Source: China News Weekly

Author: Zhao Yue

China ’s 24 trillion GDP cities, the economic data in the first quarter of this year have been released.

In the first quarter of this year, the average growth rate of GDP nationwide was 4.5%.Among 24 trillion GDP cities, 12 cities have "run" nationwide, and Xi'an, Shenzhen, and Zhengzhou are ranked in the top three with 7.6%, 6.5%and 6%, respectively.Among them, the growth rate of Xi'an GDP increased by 4.8 percentage points compared with the same period last year.

In addition, Tianjin (5.5%), Chengdu (5.3%), Nanjing (5.2%), Wuxi (4.9%), Jinan (4.9%), Qingdao (4.8%), Hefei (4.8%),Chongqing (4.7%), Hangzhou (4.6%) and other cities are ranked 4th to 12th.

In addition, the GDP growth rates of the two cities in Wuhan and Ningbo are 4.5%, which is the same as the national average growth rate.

Cities with relatively rear growth rates, including Fuzhou (1.7%), Guangzhou (1.8%), and Suzhou (1.9%) and other cities, and Quanzhou has fallen into negative growth.

Xi'an, Shenzhen "Leading"

Data show that the GDP in Xi'an in the first quarter of 2023 was 283.411 billion (RMB, the same below, S $ 54.1 billion), and the added value of the first industry was 3.240 billion yuan, an increase of 3.7%;9.9%; the added value of the tertiary industry was 187.367 billion yuan, an increase of 6.6%.

It is worth mentioning that in the trillion GDP city, the proportion of Xi'an's secondary industry has always been considered low.By 2020, Quanzhou, Jinan, Hefei, and Fuzhou Industrial added value of the economy of Xi'an will be 516.798 billion yuan, 236.05 billion yuan, 207.232 billion yuan, and 253.216 billion yuan, while Xi'an is only 182.859 billion yuan.

By 2022, the proportion of Xi'an's three major industries accounted for 2.8: 35.5: 61.7. The value -added of the manufacturing industry accounted for 1.8 percentage points in the previous year.Class city first.

In the first quarter of this year, Xi'an continued this momentum.

From the perspective of many people in the industry, the reason why Xi'an and Shenzhen have achieved better results are closely related to the recent popularity of industrial circuit -new energy vehicles, which are closely related to.

In the first quarter of this year, the added value of industries above the scale of Xi'an increased by 11.6%year -on -year, an increase of 2.9 percentage points from the same period last year.From the perspective of the industry, the total output value of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 16.4%year -on -year, which was 1.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of industrial output value above the city.Among them, the total output value of the automobile manufacturing industry increased by 37.5%.

At present, Xi'an has become the city with the largest production of new energy vehicle companies in China.According to the Shaanxi Daily, Xi'an BYD car output of 156,000 vehicles in the first quarter, an increase of 177.4%year -on -year. Among them, the output of new energy vehicles was 147,000, a year -on -year increase of more than 16 times.

In the same period, the added value of the automobile manufacturing industry above designated size increased by 75.8%.

Specifically, the Pingshan District of the BYD base camp, Shenzhen, has a GDP growth rate of 17.9%in the first quarter.

This time, Zhengzhou's growth rate was as high as 6%.In 2022, Zhengzhou's GDP growth rate was only 1%, which was in a background in trillion GDP cities.In the first quarter of this year, Zhengzhou also changed the decline of the past year.

In addition to the trillion GDP cities, Shenyang, the cities in the Northeast Province, in the northeast province. In the first quarter, the GDP was 174.47 billion yuan, an increase of 5.9%year -on -year, and the growth rate was also relatively bright.

Multi -city "drop behind", Quanzhou's negative growth

In the view of Niu Fengrui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the development of urban economy depends on the pillar industry and the periodic fluctuations of the pillar industry will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the development of the city's economy.

In the first quarter of this year, Guangzhou GDP was 696.392 billion yuan, an increase of 1.8%year -on -year.Among them, the value -added of the primary industry, the second industry, and the tertiary industry was 50.042 billion yuan, 165.416 billion yuan and 525.934 billion yuan, respectively, a year -on -year increase of 3%, a decrease of 4%and an increase of 3.7%.

In the same period, the added value of industries above designated size in Guangzhou decreased by 5.8%year -on -year.

It is worth noting that the added value of the automobile manufacturing industry, one of the important pillar industries in Guangzhou, has decreased by 12%.

Different from Xi'an, Shenzhen and other places to drive new energy vehicles to drive, in Guangzhou's automotive industry, traditional fuel vehicles account for a large proportion.Recently, the demand for the fuel vehicle market across the country has faced the pressure of shrinkage.

However, a number of Guangzhou local car companies have deployed new energy vehicle production lines.For example, the second phase of the new energy vehicle production capacity expansion project of GAC Toyota Toyota was officially put into production at the end of 2022; GAC Honda also plans to build an electric vehicle factory in the development zone, which is expected to be put into production in 2024.

In the same period, the growth rate of Suzhou GDP was 1.9%, ranking back in trillion GDP cities.

The data released by the Suzhou Commerce Bureau showed that in the first quarter of 2023, the total import and export of Suzhou reached 541 billion yuan, a year-on-year-15.4%, of which the export growth rate was -10.7%.

In the first quarter of this year, the total value of Chinese goods trade imports and exports was 9.89 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.8%year -on -year.Among them, exports increased by 8.4%year -on -year; imports increased by 0.2%year -on -year.

Among the export products, the exports of electromechanical products were 3.27 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.6%year -on -year, accounting for 57.9%of the total export value; of which, the exports of automobiles and batteries were exported 147.47 billion yuan and 116.34 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 96.6%, respectively.And 84.8%.

Electric vehicles, lithium batteries, and solar batteries are the "new three" of China's foreign trade exports in the first quarter of this year., 103.5%, 121.7%and 118.2%.

Statistics of the China Automobile Industry Association also shows that in the first quarter of this year, the export of new energy vehicles increased by 1.1 times year -on -year.

Different from the hot market of new energy vehicles, this year, the market market of the electronic information industry is not optimistic, which directly affects Suzhou's export industry.

As we all know, in recent years, the electronic information industry in Suzhou has flourished and the proportion of its economic structure has also increased.In 2021, the output value of Suzhou's electronic information industry industry was as high as 1162.3 billion yuan, an increase of 10.8%year -on -year; export delivery value reached 814.2 billion yuan, accounting for 74.9%of the export value of industrial exports above designated size in the city.

Data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed that in the first quarter of this year, the value -added of electronic information manufacturing above designated size decreased by 1.1%year -on -year, which was not optimistic compared to the growth rate of 12.7%in the same period of 2022;10.5%; By March, the export value of electronic information manufacturing industry above designated size still decreased by 13.3%year -on -year.

On May 5th, Quanzhou released the main economic data in the first quarter, but did not release GDP data.The completion of the main economic indicators of the provinces and districts and cities in Fujian province and districts and cities, which were announced on the same day, showed that the first quarter of Quanzhou's GDP was 254.302 billion yuan in the first quarter, with a growth rate of -1.8%.

This means that Quanzhou has become the only city in the trillion GDP city.In recent years, due to the "strong provincial capital" strategy, GDP has been surpassed by the provincial capital Fuzhou in 2021.

Traditional industries such as clothing, shoes and hats are an important pillar of Quanzhou economy.Ding Changfa, an associate professor at the School of Economics Management of Xiamen University, said that the GDP situation of Quanzhou is closely related to the industrial structure and its dependence on foreign trade.He said, "In recent years, industries such as clothing, hats and hats of Quanzhou are more sensitive to costs, and some factories have relocated."

According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs, in the first quarter of this year, the national textiles and clothing exports were US $ 67.23 billion, a year -on -year decrease of about 6.8%.

"Compared to other trillion GDP cities, private enterprises in Quanzhou, especially small and medium -sized private enterprises, have a large number of economic structures. From the perspective of anti -risk capabilities, the impact of these small and micro enterprises in the three -year epidemic is even greater.. "Ding Changfa said to China News Weekly.

Fuzhou, which belongs to Fujian as Quanzhou, has a growth rate of 1.7%in the same period, but the added value of industries above designated size is -8.8%, which fails to turn right. The actual use of foreign capital is 208 million US dollars, a decrease of 49.4%year-on-year.

The dispute between the ranking

Under the latest GDP growth rate, in terms of ranking, 24 trillion GDP cities have changed a lot.

From the perspective of the total amount of GDP, the pattern of first -tier cities in recent years has basically stabilized in "Shangbei Shenguang".

But the "Fourth City" battle fiercely.In the first quarter of 2023, Guangzhou GDP was 696.392 billion yuan, ranking third, and Chongqing GDP was 693.289 billion yuan, and the difference between the two was only 3.103 billion yuan.In 2022, Chongqing GDP was 2912.903 billion yuan, surpassing 288.39 billion yuan in Guangzhou, becoming the "fourth city" of the Chinese economy.

It is worth noting that the "strong provincial capital" cities in the central and western regions performed well. In the first quarter of Chengdu, the GDP growth rate was 5.3%, and the total amount surpassed Suzhou for the first time, ranking 6th.Xi'an Lianchao Jinan and Nantong two eastern cities.

In recent years, the total amount of GDP in Wuhan and Hangzhou has been "you chase me."In 2019, Wuhan GDP is 85 billion yuan higher than Hangzhou.In 2020, affected by the epidemic, Wuhan's economic aggregate was surpassed by Hangzhou, and Hangzhou was 49 billion yuan higher.In 2022, Wuhan GDP surpassed Hangzhou again.In the first quarter of this year, Hangzhou GDP surpassed Wuhan and ranked eighth in the country.

The cities with 10th to 15th in GDP are equally fierce in competition, and their total amount is often between Bo Zhong.

At the end of 2022, the total number of Ningbo GDP reached 1570.43 billion yuan, which was 60.7 billion yuan from Tianjin's economy.In the first quarter of this year, Ningbo surpassed Tianjin with an advantage of nearly 10 billion yuan, and advanced to the 11th place in the country.

From the perspective of the composition of the three industries, in the first quarter of this year, Ningbo and Tianjin realized the value -added of the second industry of 167.74 billion yuan, 123.256 billion yuan, and the leader of the Ningbo lead 44.5 billion yuan; the added value of the tertiary industry was 206.39 billion yuan, respectively., 245.62 billion yuan.

There is no doubt that Ningbo is even better in terms of output value of the second industry.In addition, compared with the same period last year, the gap between Ningbo and Tianjin's tertiary industry has also narrowed.

In recent years, Ningbo has raised its development goals in succession. The latest goal is to achieve the total amount of GDP in 2025 exceeded 2 trillion yuan and enter the top 10 nationwide.

Niu Fengrui said that some cities have lowered the base of economic data due to the influence of the epidemic in last year, so the short -term growth is rapid, and the city ranking has changed.

"The running of the urban economy is a" marathon ". While observing the short -term data, it is also necessary to observe the growth potential and development trend of various cities within a relatively long time span." He said.