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In October 2022, under the Black Sea Grain Agreement, a number of vessels carrying cereals waited for the Bosptruz Strait in Istanbul, Turkey.(Reuters)
The outbreak of the

The Output of the Russian and Uchians has changed the world's geopolitical pattern, causing a serious and worsening global food crisis.As the saying goes, people are iron, rice is steel, and they are hungry without eating.The safety of food in a country depends on the ownership of grain and the acquisition of food.Under the world's multi -polarization and economic globalization mechanism, areas and countries where natural climate factors appear in grain shortage, most of the ways to obtain grain are unblocked.The emergence of serious global grain crisis and potential famine risks are geopolitical products in the context of globalization.

Humans have experienced many terrible famines in the 20th century, and the number of deaths caused by famine far exceeds the number of war deaths.Theoretically, when the famine erupted, global food production is still sufficient.Even with climate and economic factors, the decline in the overall output of food itself is not enough to trigger a food crisis.Popularians believe that the population of the earth will never exceed 11 billion. Theoretically, the number of foods worldwide can provide far more than demand. For all 11 billion people, food production is sufficient.The main factor of food safety is: food transactions, especially between regions with output surplus and insufficient output, transactions can adjust food supply and demand.

Global perspective, not only can food meet the needs of everyone, but also the information means and prevention methods are quite developed. Food scarce on the planet can be easily supplemented.French scholar Sylvie Brunel pointed out in the book of famine and politics: For the occurrence of famine, for the entire group, the food means that the food is completely interrupted, and no action can terminate this short -term.The famine in the world today is the product of the depth of geopolitical changes.

At the end of the 19th century, famine was a "tactical choice": it is a tactical choice when certain regimes or groups aims to seek new power resources.In the 20th century, famine has become a ruthless tool for bloody ideology, which is used to eliminate a small number of groups; or doom by -products that become disaster economic policies.Whoever has the way to obtain food will have power and ensure that he controls land and the people.Brunell pointed out that in this world that gets rid of the Cold War, the famine itself reflects a control strategy.Putting part of the population in a state of severe shortage of food can achieve the purpose of controlling them, forcing them to fall into daily labor, only seek to stretch, and have no time to organize and plan political actions.

Thomas Robert Malthus says that the right to enjoy food cannot belong to everyone. If everyone has food rights and the right to be supported, no one can just wear gorgeous clothes to enjoy treasure food.If a group is only recognized or questioned by external limited external, it is often necessary to withstand all risks in the state of hunger.Devil food is a strategy to control the people and has nothing to do with the actual amount of food.Personal social and political status determines its food access.

Today, today, when humans are already sufficient to eliminate famine and the level of science and technology, why is famine come to some regions, countries or groups?History shows that when all large -scale famine occurs, the output of food has not declined.The fundamental reason is that some countries or organizations are not properly intervened and prevent the famine in a timely manner.Officials or assistance agencies use the famine as a execution tool for death projects in an attempt to use the famine policy to subdue the local people.The key to preventing the famine is to allow people to enjoy the right to get food, establish a early warning mechanism and intervention mechanism when the food is insufficient, so that the assistance agencies are easy to approach the victims.

The people of the world should be united, resolutely oppose hegemony, adhere to peace and development, promote globalization in depth, and establish a community of human destiny.As long as foreign aid information and transportation means exist, the global mechanism can effectively resolve modern famine.

The author is a scholar in Chengdu, China