Source: Ming Pao

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imlan Khan was sentenced to three years of imprisonment for three years and was arrested for three years of corruption yesterday (5th). The judgment would make him unable to participate in the upcoming Congress election.Imlan Khan was accused of falsely reporting and concealing the sale of gifts such as 140 million Pakistan rupees and other gifts such as Pakistan Ruddy Watch during the overseas visits from 2018 to 2022. He called on supporters to protest peaceful demonstrations.

Diravar, judge of the Court of Islamic District Courts, ruled that IMRAN Khan explained that he was deceived when he obtained the gift from the national gift storage department "Toshacana".Its "dishonesty is undoubted."Emran Khan's crime of control involved 140 million Pakistan rupees.Judging said that Emran Khan was "crime of voluntary and intentional concealment of the interests accumulated from the Treasury, committed corruption", sentenced him to three years, and fined 100,000 Pakistan rupees.

It was accused of explaining the gifts of 3.9 million involved in the collection of gifts

According to the constitutional terms, Emran Khan's technology will be banned from serving as a public office in the next five years.The current Prime Minister Charpz has proposed to dissolve the parliament on Wednesday, but the Minister of Justice Talla told the local media that the next round of elections will adopt a new census statistics, but the census may take about 4 months, and the election may be postponed.

Imlan Khan did not appear in court yesterday. As soon as he was sentenced, he was arrested in the apartment in the Punja province in the East and was escorted to the capital Islamabad. According to the arrest order, he would eventually be sent to the adjacent to IslamabadA prison in Lawalpin served a sentence.Imlan Khan's legal team stated that he would file a real -time appeal, and criticized that he had not received opportunities and time to arrange witnesses during the interrogation, and sorted out the defense argument.

Police on the door to pull people to the capital

The 70 -year -old Imlan Khanyuan was a cricket star. In 2018, Gao Minwang served as the Prime Minister. He was later accused of disagree with the military who had real power.Volume more than 200 lawsuits.Imlan Khan's allegations involving political motivation to prevent him and his leaders from challenging the fragile Charpz co -government.The Minister of Information of the Charpaz government, Old, emphasized that the arrest of Imlan Khan is in line with legal procedures and has nothing to do with the election.

PTI released the video before the arrest of Imlan Khan was arrested yesterday, the latter showed that he had expected that he would be arrested and called on supporters to "don't sit at home."The future of your children will fight. "In May of this year, Emran Khan was arrested because he did not appear in court in another case, triggering large -scale demonstrations in many places, and thousands of people were arrested.A PTI party staff said yesterday that when Imlan Khan was not at the time, the party will temporarily lead the vice chairman Kuriich.