importance".

More importantly, the attitude of the BRICS countries to the order of international political and economic order is not fully denied.From the perspective of the BRICS declaration, the United Nations has always emphasized the core role of the United Nations in the international system.This means the most basic world order framework for the BRICS countries has established since the World War II.What they emphasize is that with the development of the times and the changes in international forces, the international political and economic order should be appropriately adjusted.

In this regard, Kennis Krelmer, a President of South Africa, told Xinhua News Agency that the BRICS mechanism is inspiring more countries to come together to build a more fair and inclusive world order.From the perspective of the history of the development of the BRICS countries, the birth and development of its cooperation mechanisms is related to the 2008 World Financial Crisis, and some emerging market countries and developing countries want to hold a group heating, which is closely related to the crisis and challenges.

Therefore, the BRICS countries have more consensus on the issue of reforming the old political and economic order.For example, they always pay attention to the reform of the United Nations Security Council, the International Monetary Fund Organization and the World Bank voting rights reform, and set up new BRICS Development Banks to establish a new multilateral development bank model that is different from traditional multilateral development banks.

Specifically, the new developed banks dominated by developing countries and the core characteristics of developmental development. At the same time, it is also the first time that the international community has adopted a equal rights voting right distribution model and an international international on major issues.Financial organization.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended a senior representative meeting of the BRICS Safety Affairs in July this year. When he met with the South African Presidential Office, the BRICS mechanism was the most important cooperation in emerging markets and developing countries.The platform is in line with the trend of the times and conforms to the wishes of most countries.Obviously, the many achievements achieved by BRICS cooperation and the great development potential of the BRICS countries have largely boosted the confidence of BRICS cooperation in Southern countries around the world and allowed emerging market countries and developing countriesNot only will it obtain a cooperation platform that can promote South -South cooperation and help global governance, but also allow these countries to see a new possibility of world order that is more inclined to pay attention to the development of most countries.

It is necessary to point out that practicing "true multilateralism" is not the same as emphasizing the diversity of the BRICS members and the diversity of membership schemes.In the past, BRICS cooperation emphasized the principles of the five countries. This principle can better strengthen the recognition and sense of belonging of the organization when the number of members is small and stable, and helps cooperate with consensus to take root.After the BRICS expansion, the successful implementation of the consistent principle must be taken into account the wishes of more countries. The BRICS countries will face severe management issues, and even try their best to prevent cooperation from being "dilemma of collective action".

Brazilian President Lula uses the story of "Babel Tower" in the Bible, emphasizing that BRICS expansion must comply with the corresponding process specifications, and new members should also meet specific conditions to avoid the "Babel Tower" of the brick "Babel Tower".EssenceTherefore, how to meet the internal differences in the future, avoiding a contradiction between a member of a member country or among some member states, and affecting the overall cooperation, it will become a major issue that cannot be ignored.In this process, the BRICS countries need to find the largest number of cooperation as much as possible.

The author is an assistant researcher at Chengdu Sendong Research Institute