Source: Ming Pao

The Russian army invaded Ukraine to stop the import of Russian fossil fuels. In the past year, the liquefied natural gas and crude oil that the United States exported to Europe has become an important source of energy in Europe.Energy producers and exporters have also changed the global energy trade territory.The environmental protection organization recently issued a report that the US energy industry is named after helping the European energy crisis. The number of long -term liquefied natural gas contracts signed with companies around the world last year has doubled.Row and energy transformation.

The export of US crude oil ship transportation new high natural gas has doubled

The Wall Street Journal reported on the Sunday (26th) that Europe has replaced Asia in the past few months, becoming the main destination of the US export crude oil. According to statistics from the product data company, KPLER shows that last month's oil from the Gulf -coast of Mexico to Europe last month to EuropeThere are as many as 1.53 million barrels per day.Official data also shows that the number of crude oil ship transport exports in the last season of the United States reached a record high.At the same time, the White House pointed out that the natural gas shipped to Europe last year was more than doubled compared with 2021.In Europe's more than half of the LNG last year, provided by the United States.

Oil enterprise: Europe has almost got rid of Russian oil

The above -mentioned situation, together with US energy companies' business in Asia last year, except for the United States to become the world's largest oil and gas production country and the most important energy export abroad, Politico is expected to rely on US fossil energy in the next few years.Andrew Lipow, chairman of Lipow Oil Associates, the oil industry and market consultant company, said that European energy has almost completed its dependence on Russia and will permanently change the method of obtaining energy. As a resultIt will be more closely connected in Europe and the United States.

The British Guardian reported on Wednesday that the latest research reports of the three organizations such as "Friends of the Earth" pointed out that since the Russian and Ukraine War, the US fossil fuel industry has signed 45 long -term contracts or additional contracts with overseas companies across the country.There are only 14 contracts in 2021, only three in 2020, and most of the contracts are about 20 years.

The report of the ring group refers to the long -term unfavorable environmental protection

Friends of the Earth found that as many as a quarter of the US company's LNG's long -term contract for long -term contracts was the Asia -Pacific region, or the signing party was a petroleum company and a commodity speculative company, of which a total of 58.1 million tons of losses per year each year.More than one -fifth of the gas was signed with Chinese companies.In addition, most of the contracts will be scheduled for the transportation period after 2026. The report believes that the United States industry and officials say that the contract is misleading to save the European energy crisis.Can't save near the fire ", questioning the real purpose of the contract is to ensure that the long -term liquefied natural gas facilities in the United States will stabilize investors such as banks and other investors, but it will exacerbate global environmental issues.

However, the former Chief Energy Assistant State of the Trump administration, and now the director of the geopolitical advisory company "Fannon Global Advisors", Frank Fannon, told Politico that these long -term contracts allowed to buyThe home has exported natural gas to other places. It played a major role in dealing with Russia's closure of natural gas pipelines to Europe. Asian companies holding these contracts were willing to resign to Europe at a high -priced liquefaction natural gas.Fan Nong said that he could not imagine how Europe would spend the energy crisis just in the past winter without liquefied natural gas in Europe.