Premier Li Xianlong issued a statement in Congress last week to publicly explain the The extramarital affairs of the former Speaker and Members , alsoThere are Minister of Communications was arrested and investigated by the Corruption Investigation Bureau .Yi Huaren also feels Many people feel like me.

8500 yuan a month is high for most Singaporeans. This is much higher than Singapore's monthly salary at 5070 yuan in 2022. In other words, this is the monthly salary of more than half of the employment.Recently, everyone is talking about political perception. Why should politicians such as the prime ministers take the initiative to ask a matter that will definitely deduct politics?

Under the question of why Prime Minister's question, before no one asked, before the active disclosure of 8,500 yuan, let us review the processing methods of the series of political scandals in the past two weeks.It was announced instead of passively reacted after the incident broke out.

I don't believe that politicians do not do political calculations. In this era, paper bags can't hold the fire. Do you want to burn the front face in the paper and then extinguish the fire?Still waiting for the paper to burn into the gray, and then look down on the steps?To deal with and face it at a time point, the test should not only be the wisdom of political abacus, but also to show some political style.

We are not talking about ordinary political figures, but the political leaders who have to last.It's your call response, even if you must make a decision for individuals for some personal reasons, the leader must support this decision in principle without being outside.

How much weight does a political system be put on the leader, and in the end, who will supervise the system and leader?This is an ancient problem.

"QUIS Custodiet IPSOS Custodes?", This proverb is from the famous Roman satire poet Juvenal. He lives around 500 AD. He is a pessimist.This sentence is often seen as challenges and doubts about the ideal political system proposed by Socrates and Plato.

Socrates and Plato live in the space -time space and space of nearly 1,000 years earlier than Yivanalis. They think that under the ideal governance structure, they should choose the most rational virtue as the rulers.Memory, bravery and generosity.Because of the limitations of these two Dazhe, they advocate elite management.

Dangdang learning and rationality are no longer the privilege of nobles, and society will naturally ask the rules of the same person rather than God, "you have the right to control me, whoever cares about you", so people may not knowWho is Lis, but more people agree with "who will supervise the supervisor", this question of power.

Questions are necessary, it allows institutional designers to review the vulnerabilities in the system, and then repair and optimize this system.The Corruption Investigation Bureau reported to the Prime Minister that if the Prime Minister did not let them investigate, the director could go directly to the president. This is a dual guarantee system.If the president also misjudges and let the corruption problem escape from the French Open, it should be the limit of human nature governance, and in the end, it can still be handled through democratic elections.

"Who will supervise the supervisor" has been questioning for thousands of years, because there is no standard answer.If the leader does not book a system that can be restrained, it will cause the society to fall into an endless vortex and eventually become nothing.Therefore, when the parliamentarians repeatedly asked, when the Director of the Corruption Investigation Board reported to who the Board of Investigation, the Prime Minister answered it very much, and said annoyedly, "I can't ask God!"

He even responded to the critic of the opponent for a long time to criticize the ruling party's "Ownself Check Ownself". He believed that he could discover problems and check himself by himself. This was a moral courage.

These seemingly abstract concepts finally depend on a human nature of human nature -integrity.A reasonable and righteous world must be controlled by rationality. It is rationally existed in human consciousness, knowledge and knowledge. When learning and knowledge are no longer monopolized by a certain class, the quality of identifying the quality of leadership is integrity.

Every political figure must believe in them. We listen to their words, watch it, and when encountering public interests, the performance of integrity from three cases:

The first case: If you don't know, you don't say it.This is the common sense of people. People always hope that small things will not be. If they are resolved in the end, they will not damage the public interest. Although they are not frank, they will not be unbelievable.

The second situation: You don't know yet, you take the initiative.It will be driven by moral conscience to a certain extent.Of course, you may be afraid not to say it now, and you will face more serious consequences in the future, but there is self -discipline and self -introspection.

Third situation: Everyone knows, you don't say it yet.I can only say that this is the ostrich mentality of escaping, without the courage to face honesty, and honesty?

The leaders of the Workers' Party dealt with extramarital affairs this time reminded me of Liu Chengqiang's "co -pilot" saying that he believes that Singapore needs co -driving. He slapped him when the driver drove recklessly or do not sleep, let him return to the right track.Workers' leaders received reports from the Bei Lian driver. If they seize the opportunity to find out the truth and remind them early, today they may not lose their two political stars in the party at the same time.

The Workers' Party retrieves the original track.

Whether it is the ruling party or the opposition party, the disadvantages of the opponent are beneficial to myself in a short time, but I hope that Singapore will not fall into the dilemma that can only be selected in bad apples.We cannot accept that as long as your political opponent is not worth trust than you, then you can be elected even if you are not worth trust.

I recently watched the past interview with the founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao. After the 2006 election, the interview with Taiwan World Magazine wrote a report, "Once the person who condoned dishonest people is in charge, the country is over!", And the interview is in the interview.He said: "I still think election is a good thing, because everyone cannot predict the results of the election, and there are always accidents. This year's accident is the votes of the Workers' Party. They will be larger, more clean and powerful in the future.At that time, we (the ruling party) will fight with them again, because we will not stagnate, we will still maintain integrity, maintain the effectiveness of governance, recruit stronger party members, and fight with them! "

After reading the visit of that year, I understand why the Prime Minister took the initiative to disclose that Yi Huaren still received the monthly salary of 8,500. This is his judgment as the "boss" of the cabinet.Persist in integrityIt is more important than 8500 yuan.

If you need to pay political costs for this, it is the tuition fee for the next generation of leaders.