Source: Beijing Business Daily

Author: Jin Chaoli, Lu Shanshan, Zhang Tianyuan

"Average selling more than 100,000 crayfish per day" is the "transcript" of the relevant person in charge of Hu Da on the sales of crayfish after the summer.However, while the crayfish returned to the top of the summer dining table, the price of "diving" also attracted attention, and many places appeared in a pound of crayfish.

What's wrong with the Chinese crayfish market?A reporter from the Beijing Commercial Daily interviewed farmers and circulating companies in the main production area and found that due to the weather+centralized listing+consumption+production capacity, the wholesale price of crayfish this year was 5 yuan cheaper than last year (the same below)/Jin, the price gap perceived by consumers is even worse.Behind this, there is also the influence of prefabricated capital capital.

Return to the dining table traffic king

The return of shrimp is returning.Recently, a reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily visited found that crayfish once again became the main product of many new products or menus in many catering companies. The multiple taste choices are still the key to the eye -catching of various stores.A restaurant operator told reporters that crayfish is a more popular item in summer, and the major catering stores will supply one after another when they are approaching summer.However, due to the serious homogeneity of crayfish products, it is generally attracted to consumers through low prices or innovative taste innovation.

According to Haidilao, this year Haidilao's crayfish has been listed earlier than previous years.A few days before the May 1st holiday, Haidilao ’s nationwide stores began to launch crayfish products one after another. The online channels such as membership malls were launched simultaneously three flavors: spicy, garlic, and thirteen incense.The relevant person in charge of Haidilao also said that since its launch, sales of crayfish in Haidilao have risen all the way, and the current sales have reached twice as much as they are. I believe that the sales will continue to rise with the arrival of the summer supper.

In addition, some stores in Yixu Shouxi also have new crayfish products. You can choose to dip in garlic sauce or pepper.The old Beijing copper hot pot also announced the return of crayfish before, using the blue copper pot of Jingtai as a container, including spicy, oil, thirteen incense, and garlic.

Hu Da Restaurant, as a Beijing crayfish business card brand, ushered in the peak sales season.Zhang Shengtao, director of the operation of Beijing Hu Da Catering, said that after the summer, Hu Da ushered in the peak season of crayfish sales, selling more than 100,000 crayfish per day.Hu Da Restaurant will launch new products and new flavors according to the season and twenty -four solar terms.

In recent years, the "freedom" of crayfish has continued to rise, which is mainly due to the improvement and rapid development of the industrial structure.

According to incomplete statistics, in 2022, the total area of Chinese crayfish breeding was about 28 million acres, the total breeding output was about 3 million tons, and the output value was about 90 billion yuan.At the same time, there are more and more stores selling crayfish.According to the data provided by the China Aquatic Products and Processing Association, there are about 40,000 crayfish professional stores in China. In 2022, the output value of crayfish catering was about 312.2 billion yuan, an increase of 9.18 billion yuan over the previous year, an increase of 3%year -on -year.In addition to fresh lobster, crayfish products of various flavors such as lobster tails, whole shrimp, and crayfish noodles are endless.

The price is 5 yuan/jin cheaper than last year

Recently, it is reported that the price of crayfish in many places is also almost cut.Some consumers said on social platforms that "no rumors are, this year is really cheap", and it is equipped with a screenshot of "Xiaoqing 90 yuan 10 pounds".It is understood that "Xiaoqing" generally refers to crayfish with a weight of 2-4 money.

"4-6 money (20-30 grams)/The wholesale price of crayfish is now an average of 10-15 yuan/catties, 7-9 money (35-45 grams)/Curland's wholesale price is 18 -23 yuan. "Chen Qiankun, chairman of Nanjing Cloud Crab Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as" Nanjing Cloud Crab "), told the Beijing Business Daily reporter that when selling, add transportation costs and lobster casualties. It will be 5 yuan taller.In addition, in addition to the specifications, it depends on the gender. For the case of 7-9 cents/piece, the male and female mix and match are 23 yuan/jin, pure male shrimp 19 yuan/jin, and 28 yuan/jin of mother shrimp.

"On the whole, this year's wholesale price of crayfish is 5 yuan/catties cheaper than last year." Chen Qiankun said that the current price has risen to a part, and it has been falling before, especially from May 15th to 20th-20 On the day, the price fell almost at the bottom. The average price of 4-6 cents/piece of crayfish was 6-7 yuan/catties, and the lowest time last year was at 10.5 yuan/jin.

Nanjing Cloud Crab is a supply chain company founded by Chen Qiankun in 2018. From Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu and other places wholesale hairy crabs, crayfish, and then through online e -commerce, group purchase, and offline to restaurantsMethod for sales.Because I have just entered the crayfish industry, the daily wholesale volume of Nanjing Cloud Crab this year is 10,000 kg/day, which is very small compared to the heading companies in the same industry, but it has already doubled a few more than the 3,000 catties/day at the beginning of last year. Essence

Talking about the reasons for the recent decline in the price of crayfish, he said that on the one hand, it is a decline in price declines that are listed on the market in May and more than the price.On the other hand, the consumption of meat in high temperatures has also declined. Both ends are superimposed, and the price of crayfish is not high every year.

On the farming end, Wang Jiangxiong, a big family of Anhui crayfish breeding, also told the Beijing Business Daily that the price of crayfish will be reduced in May of almost every year.In the early days, retail investors with a large area of rice and shrimp breeding models have to grow rice with the temperature increased by the temperature, and the price must be concentrated, and the price drops. "

On the sales side, the person in charge of Hema said that after the "May 1st" holiday, the price of crayfish began to decline.Before the May 1st Festival, the catering market demanded a strong demand for crayfish, but at that time, the production of crayfish was low, which led to the high price of crayfish before the festival, which was about 25%-35%compared to previous years.After the festival, as the output of crayfish rose, the price began to decline. At present, the price of 4-6 money has fallen to 13-14 yuan/jin, and 6-8 money fell to 21 yuan/catties, which was almost the same as the same period last year.

One place after cooling the prefattlement

In addition to seasonal reasons, Chen Qiankun mentioned that the main reason for this year's price is lower than last year's expansion of production capacity. "I roughly estimate that the capacity of crayfish this year is about 30%more than last year."

A reporter from the Beijing Commercial Daily found that the development of the agricultural development industry fluctuated obviously, the market was good, and the market was slow when the market was poor.In 2022, it can be regarded as the "big year" of the crayfish industry. The large market demand has led to a rise in prices. Currency farmers have expanded their capacity. Many farmers who originally raised hairy crabs also switched to raising crayfish.

"One of the main drivers to promote the rising price of crayfish last year is the entry of prefabricated capital capital." Chen Qiankun said.

The three years of the epidemic is also three years of booming in the prefabricated vegetable industry. The offline food and drink stores are closed. Most consumers can only shop online. Prefabricated vegetable capital has accurately accurately this opportunity and has made a big place to the water industry.Change, sauerkraut fish, sashimi, seasoning fish, spicy shrimp tail, drunk crab ... Almost every aquatic product has added a prefabricated army.

The research report of the prefabricated vegetable industry in 2022 shows that during the "Double 11" period in 2022, prefabricated dishes became the sales explosion of major platforms, including semi -finished vegetables and fast food, which increased by about double the year -on -year increase.Ding Dong ’s buying food has launched fast -handed vegetables mainly based on its own brand products in early 2022. In less than a year, it has sold more than 100 million copies.Convenient, fast, many categories, and good tastes accurately seized the "pain points" of modern busy urban people's meals, and opened the wide space of prefabricated dishes.In 2021, the size of China's prefabricated vegetable space was about 345.9 billion yuan, an increase of 18.1%year -on -year. In the industry's expectations at that time, the Chinese prefabrication industry in the next three to five years is expected to become the next trillion catering market.


Capital is always speculative. After the epidemic control is fully liberalized, the advantage of the prefabricated dishes has retreated at the beginning of the birth of the dishes, and the capital is also retreating.Chen Qiankun said that last year, the prefabricated vegetable company acquired shrimp tails to make lobster prefabricated dishes. Now there are very few people who eat prefabricated vegetables after letting go, especially the food atmosphere of crayfish was originally a three or two friends drinking beer together at night and eating small small friends at night.Lobster and chat, there are fewer prefabricated markets.The sharp decline in the demand for prefabricated dishes has also become one of the main reasons for the price reduction of crayfish in the year.

It is expected to start up a week

Chen Qiankun is still optimistic about the follow -up trend of the crayfish market. "It is expected that it will start to rise in one week. By August 20, the wholesale price may reach the highest price of 130 yuan/jin."

His expectation comes from the grasp of the launch time of crayfish in various production areas in China.The general listing time of the various production areas of Chinese crayfish is listed in Guangxi and Yunnan from south to north, respectively, and Hunan and Hubei were listed in April. Jiangxi was listed in May. Anhui was listed in June., August and September.Some farmers may raise crayfish in two seasons and three seasons. Most of the self -produced crayfish companies tend to raise one season. When they do not raise shrimp, they plant rice and improve their ability to resist risks.

"In August, the number of crayfish on the market will be much less, and the price of crayfish will reach the highest point at that time." Chen Qiankun said that after the launch of the Mid -Autumn Festival and the National Day hairy crabs, crayfishThe price of the price will begin to decline violently.However, according to his experience, this year's hairy crabs may be delayed as last year as last year. "Many lakes in the south have no water this year.It was also dried up and lacking water. A few days ago, the local area was tuned from the Lake of Gucheng to Shijiu Lake. It is now short of water. The temperature in the summer is higher, and the local ponds may not have enough water sources. "

For the overall breeding of crayfish next year, Chen Qiankun said that there will be a certain reduction in production, but the speed will not be fast."Agricultural enterprises' resistance to risks is much weaker than industrial enterprises, and products cannot be excessively accumulated. There will be problems with a market -wide capital chain. Small and micro enterprises will be closed down.Quickly, after all, you invest in so much capital in the early stage, and everyone will not give up too easily. "

According to the observation of a reporter from the Beijing Commercial Daily, the problem of slow production capacity is also common in other industries in agriculture.It is impossible to leave immediately.

As a company that has just entered the crayfish industry, the supply chain business has received relatively few impacts. Chen Qiankun is still very optimistic about the future of the entire industry., Eat crayfish and chat?