Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Liu Yanting

On May 9, 2023, Russia held the 78th anniversary of the victory of the Patriotic War.This background is extremely similar to 2022: Russia and Ukraine's conflict has not yet ended, the atmosphere of the war permeated the military parade site. All sectors not only observed Russia's arms display, but also paid attention to Putin's speeches on the Russian and Ukraine War.

According to the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, more than 10,000 personnel and 125 weapons and equipment will be referred to this year. Compared with the 11,000 personnel and 131 weapons and equipment in 2022, the scale should be the scale.It's almost the same.However, in practice, the equipment of the red field parade this year is short, only about five minutes before and after. Many military analysts say, "It is the shortest one in my memory."Taking the tank as an example, the military parade only showed the T-34 of the Soviet era, and there was no modern tank. Therefore, some voices guessing whether it would be caused by the consumption of the Russian and Ukraine War or the strong frontline demand.

In addition, there are still no air formations this year.There were arranges in 2022, but in the end it was canceled with "bad weather"; this year was no relevant plan during the rehearsal, and the Russian side did not clearly.EssenceIn fact, on the eve of May 9th, Russia announced many fireworks and parade activities that cancel the "Victory Day". The reason is mostly "security issues in large rals in the organization".), KURSK also stated that he would not hold a military parade this year to avoid "terrorist attacks".

Generally speaking, this year's victory day parade is relatively low -key on the military show.However, at the moment of the war, the main responsibility of the military parade may not be military, but politics.

The "New Great Patriotic War" of Russia

Focusing on the political tone of this year's military parade, it is basically the continuation of the 2022 route: Although it has not bluntly declared war, it has risen to "special military operations" through various statements and political arrangements to"War" level.

In this narrative, Russia is not a warrior, or even the initiative of the war, but to protect the country and choose to pick up weapons.From the perspective of the Kremlin, regardless of the actual results of this move, it should be hoping to harvest the two political effects: reducing Russia's negative moral image to the outside world, highlighting the outbreak of the West and Ukraine for the outbreak of the war;Resentment, emphasizing that as long as it persists, time will prove that Russia can win the ultimate victory of military, politics and history as the Soviet Union in 1945.

Vladimir Putin's military parade is a direct performance of the above framework.First of all, he repeatedly connected the scene of the Russian and Ukrainian war. "Our father, grandfather and great -grandfather defended the motherland at the expense of the unavoidable courage and huge sacrifice to save human beings from the hands of Naziism.Civilization is at a critical moment of decisiveness. The enemy launched a real war again for our motherland. We fight against international terrorism. We will protect Donald's residents and ensure the security of Russia. "

Putin also counted many Patriots in Russia at the same time, tracing the Patriotic War with the Russian and Ukraine War back to the same spiritual root source. "We are standing on the red field, and this land remembers Yuri DolgorukiyWarriors of Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Milita, Peter The Greatle and Mikhail (Peter The Great) and MikhailKutuzov) soldiers, 1941 and 1945 military parades. Today, the participants of special military operations here are regular soldiers and soldiers who joined the armed forces during some mobilization periods, as wellWarriors, many volunteer combat formations, employees of the National Guard, the Ministry of Defense Interior, Financial Stability Committee, Emergency Department and other special services and departments. "

In the definition of the outbreak of the war, Putin rebuked the west as the culprit. "Western countries provoked conflicts and destroyed traditional values to continue to formulate their own rules.Any superior ideology is essentially disgusting, crime and fatal. However, Western elites are still talking about their exclusiveness, provoking bloody conflicts and turbulence, spreading hatred, Russian phobia, destroying traditional values ";" ambitionsToo big, it is inevitable to cause tragedy. This is the reason why the Ukraine people are currently experiencing the disaster. The Ukrainian people have become the hostages of coup and Western rulers, and they have become their cruel and selfish planning chips. "

In particular, seven CIS leaders attended the Red Square military parade this year, including Gilgis President Sadyr Japarov, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokyev, Armenian Prime Minister PaNikol Pashinyan, Tagik President Emomali Rahmon, Uzbeki President Shavkat Mirziyev, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, Turkman President BuilduhameadoGurbangily Berdimuhamedow.This phenomenon itself is an excellent material for creating a narrative of the "New Great Patriotic War". Especially after the Red Square military parade, Putin also walked with seven leaders to the unknown martyrs' tomb of the Alexander Garden in Moscow, to donate flowers together, bowed their heads and mourned silently togetherCompared to a strong speech, at this time, it can be described as silent.

In addition to the historical perspective, the attendance of the above -mentioned leaders is also political.After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War in 2022, the military parade of the year did not attend the victory day.The label of supporting aggression, so the scene was deserted, reflecting the dilemma of Russia suffering from public opinion.

Ran nowadays, the war has not stopped, but seven leaders of the CIS countries have attended, and their motives believe that the war may end this year, and they are tired of Ukraine issues.Or collide with anti -Russian political correct red line.Even though its public stand still opposed aggression, the "attending" itself passed the ambiguous signal, indicating that countries do not oppose Russia in the war to commemorate the Soviet Union, nor refuse to act as a narrative material for strengthening the "New Great Patriotic War".

Russia wants to defeat the "new Nazis"

However, such a discourse system such as Putin may be able to resonate with the global Russian public opinion field in the Russia, but it may not be able to convince all listeners, especially Ukraine, which is called "new Nazis".

At the beginning of the outbreak of the war in 2022, Putin announced the two major goals of Wu's "special military operations": de -Nazization and militaryization.The so -called "Nazis" refers not only to extreme organizations such as the Asian Speed Camp, but also includes Ukraine's annual anti -Russian politics and social structure.On March 12, 2022, the Ukrainian media had disclosed every weekly mirror that in Russia's six -o'clock war conditions, one of which was Ukraine's Naziization.Beautify the laws of Nazi and new Nazis.

In short, in Putin's discourse system, "new Nazis" is not an individual organization, but the anti -Russian system and atmosphere of Ukraine.Since then, with the long -lasting war, the negotiation is difficult to give birth, this narrative has frequently appeared in Putin's conversation.For example, the collective safety treaty organization (Ji'an Organization) Peak in May 2022For the meeting, Putin publicly bluntly said, "Unfortunately, in our neighboring country, Ukraine, you can see the new Nazi. Some of our so -called partners in Western collectives turned a blind eye to this, which actually means encouraging them (newThe activity of Nazi). Accompanied by all of this is that in the so -called correct Western civilization country, it is setting off an unprecedented wave of anti -Russia. "In November 2022, Putin voiced again," Russia and UkraineThe conflict of the new Nazi regime that appears is inevitable. If there is no corresponding action in February, then everything will be the same, and the situation will be worse for us. "

In this parade -style speech, Putin also emphasized again, "They seem to have forgotten the Nazi rule of the world. Forgot who destroyed this evil monster, who let the country stand up, who is liberating for liberationThe European people sacrifice their lives at all. Their goals are not fresh, that is, to achieve the collapse and destruction of our country, to eliminate the result of the Second World War, eventually break the global security and international law system, and kill any sovereign country. We seeIn some countries, how the Monument of Soviet soldiers was deserved ruthlessly, the monument of the great commander was being demolished, the worship of the Nazis and their associates was being established, and the memory of the real hero was being wiped out and slander.It is a blasphemy to the winners and the victims, and it is also a crime. They call for the new Nazi defeats from all over the world. "

From the perspective of reality, Russia and Urpiciousness are getting farther in "de -Naziization" that Putin wants.Taking the Crimean crisis in 2014 as an example, Ukraine's anti -Russian emotions were urged to a new peak and sacrificed stronger anti -Russian measures: In March 2015, Ukraine passed a law to condemn the rule that it had ruled Ukraine.Nazi Germany and Soviet regimes are prohibited from individuals and organizations in Ukraine to propaganda of Nazi, communism, and Nazi Germany and Soviet Union. Offenders will be imprisoned for a maximum of five years, and repeated criminals will rise to 10 years.This move has equated the Soviet Union as the Nazi regime.

In April 2015, the Ukrainian parliament replaced the term "Great Patriotic War" in national laws to "Second World War" and moved Ukraine's victory day to May 8th to replace the Soviet Union to replace the Soviet Union.On May 9th, the Russian version obviously went further in the Soviet Union and de -Russia.

After the outbreak of the Russian -Ukraine War in 2022, Ukraine's anti -Russian mood became stronger: when Putin compared the "special military operations" with the "Great Patriotic War", Ukraine also used the "Ukraine's Great Patriotic War", "Ukrainian people,"The Great Patriotic War" to define the battle of the Ukraine; when Putin has condemned Ukraine's "new Nazis" many times, Ukraine is also made by the law and called the Russian army as the Nazis.The base (VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY) delivered a speech in front of the World War II History Museum in Ukraine, saying that "all old evils brought by modern Russia will be defeated, just as Nazism is defeated."

In addition, Zerrenzki also announced that he has submitted a bill to Congress to the national holiday on May 9th, but the name is not to celebrate the victory day, but to celebrate the European day with the EU countries, and it is also to celebrate the European day.It is to commemorate French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed the EU program.Of course, the move caused Russia to attack. For example, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Maria Zakharova said that Zerrenzki was "Nazi".But as mentioned earlier, such condemnation cannot change the behavior of Ukraine, and it can only be spoken by myself.

In the final analysis, the technique of the Russian and Ukraine war war is exactly the same. When the Russia bid "the" New Great Patriotic War "and fight against the" new Nazis ", Ukraine also operates"New Patriotic War" to overwhelm the "new Nazis" of the other party.From the perspective of political support, Russia and Ukraine have their companions. In the Russian military parade, there are seven leaders of CIS countries. Ukraine will change May 9th to celebrate the European Day, and at the same time welcome the Ursula Von (Der Leyen) Visit.And its real victory or defeat may be as the situation of the physical battlefield, and it takes some time to settle down.