The basic meaning of the word

The word strategy means that planning for transactions is not limited to one thing, and considering the comprehensive connection and changes between various factors.Regarding strategic ability, China has a sentence very classic: those who do not seek for all generations are not enough to seek for a while; those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain.Jiang Zemin, the late state President of China, will mention this sentence from time to time.The meaning of this discourse is simple, but it is difficult to implement.Because the interests in front of the eyes are easy to observe a person, an organization, and even a country's global vision and long -term consideration.

The global perspective and long -term consideration of China's development should be at least covered with or responding to the three major themes: 1. The position of China now and the future global development system;IntersectionThird, the future of mankind and where should the future of the Chinese nation go, and what is the relationship between the two?If you cannot make a deep -seated plan for the cause and effect of these three issues, it will not be enough to talk about the country and the global strategy.

If China wants to deeply plan these three systematic development strategies, it is necessary to seriously think about and effectively deploy the healthy sustainable development relationship with the United States and Europe.

In any case, China's development cannot be separated from the real order, system, and rhythm of global development and change.Passive and passive.

China is currently not expected to leave the global basic system led by the United States and create a new system alone.Between China and the United States, the United States and Europe need the main market for China, and China and Europe are mainly technology. One of them needs each other, and the level of demand between the two is different.China's development and security optimization must fully consider various relationships with the United States and Europe, and carefully measure policies for Russia.

The originator of Chinese strategic thoughts (Guiguzi) wrote in Guiguzi Mou: "You can't survive death, you can't be safe." It means that once the country perish, it is difficult to revive;It's hard to stabilize.The situation facing Russia is not caused by foreign bullies due to the positive way. It is because of the danger and will decline.Faced with such a choice of the right and non -rising avenue, China must make comprehensive consideration: one is not afraid of beauty; the two do not have high expectations and "excessive" a personal and country that is wanted by the International Criminal Court and suspected of war;Those recognize the mainstream of the right path.

Simply sort out the origin and development path of China, the United States and Russia, and may find some deep -level understanding basis for development.In fact, in addition to the differences between ideology and overall strength between China and the United States, the concept of development and security concept is not obvious;

In the 1980s, China implemented a reform and opening up policy.In the new era, the development concept of development is poverty alleviation, science and education, market economy, rural rejuvenation, supply -side reform, Chinese manufacturing and intellectual manufacturing, and incorporate the common values of human beings such as democracy, freedom, and rule of law.China advocates a general concept of security, and has always adhered to the humanistic and political concepts that do not expand external aggression, and promote the construction of a new type of great power relationship and the community of human destiny.

The Russian country originates from the Principality of Moscow. It starts with military means and has opened the way with brutal aggression. Since the Life of Moscow Ivan I, to the modern national Soviet Union and today's Russia, the identity of the invaders has always been pasted on the Russian nation.I am ashamed, but I am proud, and is described as "fighting nation".

The American nation established the country independently from the British colonists. In history, the theoretical achievements of the political civilization generated by the Renaissance were the first to inherit and develop the theory of the Renaissance.EssenceThe first President Washington has created a precedent for the United States President's not serving as more than two sessions, laying a legal foundation for US politics's new error correction mechanism.

After the founding of the United States, developed the West, developed maritime trade, introduced Western European technology, and a large number of European talents poured into.In 1860, the GDP of the United States ranked fourth in the world.In April 1917, the United States abandoned neutrality by German submarine sinking ships, declared war on Germany, and then began to play a new role worldwide.After the First World War, the United States changed from a US $ 6 billion debt country to a US $ 10 billion debt country, becoming the richest country in the world.The outbreak of World War II, the United States is still neutral, because Japan attacked the Pearl Harbor to declare war on Japan and was involved in World War II.During the period, the United States advocated the establishment of the United Nations to coordinate the British and Soviet leaders to lead the World War II.After the war, NATO was dominated and invested more than $ 20 billion (including the Marshall Plan) to rebuild Europe, dragged down the Hua Treaty, and caused the Soviet Union to disintegrate.

In the 21st century, in the face of China's rise, the US strategy focuses on transferring from Europe to Asia Pacific.Obama proposed the "Asia -Pacific Balance" policy, Trump proposed the "Indo -Pacific Strategy", and Bayeng continued to promote the intensity of competitive strategy against China, establishing the US -Japan -India -Australian Safety Dialogue (QUAD) and the Aukus of the United States and Australia.The political, military and foreign cooperation mechanisms signed a series of bilateral and multilateral military alliances with Han, Japan, India and Australia to form a "Asian NATO" architecture.

The United States and Europe have influenced Russia's far -reaching influence

We can obtain basic understanding. The concept of security in the United States is a pursuit of global affairs and development concepts, and collaborate with its efficient, fast and sustainable national development goals.Russia's "development" view is based on the "security" view of the narrow ethnic "security" with military expansion and nuclear intimidation as the basic means. It is obviously short -sighted and unsustainable.The cognition and strategic ability of the United States and Russia in development, security and social values are clearly different, and the water and fire are incompatible.Once the historical opportunities are available, the two countries must be that you die.Washington will definitely not miss the historic gift of Putin's deliberately sending the Russian and Ukraine War.

If the US leadership defeats the Russian army military in NATO, it means that the US and European groups fundamentally defeat the basic "development" skills of the Russian nation at this stage, and will make the development direction of human global development, which will have a profound impact.Re -construction.

According to the leaders of EU member states, the United States and Europe have "very close to serious discussions and sent troops into Ukraine."The United States has at least triple benefits to Russia: 1. Obtained economic benefits, reconstruction of Ukraine after the war, and European energy and food demand;Future global governance system change dominance.

Russia's national credit and competitiveness have basically lost. The two most likely to occur in the future are: 1. Lost the permanent seat of the United Nations; second, in terms of political and economic development, it has long been attached to China for a long time.

In the next transformation of the era of global governance, it is likely to form such a situation: either in the United States, or the two poles of China and the United States.The global development situation has actually proposed a very realistic proposition to China: Is China ready for the future global governance system, responsible for the formation of self -roles in politics, economy, science and technology, and military in the formation of the Sino -US two poles?

On the one hand,

On the one hand, China is urgent to effectively improve the speed and quality of economic and scientific and technological development, and comprehensive national governance capabilities; on the other hand, it is facing serious restrictions on the domestic and international environment.China is still in a period of transition to deepen the construction of the governance system and the improvement of development capabilities. It is a key task to quickly promote and improve the national governance capabilities of the whole people.There are two development concepts that must be clarified correctly. This is "national interests first" and "people's interests first".The cover of "national interests first" is obviously more scientific, including mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and global friendly countries.

The development and security situation facing China in the new era requires a comprehensive and impartial talent strategic mechanism to allow every Chinese to have an equal opportunity to find the direction of struggle and to show their talents.China, it may be difficult to find a powerful enemy!

The author is a scholar of Beijing National Intellect