Source: Beijing News

Author: Liu Siyu

A few days ago, the first domestic micro -documentary China Tree Economy, which was jointly created by Du Xiaoman and Wu Xiaobo Channel, which focused on the growth of small and micro enterprises.The documentary uses the first perspective of financial writer Wu Xiaobo. By walking into the five major industrial belts in the five cities, it comprehensively shows the toughness and fearless state of Chinese small and micro enterprises, and boosts private enterprise confidence.

What is the "tree root economy"?This refers to an economic form composed of small and micro enterprises in China.Small and micro enterprises provide a steady stream of nutrients for China's economic development. They also maintain a continuous growth posture, becoming a lush tree, and is the basic force of "stabilizing the economic market".It can be said that "tree root economy" is the cornerstone of the national economy.

People often use "56789" to describe the contribution of the private economy represented by small and micro enterprises to the development of China's economic development.As the largest and most vibrant corporate group in the market, small and micro enterprises are not only the "capillaries" of the national economy, but also the main force of employment.Today, in the context of the complex economic situation at home and abroad and the worsening task of maintaining employment and stability, it is undoubtedly necessary to support small and micro enterprises and let the "tree root economy" provide greater nourishment for the national economy.

However, compared with the contribution of small and micro enterprises to the national economy, the support it has obtained is not enough.This is essentially a major proposition involving a macro business environment.In daily operations, Chinese private enterprises involve all kinds of fair treatment issues.These include issues such as market access and financing support.For small and micro enterprises, "difficulty in financing" may be the biggest pain point.

The financing of small and micro enterprises is not the intention to discriminate against financial institutions. To some extent, it is determined by the attributes of small and micro enterprises themselves: because small and micro enterprises lack mortgage and operating data, and at the same time, financing needs have shown "short, short,The characteristics of small, frequent, and urgent "have caused bank loans to be not willing.The survey shows that 82%of the small and micro enterprise owners said that the biggest problem encountered in the process of applying for loans is that the loan interest rate is higher, and the small and micro enterprise owners who exceed 90%of the small and micro enterprises hope to receive low -interest financing.

"Cash flow" is the lifeline of small and micro enterprises. Once small and micro enterprises "insufficient blood supply", the risk of bankruptcy and failure at any time.As we all know, in the past three years, many small and micro enterprises have brought great challenges; although some small and micro enterprises have barely lived, they still face problems such as shortage of cash flow and insufficient orders. The living conditions are not optimistic.

Therefore, at the moment of "fighting the economy" in various places, the greater assistance to small and micro enterprises is the meaning of the meaning in the question.It is precisely the difficulties of small and micro enterprises. Since the beginning of this year, the country has continued to inject "strong heart agents" into small and micro enterprises on the basis of continuously helping small and micro enterprises.

In January, the State Council issued a number of measures to help small, medium and micro enterprises steadily grow, and regulate the strong ability.Credit loans, no repayment loans, and medium- and long -term loans, promoting the loan model with the loan to promote the expansion of the loan increase of inclusive small and micro enterprises; the government work report also emphasized when talking about this year's key work, supporting small, medium and microThe development of enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households will stabilize the market expectations and boost market confidence with real strategies.

Help small and micro enterprises to solve financing difficulties. We have seen the government's "promising", and some fintech companies are also playing the function of "effective market".Take Xiaoman as an example. Through artificial intelligence and other technological innovations and applications, Du Xiaoman has built a big data -based intelligent risk control system. It can model and accurate portraits alone for small and micro enterprises. It can take into account the cost, safety and efficiency of risk control.For example, a credit report in the past can only interpret dozens or hundreds of risk indicators. Du Xiaoman's intelligent algorithm can identify more than 400,000 -dimensional risk indicators, reducing credit risk by 25%.Data show that since 2020, the average interest rate of small and micro customers of Du Xiaoman has dropped by 26%.At present, among the credit customers served by Du Xiaoman, over 70 % are the owners of small and micro enterprises, of which 60 % are small shops with "less than five people."

From this we can see that at the moment when small and micro enterprises turn in danger, not only the government is exerting its pocket function, but the market is also injecting continuous power for it.The fintech platform is not only a simple "blood transfusion", but uses technological innovation to empower the science and technology of small and micro enterprises, help them accurately evaluate risks, reduce operating pressure, and let them go out of financing pressure as soon as possible.

For more than 40 years of reform and opening up in China, the private economy has achieved unprecedented development and prosperity. Among them, it is actually accompanied by the continuous loosening of the financial industry, the continued opening of the capital market, and the continuous improvement of the financing environment of the enterprise.Today, after the baptism of the epidemic, Chinese small and micro enterprises may need more accurate and effective financing support than ever.At this point, in addition to the government's continuous optimization of policy support, it may also be fully explored the power from the market -oriented fintech platform, allowing small and micro enterprises to usher in recovery as soon as possible.

The national economy depends on the "tree roots economy", and the "tree root economy" also needs living water.