Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

Civil Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe visited the United States to return to the United States, reiterating to organize the "United Government" to unite Taiwan.In this regard, Guo Taiming, a Hon Hai Chuangli, said with a smile that Ke Wenzhe may still be "not full", and his speech may be more accurate after a few days of sleep.Ke Wenzhe has decided to compete for the president on behalf of the people, while Guo Taiming is still fighting for the on behalf of the Kuomintang. The "Guo Kehe" who was once loud three years ago was a long way to go away.But whether this means "blue and white" has no space, it remains to be observed.

Since April, Ke Wenzhe has repeatedly shouted the slogan of "United Government", and the DPP and the Kuomintang have no response or comment.Now, he has been ridiculed by Guo Taiming, who has partnership with his partnership, and is a playful development.The Democratic Progressive Party ignored Ke Wenzhe's initiative. The reason is not difficult to see: First, the DPP has become accustomed to the power of power. How can it "share" power with other political parties?Secondly, Lai Qingde was ahead of the current polls. In any case, the party, which was not ranked as the "Third", shouted the price. The best plan for the DPP was to ignore it.

As for the Kuomintang's "joint government" of Ke Wenzhe, the situation was slightly different.First, although Ke Wenzhe's candidate for the president has become a foregone conclusion, the Kuomintang still looks forward to other -faced cooperation in the field, so he keeps his words.Second, the same as the opposition party, the Kuomintang and the people's party must fight for the people who are dissatisfied with the green governance; the boundaries of the supporters of the two parties may not be completely clear, and it is better to maintain blurring temporarily.Third, the Kuomintang originally worried that if Guo Taiming and Ke Wenzhe joined forces to form "Guo Ke Biao" or "Ke Guo Biao", it would be extremely unfavorable to the Blue Army; now it seems that this concern seems to be put down.

Back to Ke Wenzhe, he made a demand of the United Government. What is the purpose?In fact, Ke Wenzhe's co -government initiative has had three turns.Ke Wenzhe's initial expression was that he opposed the saying of "getting off the DPP" and "non -green alliance", because it didn't make much sense to change the Kuomintang to the stage.In this statement, the purpose is to keep a distance from the Blue Camp, and the theory of "blue and white" will make the people's votes diluted by the Blue Army.At the same time, Ke Wenzhe chose to be outside the torrent of "getting off the DPP", and there were selfish considerations to avoid making himself the target of the DPP and the Green Camp.

The second turning point is that Ke Wenzhe suddenly said that "I was originally from the Green Camp" at the overseas Chinese banquet, but I couldn't get used to the DPP's prevalence budget, the special budget of the epidemic prevention and the non -random budget of the DPP., Treasury leaves offspring.This time, he wore a green jacket again and publicly showed it to the supporters of the green camp.The third turning point was that he interviewed when he visited the United States. Ke Wenzhe claimed that if he was elected president, he would establish a joint government and unite Taiwan.This time, he imagined that he was a "presidential election" and claimed that he would divide his positions to other political parties and would not swallow it alone.

For Taiwanese voters who hate blue and green fighting, Ke Wenzhe shouted the "coalition government" based on unity of Taiwan, which is inherently attractive.But in the realistic and political point of view, he opposed the DPP and kept closer to the Green Camp.The reason why he advocated the "joint government" was just to get an official and half -job from the ruling party?What's more, Taiwan's politics is often "winners". Ke Wenzhe knows that he is a "third forces" and does not actively play opposing characters, but shows the governors. This is obviously uncomfortable.

Recently, Ke Wenzhe has 20 % support, but this is a distant way to be elected.The problem is that if the people's party does not actively take root in cultivating talents, it proposes a discussion that is sufficient to summon voters to actively support. In the end, it can obtain votes obtained in the legislators election.From this perspective, the "United Government" is obviously not a charming call.In particular, Ke Wenzhe advocated the joint government and claimed that "opposing the DPP to the DPP", such an ambiguous demand, was waiting for Lai Qingde to touch his head?At a critical moment, as long as the Democratic Progressive Party promised to divide his official position, would he lead the people to the green camp?