Russia has fully invaded Ukraine and has fallen into a passive situation in the international community.As a minority of countries rejected Russia, China has not directly aid Russia, but the heads of state, foreign minister, defense minister, and military chief of staff have visited Russia successively. The two armies also held military exercises as scheduled.In the context of Russia's extensive sanctions and severe isolation, the relationship between the two countries is particularly warm.In the past, due to the guidance of national public opinion, the views of Chinese public opinion on major wars were often consistent with the national pace.However, the Chinese public opinion has rare and serious differentiation and opposition for this war.

In major online platforms in China, supporting Russia's Ting Russia and anti -Russian factions against Russia, from time to time, define each other with highly emotional words such as "NATO Walking Dogs" and "Top Russian Filialism". It is this kind of public opinion.Typical examples of tearing.This phenomenon also has the internal logic of historical reality.

Russia has long accused NATO from eastward expansion, and strictly opposed Central and Eastern European countries such as Ukraine to join NATO to reduce its strategic security space.China is also dissatisfied with NATO's noise of "China's threat theory" and opposing the current status of the Taiwan Strait to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait.China is also highly dissatisfied with the actions of the United States' creation of a "Quartet security dialogue" and creating a deepening of the United States, Japan and South Korea alliances.China has created the "Asian version of NATO" and the use of NATO's concerns and vigilance to use NATO.Russia realized that in the case of severe deterioration of relations in the United States and China, the line with Russia's clearing boundaries not only difficult to change the pattern of fierce competition in the United States and China, but also lost an important supporter.For this consideration, Russia advocates the use of Russia to share the pressure of China and Western countries.

However, Tsar Russia, Soviet Russia, and the Soviet Union have the historical inferiority of plundering and splitting Chinese territory through inequality and illegal occupation methods.Today, Russia violated the Treaty of Russia and U -Wuxi friendly partnerships, across the Ukrainian border that it was recognized, and launched a war of invasion.In the absence of Crimea, it has long controlled Crimea, such as the formulation of Wudong's four states to enter Russia's referendum, which evoked the national memory of the Chinese people's pain and inspired a strong anti -Russian emotion.

At the same time, the act of violating the treaty also makes the Chinese think that the Soviet Union refuses to fulfill the political commitment to the Pinning's return to the stolen Chinese territory.Doubt the strategic reputation of Russia, and the degree of disgust has continued.

On July 2, 2020, the Russian Embassy in China celebrated the 160th anniversary of the founding of Vladivostak (China known as Vladivosto), which originally belonged to China, and specifically annotated in Chinese."Radivostak" means "rule the East", which greatly hurts the feelings of the Chinese people and caused the Chinese netizens to talk about it.In February 2023, the contents of the Ministry of Natural Resources of China issued the public map content, and once again pointed out that when the eight Chinese urban name names were marked with Russia, the original Chinese name must be added.The Chinese version of Quora knows that there are also a large number of statements that have been advocated in accordance with international law. In the past, Tangnu Wulianghai (Russia's Republic of Tuwa) and now belonged to Chinese territory.Douyin, the most popular in Chinese young people, many videos have displayed territories stolen by China by Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union, and are highly vigilant about the territorial ambitions of Russia and hate them.These officials and folk moves have revealed that there are potential major national interest conflicts between China and Russia.

In the Chinese Internet, which is torn by Russian and anti -Russian public opinion, more than more and more Chinese netizens regard Russia as short -term partners and have long -term confidantes; they advocate viewing from the wall in the Ukrainian war, using the Ukrainian war to restrain the restraint of the Ukrainian war.West, reduce the pressure on China.At the same time, using Western sanctions to weaken Russia and evolve Russia into "Canada in China" or "Large Saudi Arabia".

On May 30, 2022, in response to a reporter's question, the President Zaparov President Zaparov made clear states that Russia no longer opposed the construction of the China -Jiyu Railway.Constructed in 2023.This strongly confirms that Russia's control of Central Asia and influence on China has indeed been significantly weakened because of the significant weakening of the Ukrainian war, and the space and possibility of compromise in China have increased significantly.

The author is a scientific research assistant in Sichuan China