Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Zhang Yanting

The "TB-001" drone in mainland China enters the airspace in the southwest of Taiwan from the north of Dongsha Island, and passes through the bus strait to fly around the north of Huadong.Flying for more than 2,000 kilometers, the long -term reconnaissance flight capacity showed by the PLA satellite control, and also uses the drone's satellite communication link to immediately pass the information to the combat command center.

The mainland dispatched drones to perform a flight around Taiwan in the Taiwan Air Defense recognition area. Its dense, large -scale, and long -term reconnaissance of Taiwan are the first passion search tasks for battlefield operations.And the combat image required by the aircraft carrier's strike group to facilitate the formation of a strategic situation of compressing and combined on both sides of Taiwan.

The time of this dispatch is selected to implement the performance of the Taiwan army after the performance of the aircraft carrier in Shandong.What are the differences between the electromagnetic environment and the law of signal, thinking that the Taiwan Strait Battlefield Environment will be paved in the future.

Overall, the military purposes that this around Taiwan wants to achieve can be summarized below.First of all, the "East China Sea Air Defense identification zone" is to extend to the entire Taiwan Strait, extend to the "Ryukyu Air Defense identification zone", which is extended to eastern Taiwan, and expanded to Japan.The combination of instant instant combat reconnaissance capabilities from "one -to -one".

Furthermore, it is necessary to prove that the 2-3 generation satellite navigation system of "Beidou" has completely possessed anti-satellite interference capabilities, which can cover all wavelength signals in the U.S. military KA-KU frequency band to ensure satellite navigation rights and active advantages.The U.S. and Japanese Self -Defense Forces, which are launched in the area and seas in the region, intercepted the electronic warfare and signal intelligence launched by the regional area, and expanded the databases that the PLA can master the spectrum.

For the three bases that can take off and land in the three "Global Eagle" high -altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, which can take off and land in Sanzawa, Iwa, and Jiashana in Japan., Fei Airlines, the PLA high -altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft also searched it and found the way of cracking.

Even more, the PLA also uses this to collect the electromagnetic interference status of the "joint operation" in the future of Taiwan and the United States, so as to use a large number of different types of drones as "anti -intervention/ region refusal" (A2/AD) deployed first -issued troops.

Because the high -altitude unmanned reconnaissance flight vehicle itself is the extension of joint combat monitoring forces, it can perform tasks in 70,000 feet high -altitude in various complex combat zones to conduct and guide the weapons and equipment of Lu, sea, air, and heaven.Make precise strikes on important strategic goals of the enemy to play important combat functions and values.

The PLA is anxious to cross the US military with a high-altitude reconnaissance system constructed by the U-2S high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and the "Global Eagle" to actively study what kind of vehicles and scientific research technology to replace them, and establish a combination of United and union built by the U.S. military.Domaining Division Control Architecture (JADC2).Under the continuous push of new and harsh challenges of the combat system, it is necessary to strengthen their strengths.

The author is the deputy commander of the former Air Force of Taiwan