The United States is taken over by the government with the government, becoming the third closure of the United States since March, indicating that the US financial industry crisis is resurrected.The media quoted sources as saying that it was hosted by the US Federal deposit insurance company and allowed other US banks to take over the auction of the first and banks of the banks on the weekend.The first quarter and bank deposits decreased by more than $ 100 billion (about S $ 133.5 billion) in the first quarter, resulting in 75%of the bank's stock price plummeting, triggering the bankruptcy crisis.The crisis shows that the trouble of the US banking industry has not yet ended, and the Federal Reserve is necessary to reflect on the problem of poor supervision.

Silicon Valley Bank and the Mark Bank closed within three days in March, which caused market panic and depository crowding tide. However, the US financial community claimed that it was an isolated incident, and there was no problem with the overall health of the banking industry.Since both banks are related to Silicon Valley Digital Technology and Blockchain Industry, the market believes that it is only local issues in individual areas.The crisis fuse is the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike, allowing Silicon Valley Bank assets holding a large number of US Treasury bonds to depreciate. Wall Street ignores the suffering of inflation, and takes the opportunity to pressure the Fed to stop the interest rate hike policy so that they can continue to obtain cheap capital and continue to increase stocks to increase stocks.Asset price.

The March crisis has highlighted the financial interests of Wall Street and runs counter to the interests of the public.In order to target inflation, the Fed started the interest rate hike operation early last year, and reversed quantitative easing policies and tightened silver roots.This directly has a negative impact on the stock market.The bank crisis in March was therefore the opportunity to pressure the Fed by Wall Street.Of course, the Fed is not fully responsible, but the main problem is still the field of regulation.Through interesting groups, Silicon Valley Bank and Mark Bank jointly persuaded the Fed to relax the supervision of local small and medium -sized banks without receiving regular pressure testing of large banks.This omissions have led to the occurrence of crisis.

The Fed and Federal deposit insurance companies have announced separately that in the investigation report on the Silicon Valley Bank and the bank incident, it acknowledged that the supervision of these banks was insufficient.The Fed promised to tighten the supervision of banks, and the priority is to improve "the speed, strength and flexibility of supervision.The Fed also prepares a series of regulations for medium -sized banks with assets with an asset size of more than $ 100 billion, including pressure testing and liquidity requirements.Both reports are determined that bank management should take the main responsibility for the consequences of only priority to business growth, but ignore the consequences of basic risks.

In addition to insufficient supervision, digital technology seems to have played a role in helping the bank's crisis.The logo bank lost one -fifth of the deposit amount within a few hours on March 10.After hearing rumors of insufficient bank funds, most depositors quickly used digital transfer services to clear the deposit and accelerate the shortage of bank liquidity.Compared with the traditional depositors to the bank, the "digital extrusion" is undoubtedly even more fatal.This may be a new phenomenon that all central banks must pay close attention to, especially when emphasizing the convenience of digital financial services.

The reappearance of the Bank of America's crisis indicates that the problem is far more serious than the surface phenomenon.Whether the Fed's ability to survive has a pivotal impact on the global economic recovery.Although fast, powerful and flexible regulatory remedial measures must, whether the Fed will re -review the interest rate hike policy due to the crisis, I am afraid that it will control the confidence and development of the future market.In the context of the intensification of games in the United States and China, the voices of various "to the US dollar" are getting higher and higher. If Washington cannot restore the world's confidence in the stability of US financial financial, the consequences will obviously exceed the economic field.

The high degree of connection and complexity of the global economy has made the influence of the financial industry greater.Any reckless or wrong decision of the industry will cause many people to lose their family, which is enough to subvert the overall economy and even change the national movement.Therefore, the power waved by the financial industry must have a corresponding obligation.Many majors such as lawyers, doctors, accountants, architectural surveyors, etc. have strict professional ride, requiring practitioners to perform their duties and severely punish illegal.The consequences of making mistakes in the financial industry are more serious, but there are currently no corresponding professional requirements.It is necessary for central banks to consider carefully to formulate similar professional standards for the financial industry executives to prevent them from pursuing maximizing profits, but ignoring risks.