August 9th on Wednesday is Singapore's 58th birthday.

To commemorate the late Birthday of the late founding of the founding founding, Singapore's smart cultural and creative published by Singapore has existed 100 years later?Essence

The title of this book proposes a highly associative problem, with too long years of span, and there are too many uncertain factors.Vice Premier and Minister of Economic Policy Wang Ruijie pointed out at the ceremony of the release of the new book that it is necessary to continue to survive and prosper after 100 years. Regardless of the diplomacy, public policy, or business field, the government must fully maintain entrepreneurship and innovation spirit.

But all of this must be based on the most basic premise, that is, Singapore must be capable of continuously defending territories and protecting the freedom and rights of the country.

Lianhe Morning Post interviewed a third -level Cantavat third -level master who was serving in the national./Story20230729-1418749 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Volunteer Extension of the Services Three months .Some people may question that there are not many young people like him.

But there are indeed many national service officers. After completing the 10 -year return training obligations, they continue to be extended. Even after 50 years of legal age, they still voluntarily stay in service.

In fact, the combatant soldiers are the cornerstone of the Singapore armed forces. Once mobilized, most of the armed forces's combat power must be supported by national service soldiers.

The national service is actually the internationally -called Conscripting system.After the Cold War, some European countries believed that the recruitment system was unnecessary and abolished in the past 20 years.

However, since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, some European countries have begun to discuss the possibility of re -implementing the recruitment system.However, such as Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy have canceled the recruitment system. If you want to recover, it will have a great impact on society and the economy, and even pay a huge political price.Romania and Sweden encountered a lot of resistance when they re -started the recruitment system.

Ukraine is fortunate that shortly after Crimea was occupied by Russia, the recruitment system was re -implemented in 2014, otherwise the situation of the Russian and Ukraine War today will be very different.

Latvia, one of the Baltic countries, after abolishing the recruitment system, now seeing the situation of Ukraine, and in a hurry to restart the recruitment system.

Southeast Asia in Singapore is of course different from Europe.However, it is undeniable that, in terms of the development speed and population structure of Singapore, there is indeed a hidden concern for his sin.So we do not have the capital to abolish the recruitment system like some European countries.

Every year on National Day, we cannot show up with advanced weapon systems such as fighters, tanks, and grenades, and a series of sea, land and air mobile performances.In addition to letting the Chinese people feel full of eyes, they also remind outsiders that Singapore is not easy to mess with, don't act lightly.

However, no matter how good the equipment is, someone must handle it.The decline in fertility and the problem of declining childization is the facts and limitations we cannot face.The armed forces can introduce more efficient instruments as much as possible to reduce the needs of operators, but after all, they rely on people.

When the national service began to be implemented in 1967, he encountered many resistance from all walks of life, and has now been recognized by society.Over the years, the service period has been shortened from two and a half years to two years in 2004, and other policies have maintained a high degree of consistent.

The length of service is easy to reduce and difficult to increase. Once shortened, it will be doubled in the future.There are examples of Taiwan in front of them. Its compulsory military service gradually shortened from the initial two to three years to one year, and finally decreased to four months.However, due to the impact of external environment, it will be extended to one year next year, and the people's resistance will be imagined.

The national service system is Singapore's very valuable asset.The Singapore Policy Research Institute's investigation of about 1,000 Singapore citizens and permanent residents found that 93%of the interviewed people supported for compulsory national service.This is a high degree of support for a country that faces the threat of obvious war and is another record that the armed forces have worked hard for many years.

Of course, many people say that only when facing war can it really test the effectiveness of national service.However, in recent years, the security work that prevent terrorist attacks, the tracking and isolation tasks of the epidemic of Shas and the crown disease, and the huge projects that prepare for the National Day celebration each year are part of the national service.

So when you watch the wonderful performance of the National Day celebrations in front of you or TV, don't forget to sacrifice for several weekend holidays and pay behind the scenes.

Does Singapore still exist after 100 years?This is Dasao asked, I just want to ask Xiaoyu: "After 10 or 20 years, when your son or grandson is going to be a soldier, do you still support the national service?"