Source: "Semi -familiar Finance" WeChat public account

Author: Li Ying, Zhu Xi Zhi

This "May Day" small holiday, China's hottest city is undoubtedly Zibo.In just two months, this traditional industrial city came out of the circle with barbecue fire and became a tourist destination for the people of the country.The hotel was full and the tickets were sold out. The Zibo government and the citizens were dispatched to welcome tourists who "go to Zi to bake".

On the other side, Jinzhou people can't sit still.Jinzhou barbecue became famous earlier than Zibo barbecue, and he has never set off such a tourism boom."You have to say that there is no sour feeling in your heart, this is not realistic." Li Zhi, president of the Jinzhou Barbecue Association, told us.

In order to learn and overtake Zibo, Jinzhou people acted in full swing: In early April, the Jinzhou Barbecue Association held a meeting, the theme "Learning and Reflection of Zibo Barbecue" in the phenomenon of "Fire Circle".

In mid -April, Ma Xiaochun, Secretary of the Linghe District Committee of Jinzhou City led the team, led by the district Housing and Construction Bureau, the Commercial Bureau, the Market Bureau, the Industrial Company and other departments to form a joint investigation team and went to Zibo to inspect and investigate barbecue barbecueIndustrial development.

On April 24th, Jinzhou held the first cultural tourism integration and high -quality development conference. Some experts proposed that "going to a single product for one tour" is becoming a new trend in the market.The core attraction of the industry.Jinzhou can also become a "net red punch place" because of barbecue.

"The sudden popularity of Zibo barbecue touched by the people of Jinzhou, everyone was anxious." Chen Minzhe, chairman of the Jinzhou Self -Media Association, said that Jinzhou barbecue has always been the glory of their Jinzhou people.The characteristics of the hand in front of friends, but now Zibo barbecue has become a fragrant citron for everyone to consume.

Eager Jinzhou

Before Zibo barbecue, the regional brands with the largest popularity and wide distribution in the barbecue circle were Jinzhou barbecue.

It is understood that there are currently more than 2,000 barbecue shops in Jinzhou City, nearly a hundred years of operation, and nearly a hundred shops in the country have reached 60,000 or 70,000 shops in the country.The Jinzhou Barbecue Association is also the earliest local association in the barbecue industry. It has a history of 18 years of development."In the past ten years of the rapid development of Jinzhou, we have cultivated nearly 20,000 barbecue masters and entrepreneurs throughout the country." Li Zhi introduced us.

Jinzhou barbecue is famous for its rich types.River crabs, pork, gums, oil edges, ice cream, sheep treasure, waist flower, etc. can all be the ingredients of Jinzhou barbecue."Whether the Jinzhou barbecue is a type or taste, it is good in the barbecue." Chen Minzhe recommended it to us more than once.

The biggest difference between Jinzhou barbecue and Zibo barbecue is that the fire of Jinzhou barbecue failed to bring fire Jinzhou, and the Zibo barbecue came out of the circle, but it linked the city of Zibo.This fire spreads from a single food category to the entire city.It is understood that in April alone, Zibo's consumption revenue increased by 1.62 billion.

"Now the fire of Zibo barbecue has allowed everyone to see the power of urban marketing." Li Zhi said that in the past, the attributes of Jinzhou barbecue for the overall development of the city have not been fully tapped.Effective urban marketing models.

According to Chen Minzhe's observation, the topic of everyone chatting recently has always been unable to go around Zibo barbecue and Jinzhou barbecue.There are even citizens who sent private messages to Chen Minzhe. Instead, they have not been able to make Jinzhou unable to be more anxious, and even analyze the reasons why Jinzhou urban marketing has not been done.

According to Chen Minzhe's understanding, Jinzhou has opened several times to discuss and learn Zibo barbecue.Jin Xiangjiu, who had been barbecue in Jinzhou for nearly 20 years. At the meeting, everyone mentioned many times that Zibo merchants have never lacked two less, and they are given more."The Association has been calling and calling on everyone to make services and quality better."

Some time ago, Li Zhi suddenly received a call from the Secretary -General of the Municipal Party Committee and was told that he needed to go to Zibo to study on the spot.On April 16, a group of six from the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and Li Zhi went to Zibo to conduct a three -day visit and inspection.Government departments are more considered by factors such as the implementation of urban levels and business environment. For the barbecue association, the industry is the industry and investigates the Zibo barbecue itself from a professional perspective.

After the inspection, Li Zhi found: "Zibo's fire is not just a barbecue fire." Instead, the fire was in the sincere, enthusiastic hospitality, warm and friendly to college students, from Zibo City leaders.The unlimited spoils of the cadres from the grassroots to the cadres to the foreigners."Leaders support the execution with strong financial resources, and then use wisdom to create opportunities to open the door to show the urban connotation."

Li Zhisi arrived that after becoming "Internet celebrity", the pressure of the surge was predictable to put the pressure on a city.However, whether it is transportation, public security, dining or accommodation, Zibo has stood up with pressure."If a city is not strong, there is no way to bear the sudden influx of more than 100,000 people, but Zibo has done well enough."

In addition to learning and development of itself, the Jinzhou Barbecue also opened the "Dream Link" with Zibo Barbecue: Jinzhou Barbecue Industry Association convened 23 Jinzhou barbecue technicians and chefs on April 27 to prepare to support the Zibo barbecue industry associationMember unit helps Zibo barbecue music festival.

Lack of "Big Director"

Jinzhou barbecue is not a fire."In the past, the Jinzhou barbecue was also on the major TV stations, major newspapers." Jin Xiang for a long time.He believes that the dissemination environment and the network environment of more than ten years ago are not the same. "Send a Douyin Kuaishou on the entire network. Zibo barbecue has encountered new opportunities."

The owner of the Jinzhou Lao Bai Xiangxiang Bakery, Lao Bai, told us that because of the heat of Zibo, the Jinzhou barbecue has also received more and more attention. "It is not competition, but mutual benefit and win -win."The barbecue industry brought a good head, and he did not feel any negative effects caused by Zibo barbecue to Jinzhou barbecue.

Zhang Rui, an actor of Jinzhou, deliberately posted a Weibo some time ago to launch the Jinzhou barbecue platform in his hometown.

As a self -media person, Chen Minzhe has previously reflected some people's livelihood, rarely the content of food.However, recently, he can send four or five Jinzhou barbecue -related Weibo a day, and many of them are provided by the Jinzhou Internet Information Office and the Jinzhou Bed Association."They all support."

Chen Minzhe also applied as a host who did not come to Jinzhou!As of April 30, the topic had been read by 14 million.

Of course, this is still far away from the topic of Zibo barbecue.As of April 30, many Zibo barbecue -related topics have read more than 100 million topics, of which the highest one has reached 640 million.

Chen Minzhe said that although Jinzhou is more anxious to see that Jinzhou is up and down, it is more that all aspects and departments are fighting each other, and the overall development plan of a relatively consistent and systematic system has not been formed."At least no one communicates with us, tells us what to do, how to cooperate with the overall marketing of Jinzhou barbecue and Jinzhou."

Li Zhi also feels the same: "Lack of a big director."

Around the development of Jinzhou barbecue, the association has been making various attempts.Li Zhi introduced that they are doing the Jinzhou Barbecue Industrial Park, while the Jinzhou Barbecue Museum is also promoting construction.Recently, they have been studying how the Jinzhou barbecue people should do. They believe that they still have to turn around, continue to cultivate, and wait for the opportunity.

At the same time, Li Zhi also mentioned that the northeast is an old industrial base, and there are restrictions on regional conditions and some historical problems. This is not what the Jinzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government can change at once, so it needs to be very good.Keep learning for a long time.

"Give us a period of time, for a period of time for Jinzhou, what should we do after we plan."