Source: China News Weekly

Author: Yu Yuan

Since the outbreak of armed conflicts on April 15, Sudan's civil strife has exceeded 20 days.

The Sudan Ministry of Health announced on May 2 that the conflict between the Sudan armed forces and the rapid support forces had killed 550 people and injured 4,926 people.According to the news released by the United Nations on May 1, 73,000 people have fled from Sudan to surrounding countries, and more than 800,000 people are expected to escape from Sudan.

Sudan armed conflict not only causes a humanitarian crisis, but also unexpectedly anxious global carbonated beverage manufacturers.

According to Reuters, the Arab glue produced in Sudan is a "key material" for carbonated beverages.If the exports of Arabic gum are interrupted, a group of carbonated drinks, including cola, Sprite, and Fanta, may face the risk of disconnecting the market within three to six months.

Arab glue application is wide

Arab glue, also known as Arabic gum. Although the name is Arab, the main origin is not in the Middle East, but in Africa.

Wang Xiuli, an associate researcher at the Food and Nutrition Development Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, told China News Weekly that Arabic Plills is a trunk exudation of the custard of Douke Jinhehuan tree. This tree is native to tropical Africa, especially Sudan.However, it has been artificially cultivated in many areas. In addition to Sudan, the main distribution areas are Pakistan, other countries in the tropical Africa, Arabia, India and other places.

As the oldest and most well -known natural glue in the world. The history of Arabic glue can be traced back to ancient Egypt 5,000 years ago. It is still one of the most widely used water -soluble -solubles.According to the Bethel Consultation Investigation, the global Arab glue market in 2022 reached 4.416 billion yuan (RMB and S $ 847 million). It is predicted that by 2028, the global Arab glue market will reach 6.554 billion yuan.6.91%.

Zou Wenjie, the research and development engineer of Liangpinpu products, told China News Weekly that Arab glue is a water -soluble polysaccharide, which is very soluble and has the characteristics of high thick and low sticky.At the same time, Arabic glue contains protein and mouse lip sugar. In the solution of water -based oil, the protein link in Arabic gel semi -lactose is accepted by oil phase. The combination of semi -lactose components with hydrophilic components can produce emulsification stable effects.Essence

Based on the above advantages, Arab glue is widely used in the food industry.Zou Wenjie said that taking carbonated beverages as an example, Arabic glue can be thickened, slowing the release of carbon dioxide, can also emulsify, disperse scent oil and oil -soluble pigment, avoid the essential oils and pigments in the storage process, forming a condensed part of the bottleneck areaSimilar to tea rusty pigments.

If it is used in candy, Arab glue can be used as an anti -tascin agent, which can hinder the formation of sugar crystals, prevent crystals from precipitating, and effectively emulsify milk fats to avoid overflowing.For example, chocolate has a dark color when peeling. This is the role of Arabic gum. It allows chocolate to melt at the mouth but does not stick to the hand.

In China, the use of Arab glue is also quite extensive.According to GB2760-2014 Food Safety National Standard Food Additives, Arab glue can be used for dozens of food processing and use, including modulation milk, puffed foods, baked foods, condiments, carbonated drinks, etc.

The global Arab glue produces about 120,000 tons, including Sudan, Nigeria, Chad, Ethiopia and Senegal.For Sudan, its exports of Arabic gum account for about 70 % of the global total output, which is almost unable to replace.

Can carbonated beverages "disconnect"?

Reuters reports that companies such as Coca -Cola and Pepsi relying on Arab glue have long -term reserves of Arab glue.However, global carbonated beverages are consumed huge. If Sudan's war continues to interrupt Arabic gum exports, global inventory is likely to be exhausted within three to six months, and then it will impact the global carbonated beverage production line.

A few days ago, the reporter bought Coca -Cola, Pepsi and Sprite, but the ingredients table of these products did not display Arabic gel.

Doctor of Food Engineering and Popularization Author Yun Wuxin told China News Weekly that in carbonated beverages, Arabic gel is the carrier of flavors and pigments.On the ingredient table, flavors and pigments are marked, and Arabic gums do not need to be listed as "carrons".

Wang Xiuli further stated that the pre -packaged food ingredients have certain specifications. Generally speaking, the names of various main ingredients, ingredients and food additives are required.2%can not be in order.Some foods add a variety of food additives, which are generally required to be identified as "food additives", and then use parentheses to identify which additives are identified.Some food ingredients use composite ingredients. In this case, adding less than 25%of the total amount of total food can be identified.

However, the Director of the Food and Health Information Exchange Center, the director of the Arab glue supply or the discrimination of carbonated beverages, did not agree.

He analyzed China News Weekly that Arabic gum is just a plant polysaccharide. In terms of current food technology, if there is a possibility of disconnection, it can definitely be replaced."There are dozens of existing natural polysaccharides, such as Huangyuan glue, Kara gum, Gwaer bean gum, etc. It is not difficult to do some R & D tests. Arab glue will not become an absolute obstacle."

Yun Wuxin also said that there will be ways to replace the food industry, but it is not simply replaced with another raw material, but to test the formula and process."This is a very complicated operation."

China News Weekly asked Coca -Cola and Pepsi Group to verify on the above issues, and has not received a reply as of press time.

The good news is that according to the latest statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the South Sudan, after communicating with the President Kirn with South Sudan, the Sudan Armed Forces Commander Berham and Sudan's rapid support forces Dargalo "principle consent" cease fireSeven days, from May 4th to May 11th.The statement also pointed out that the two generals will appoint representatives to participate in peaceful negotiations.

Sugar -free carbonated beverage trend

At present, Sudan's reunion of warfire will inevitably affect Arabic gum exports, but whether it will cause the cost of carbonated beverages to rise, and even limited supply needs to be observed.In fact, just two years ago, carbonated drinks have just encountered a round of raw materials.

In 2021, as the concept of "0 sugar" was quickly rolled out in the beverage industry, the prices of red moss glycol and trichlorotose continued to rise.In April of that year, Coca -Cola announced the price adjustment, but it was mainly limited to catering channels.From the perspective of the industry, the rise in each round of costs may lead to a reshuffle of the industry.

In fact, carbonated drinks have just returned from "falling" to the "peak" in the past two years.

In 1927, the Coca -Cola Company was produced in Shanghai and Tianjin to open the market of Chinese carbonated beverages.Subsequently, Pepsi joined for competition. So far, the carbonated beverage market is still the world of Coca -Cola and Pepsi.In 2021, Coca -Cola and Pepsi companies accounted for nearly 90%of domestic carbonated beverages, with market share of 53.4%and 32.2%, respectively.

However, as consumers' health awareness increases and countries around the world have tried to implement the policies of less sugar, carbonated beverages suddenly fell into the bottom after 2014.

According to data from the Foresight Industry Research Institute, from 2012 to 2018, the growth rate of traditional carbonated beverage sales has experienced a decline in jumping. It has increased negative growth in 2015, 2016, and 2018.At the same time, the proportion of carbonated beverages in the soft beverage industry has also declined. In 2005, the market share was 23%.Fall to 16.98%.

In 2018, the vitality forest launched a sugar -free bubble water, and during the "Double Eleven" shopping festival for three consecutive years, it exceeded Coca -Cola and Pepsi.Sugar -free carbonated drinks have officially ushered in their own era.

Subsequently, major manufacturers have added a low -sugar carbonated drink, and the market has finally returned to the rise in 2019.According to data from Foresight Industry Research Institute, in 2021, China's carbonated beverage sales were 11.895 billion liters, an increase of 8.63%year -on -year.In the future, the size of the carbonated beverage market will increase at an rate of 8.58%, and by 2027, the Chinese carbonated beverage market will reach 162.2 billion yuan.

This point can also be proven from the first quarter of the Coca -Cola 2023.

On the evening of April 24, Coca -Cola released the financial report in the first quarter of 2023.The financial report shows that the first quarter revenue of Coca -Cola Company was US $ 10.98 billion (S $ 14.561 billion) in the first quarter, a year -on -year increase of 5%; net profit was US $ 3.113 billion, an increase of 11%year -on -year.

According to the area, global single -box sales increased by 3%year -on -year, while the sales volume of single -box sales in the Asia -Pacific market increased by 10%year -on -year."China, India and Australia lead growth." Coca -Cola "likes" in the financial report.