It is called Thailand as a smile of a smile. This time before the Thai election, he interviewed the local election in depth, and deeply felt the courtesy and kindness of the Thais.

The incredible thing is that behind the smiles of the Thai people, there is a very profound political division, and conservatives and progressives have even reached the point where the other party cannot exist.

The origin of the conservatives and progressive disputes in Thailand must be traced back to Lama V, Julalongki, the middle of the 19th century.Julalong Gong is a small crown prince that the movie Anna and the king learned from the British tutor Anna.The contact with Anna and Western education promoted Julalong Gong to the throne to promote the modernization of Thailand (at the time).

Julalon has traveled to Singapore, Indonesia and India to understand and familiarize with the government management and operation models of these colonies in these colonies.When Julalong brought in Singapore in 1871, he sent an elephant sculpture to the British colonial government at the time.This statue is now outside the old Congress building.

Julalong Gong has also reached many European countries, establishing the reform and system of modern Thailand in his mind.Julalongkong's embrace of Western countries also became the tradition of the Thai royal family. After that, the princes were educated in Europe, and many were still born in Europe.Before the current Thai king, Wakara Longgong, who lived in Germany most of the time.

Julalong Gong also set up a national scholarship, allowing civilians to have the opportunity to study in Western countries, hoping that they will return to China to become the backbone of Thai reform.He also introduced Western legal systems, political systems, philosophical ideas, business operations, education and medicine, reforming government operations and military systems.Later, Lama VI and Lama VII, who were ascended to the throne.

Like many countries in history, the renewal campaign will always touch the vested interests, including the bottom line of the princes and nobles and the army generals. They consciously have weakened influence, and the benefits of enjoying must be shared with new elites.On the other hand, the newly -born elite groups in the society are always dissatisfied with the speed of reform and reform. They believe that vested interests hinder reform and are unwilling to surrender power.In the long run, the Restoration Movement will give birth to opposite conservatives and progressive clubs.

In 1932, Rama VII planned to draft the first constitution in Thailand, but the tension between factions had come to the extreme. In addition, the impact of the world's depression at that time, the progress was finally launched to allow Thailand to enter the constitutional monarchy.Thailand has also been trapped in conservatives and progressives to continue to compete for power, coup -election -coup.

Since Thailand does not really happen from the bottom -up people's revolution, it has never really established a set of social contracts based on democratic spirit.There are conservatives and professional soldiers in the army, so they tend to maintain democracy, but more often tend to maintain conservative forces.Although Thailand pursues the constitutional monarchy, due to the long -term fierce competition between conservatives and progressives, the royal family has become a backstage for the two factions to support support, and the royal family has occupied the high point of moral system.The late Thai king Pumeng has been in office for more than 70 years, and has established a huge influence.

It is believed that Thai society has never really supported democracy, because constitutional government, modern government operations, and legal systems were introduced by Julalong Gong. The constitutional revolution in 1932 was the result of the struggle between intellectuals and vested interests.Civilians in urban areas such as Bangkok, at best, are onlookers who have been forced to participate in the process of democracy.

In fact, the Thai party led by Daxin won the 2001 election in power with the so -called "populist policy", so that the vast Thai low -income farmers realized for the first time that they can also change the government and change themselves through votes.fate.From a certain perspective, these farmers are also bystanders who have been forced to participate in the process of democracy.

Although the evolution of time, these forced bystanders are getting larger and larger, and progressive supporting power is getting bigger and bigger, but the conservatives who really have power are really power.They form a symbiotic relationship with the nanny's army. As soon as the gun came out, the election government could only fall back.

After the army is working in politics, it will return to the people, and the progressive club will re -seize power through elections.At least in the past 20 years, Thailand has fallen into this vortex that you are competing for me and not abide by the rules of democratic game.Because one party does not comply with the rules of the game, the other party is naturally unwilling to keep the rules, so Thailand will not be able to get rid of the vicious circle of elections -coup -elections.

However, Thai society saw that in Southeast Asian neighbors Indonesia and the Philippines, as well as farther South Korea, soldiers have long become history. The soldiers returned to professional roles -warriors who defended their country and no longer did politics.More and more Thai people hope that the country can also get out of the strange circle and embark on the real democratic Kangzhuang Avenue.

Progressive clubs led by the party before, on May 14th, the national elections won voters commissioned, and controlled more than 60 % of the counters.However, whether the party leader of the party party can serve as the Prime Minister's cabinet, it is necessary to see the vote in the House members.Because of the constitution implemented by the military government in 2019, the power of the House of Lords decided to decide the power of the Prime Minister as the last line of defense for conservatives to maintain vested interests.The advanced party can be called the aggressive faction in the progressive group. If the pagoda can be appointed, the alliance led by the party can successfully organize the cabinet and complete the four -year term, and Thailand will take a big step on the road of democracy.