Source: WeChat account "Make up one knife"

"A few years ago, I went to Washington to participate in a think tank event, and there were only 50 or 60 people who participated in the conference, but Kissinger came for half an hour that night.The unreasonable congestion scene is comparable to Beijing's most crowded buses. "

This is the first association of Kissinger, a research expert in an American issue.

In the words, I can already feel that Kissinger's position in the United States is extraordinary.

In China, Kissinger is well known for promoting the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and has always been regarded as an old friend and good friend of the Chinese people.

May 27th is Kissinger's 100th birthday.

Hundred years old, but he is still in mind Sino -US relations and provides suggestions for the relationship between the two countries from time to time.

The current Sino -US relations are constantly, where will it go in the future?

Maybe it's time to stop and see the self -witnesses and witnesses of Sino -US relations, listen to his thoughts.

It's time for us to learn more about this diplomat who participated in the new era of Sino -US relations, reflect on Sino -US relations, draw his wisdom, and push Sino -US relations to a healthier development track.

Kindinger, who understands as a diplomat and politician, I think more importantly to see how personal experience has shaped him.

In 1923, Kissinger was born in a Jewish family in Bavaria, Germany.In the first 15 years in his life, he witnessed the rise of the Nazi regime.

As a Jews from Nazi Germany, he suffered huge suffering and lost 13 family members and countless friends in the massacre.

In 1938, his family fled to the United States under the Nazi rule.

Perhaps this past made him witness that if the international structure of peace and justice is lacking, what extent can humans sink to.

Growing up in New York after Kissinger.It is said that in his youth, he was very shy and rarely spoke.

After becoming a U.S. citizen, he enlisted in the army in 1943. During World War II, he returned to the motherland and Germany as a American soldier to engage in anti -spy work for the US military.

After returning to the United States, he studied political science at Harvard University with a scholarship and received a doctorate in 1954.Later, he taught in Harvard and became a well -known expert in the international political field.

In 1969, Kissinger was hired by President Nixon as the director of the National Security Council.

In 1973, Nixon appointed him as Secretary of State, and he has been working until the end of Ford's presidency in January 1977.

This life experience sounds a bit like a model of "successful stories" in the United States.

This does not seem difficult to understand that he is known as realism and worships the United States in a nearly emotional way.Regarding this country that adopts him, he once wrote: "I can't find the same generous spirit and no malicious things anywhere in anywhere."

I don't know if it was Nazi Germany's childhood experience and his adult belief in the "American Dream" created his firm realist concept.

As a diplomat and politician, Kissinger has a wide range of heritage and controversial, and his evaluation of him is mixed, but his impact on the global geopolitical world's geopolitics in the modern world is beyond doubt.

During the Vietnam crisis, he helms the US foreign policy and participated in the development of different countries and regions including the Middle East, China, Russia, Chile, and even the early 1990s.

How to evaluate his legacy, the benevolent sees the benevolent, only a few perspectives here.

First of all, the old gentleman is obviously confident in his influence.

Look at his son's evaluation of his father.

"Another secret that my father is perseverance is his sense of mission. Although he is ironic as a cold realist, he is not cold and ruthless.Believe it. "

"I know that no son can really objectively treat his father's legacy, but I am proud of my father's efforts to support national policies with the principles of consistently and the understanding of historical reality."

His critics believe that he is a power and politician who ignores morality. As long as he meets his interests, he will also support the dictator.

Their examples include:

During the Vietnam War in 1968, Kissinger allegedly prevented a nearly reached peace agreement to help Nixon win.

In 1973, Kissinger was allegedly involved in the bloody coup of Chilean General Pinoches to the National Presidential President.

In 1975, supported Indonesia's bloody invasion against East Timor ...

For many supporters, Kissinger is considered a diplomacy.

He worn a needle -needle leader in a secret negotiation with the former Soviet Union and successfully achieved the first round of strategic weapons negotiation (SAL I).In addition, from 1973 to 1974, he also mediation also mediated the end of the Fourth Middle East War.

As a diplomat and politician, the national interests are first, it seems understandable.

Acting in the process of moral ethics is destroyed. Many times, it seems to be understandable but unacceptable, and it is inevitable to be criticized.

Among the many diplomatic achievements of Kissinger, the Chinese people are familiar with the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.

In 1971, Kissinger conducted a secret visit to China and met with the then Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai to prepare for Nixon's visit to China in the next year.China and the United States were officially established on January 1, 1979.

Some people say that at that time, the opportunity to establish diplomatic relations between China and the United States at that time, there were other people without Kissinger. He just pushed this matter forward, and he should not excessively enlarge the role of individuals in historical events.

The current situation is a hero or a hero. Everyone has their own opinions. Only a few perspectives are provided for reference.

First look at the official positioning.

At the "Kissinger and the United States and China Relations" seminar in 2022, Wang Yi said: "Half a century ago, Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai and President Nixon, Dr. Kissinger, and other older and American leaders, suchWith extraordinary vision, political courage, and diplomatic wisdom, it broke the absolute anti -ice ice between the two countries, realized the "handshake across the Pacific" that shocked the world, and opened a new chapter in Sino -US relations. "

First of all, the "Kissinger and the United States and China Relations" seminar was organized by the Chinese People's Foreign Affairs Society on the occasion of Kissinger's 99th birthday. Looking back on Kissinger's positive efforts to promote the development of Sino -US relations.

Kissinger ’s birthday, Chinese official agencies have held seminars. I think it is enough to reflect China’ s sense of contribution to Kissinger for Sino -US relations.

At the same time, look at Wang Yi's words at the same time, the older generation of Chinese and American leaders "extraordinary vision, political courage, and diplomatic wisdom", and the emotional emotions do not need to be repeated.

U.S. issue research expert Lu Xiang believes that in terms of thought, Kissinger can be said to be the founder of Sino -US relations.Because the Nixon government can reverse the relationship with China, behind the strategic thinking is playing.

The most important proposal of this big strategy or the thought is Kissinger.In other words, Kissinger's thought was reused by Nixon, so he created itSino -US relations.

This is not a simple matter.

Nixon actually broke the convention of routinely using State Secretary of State to arrange major diplomatic contact. Kissinger, then a national security adviser, visited China secretly.

This is actually throwing the entire State Council aside and shaking the restrictions of the bureaucratic mechanism.It is said that after Kissinger returned, the State Council did not know that he visited China, and China and the United States were able to reach a high tacit understanding.

When reviewing China and the United States to establish diplomatic relations, Kissinger's contribution in it, the author couldn't help feeling a lot.As Wang Yi said, the older generation of Chinese and American leaders promoted this matter with extraordinary vision, political courage, and diplomatic wisdom.

Who can foresee that the relationship between the two countries has dropped so today?

Former Armenia President recalled Kissinger, he said he was committed to understanding other countries as deep as possible -not only their politics, but also their culture and philosophy.

This makes him one of the few American politicians who can understand the fundamental difference between the West and the Chinese world view.

But how many people are really willing to understand China in the current American politicians and diplomats, as far as they are ideological, and look at China rationally and objectively?

In this regard, Lu Xiang believes that after Kissinger, it can be said that such politicians are no longer copying in the United States.

In fact, the U.S. ideological faults have appeared. At present, even those who are older in Biden are also educated after the Cold War. They are a set of curing education. The ideology is very heavy.

Of course, we cannot say that Kissinger is a threshold that is completely out of ideology, but for him, strategic thinking must be higher than ideological considerations.

Kissinger is known as one of the representatives of realism, not accidental.The essence of realism is a big strategy. It is neither the details of the details, nor is it restricted to the solidification of the ideological framework.

For the current Sino -US relations, Kissinger's thought can give a good reference.For example, the United States must realize that the current game is negative and game, and less than who lost, it is not just a zero -sum game.

In the end, it can only be a defeat.

A person's historical skills are free to comment with people.

But under the background of the great change in this era, the opportunity to borrow the 100th birthday of Kisinson is even more meaningful to think about what he has.

Kissinger's is valuable, especially today, probably can surpass values and the fetters of domestic politics, calmly and even coldly from the perspective of US national interests, and take realistic actions.

Sino -US relations go forward. I wonder if there is the next Kissinger?