Source: Beijing Business Daily

Author: Li Haiyan

Since the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Finance Supervision and Administration clarified the first set of housing loan standards and adjustments in the stock, commercial banks have successively made their voice and will carry out the adjustment of the interest rate of the first housing commercial personal housing loan as soon as possible.The institution has successively disclosed the lower limit of the housing loan interest rate policy in the past few years, and details of the progress, methods, and conditions of the interest rate adjustment of the stock loan are gradually emerging.

What impact will a series of policies "combined fist" on the "unreasonable lending" of the stock loan interest rate will have on both parties?Which group of groups can enjoy policy dividends?When will the interest rate down be the fastest?On September 3, a reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily learned that the banking policy and interviewed the industry experts learned more about the details of the adjustment of the interest rate adjustment of the mortgage mortgage.

The lower limit of the lower path is clear

Adjust the design of the top -level of the interest rate of the stock loan. Recently, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Finance and Administration issued a notice on reducing the issue of the first set of housing loan interest rates (hereinafter referred toThe borrower of the first house of commercial personal housing loans may submit an application for adjustment interest rates to the loan financial institution.

There are two ways to reduce the interest rate of the first set of housing loans in stock. One is to issue loans for new loans, and the other is to negotiate the change of contract interest rates.The relevant person in charge of the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Finance and Administration said that the specific interest rate adjustment is determined by the borrowing and loans, but the adjusted interest rate cannot be lower than the lower limit of the interest rate policy of the city's first housing loan in the city when the original loan is issued.

Shortly after the notification was released, state -owned banks, joint -stock banks, urban commercial banks, rural commercial banks, etc. have issued announcements to respond to the formulation of specific implementation rules and carry out the adjustment of the interest rate of the first housing commercial personal housing loan as soon as possible.Some banks also took the lead in clarifying the main adjustment methods in the future.When ICBC answers common questions in stock mortgage adjustments, there is no obvious difference between the two methods adjustment results. Considering the convenience of customer operation, the bank mainly adopts the change of contract interest rates.

"Whether it is a new loan replacing the original loan or directly adjusting the contract interest rate, it is determined by the commercial bank and the borrower independently." Zhou Yinqin, a senior financial policy supervision expertThe lower limit regulations are not to compare the loan interest rate at the time of the initial mortgage incident with the current period interest rate, but to compare the lower limit of the mortgage interest rate when the loan is issued.

Taking the Beijing area as an example, according to the announcement of the Beijing Branch of the People's Bank of China, since October 2019, the lower limit of the loan market quotation interest rate (LPR)+55 BP (LPR)+55 BP (LPR) of the first commercial personal housing loan rate in BeijingBase point), if the customer's previous loan mortgage interest rate is higher than that of "LPR+55bp", there will be time to reduce space. If it is equal to or lower, there is no adjustment of adjustment.

Zhou Yinqin said, "From the perspective of the past practical level, there is little room for decline in first -tier cities, and there is still a certain amount of profit space in second- and third -tier cities."

What kind of people are interest rate adjustment to benefit from

Recently, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places have officially announced the implementation of "non -recognition of housing" (that is, the residents' unpaid houses are implemented in accordance with the first house interest rate in the first house), which also means that the first house of the first house isThe scope of identification is expanded, and the interest rate of the stock loan will be reduced may benefit more groups.

Dong Ximiao, chief researcher at Zhaochao, said that in addition to before August 31, financial institutions have issued or have signed a contract but the first mortgage borrower can apply directly, and the borrower sells the original two housesA set of houses can also be applied for only one house. At the same time, as the "non -recognition of house recognition" policy has been implemented in many places, some of them have been identified as two suits in the past, but after the implementation of the "house recognition" policy can be implementedThe borrower of the first house can also be applied for downgrade.

Beijing Commercial Daily reporter noticed that when ICBC has answered the common questions in the stock loan adjustment, it is clear that before August 2023, the existing mortgage shall be issued in accordance with the second home loan interest rate policy. As long as the preliminary judgment of the current urban policy,It meets the conditions for adjustment of the interest rate of the stock mortgage. The borrower can prepare relevant evidence materials in advance and submit the application for subsequent submissions.

Many borrowers have previously applied for a mortgage by provident fund loan. So, can the interest rate adjustment of the stock mortgage benefit from the people who apply for the provident fund loan?CITIC Securities Chief Economist clearly said that the current policy is only for the commercial personal housing loans of stocks, the provident fund loan and the provident fund loan in the provident fund loan and portfolio loans are not within the scope of adjustment.Under the circumstances, applying for interest rates separately.

It is expected to usher in the substantial downgrade in October

It is understood that the adjustment policy of the first set of housing loan interest rates on the stock will be officially implemented on September 25. Before September 25, banks can make amendments to the preparation of contract texts, renovation and adjustment systems, identifying customers who meet standards, and other preparations.As soon as possible, the borrower will announce the processing process and the application materials that need to be prepared.

For banks, how to adjust the interest rate of stock loan to take care of the "policy of urban", fairness, and their own profits are key issues that need to be considered.In an interview with a reporter from the Beijing Commercial Daily, the relevant person in charge of a bank said that the bank's loan interest rate will be adjusted, and the bank will have a large number of procedures to handle it, re -calculate interest rates, repay the amount, and sign the contract.In terms of interest margins and profits, it is recommended that the national interest rate subsidy or other similar monetary policy and fiscal policy tools can be promulgated.

"The total amount of stock loans is about 39 trillion yuan (RMB, S $ 7 trillion), and the large -scale centralized adjustment like this time can indeed be said to be unprecedented."In terms of, the entire banking industry has now entered a stage of high -quality development from a high -speed development stage. The difference in interest differences has narrowed the level of the convergence. The bank's own profit growth is facing a lot of pressure. In this caseIt is indeed difficult.On the other hand, from the perspective of adjustment itself, the situation is more complicated because it involves different periods, different regions and different people.In recent years, the mortgage policy has been adjusted frequently, and interest rate policies have different interest rates in different periods.At the same time, due to urban policies, the interest rates have different interest rates, and the mortgage interest rates for different groups of people are not exactly the same.How to adjust under the principles of market and rule of law, and how to take into account the authority and fairness of policies, these need to be considered in overall planning, and it is difficult to "one -size -fits -all" operation.

However, the adjustment of the interest rate of stock loans can also reduce the amount of early repayment to a certain extent, and enhance the viscosity of customers. Under the guidance of policy, various banks are also stealing the specific implementation rules and studying specific plans.

It is clearly pointed out that the implementation of the specific plan is expected to be "policy of the city", which may lead to inconsistent landing time and unevenness of loan interest rate declines.Relevant regulatory authorities can introduce differentiated policies for different banks after comprehensively examining the level of interest margins and loan structures of various banks, and set different adjustments to various banks in accordance with factors such as profit levels and other banks to help banks in actual actual situations in actual situationsIn the operation, the unity of smooth transition, taking into account social responsibilities and its own operations.

According to the above policy, after September 25, the borrower may submit an application for adjusting the first mortgage interest rate of the stock to the bank.Dong Ximiao believes that before the borrower negotiates with the bank and the loan contract is changed, the repayment of the loan will still be handled in accordance with the original contract. It is expected that starting from October as soon as October, the first mortgage interest rate in the stock can be substantially lowered.The borrower needs to note that the adjustment of the interest rate of the first set of mortgages in stock is the "big gift package" issued by the financial management department and the bank to the borrower together. The borrower can directly find the bank to communicate and negotiate.Consumer loans are "replaced" mortgage, which is neither cost -effective nor compliant.