Singers: Sing Tao Daily

Sing Tao Daily News

Hong Kong has lifted most of the epidemic prevention measures, and only the mask left has not been lifted. In the past few days, many experts have opened up, and the withdrawal restrictions should not be late. It is said that the official cancellation of the mask will be canceled as soon as possible.The cancellation of the mask means that Hong Kong has returned to normal comprehensively, but citizens have been accustomed to wearing masks and suddenly they have to change their habits. I am afraid that it will take time to adapt. Especially young children are more likely to provide support to let them slowly return to their normal life.

Although Hong Kong's dismissal has been one step slower than Macau, the news revealed that the Chief Executive Li Jiachao will announce the cancellation of outdoor and indoor masks today, and will take effect tomorrow.However, some places such as hospitals and hospitals will still be mandatory to wear masks.

The crowd is prone to appearance and anxiety.

In fact, the Hong Kong Government's last line of defense of the epidemic prevention is only a matter of time. Because about 84%of Hong Kong has been vaccinated with three doses of crown disease, it has established a stable social protection barrier.The number of diagnosis has not rebounded significantly. In addition, the peak of the winter influenza has passed. The influenza case has not exploded, which has caused the official condition to withdraw, and the appropriate time has been appropriate.

In addition, in order to urge the valley to recover the economic recovery, it will send 500,000 air tickets to the world in stages from next month, and will hold a number of sports, finance and exhibition events to attract more tourists and business to Hong Kong, and outward outward.Propaganda Hong Kong has returned.However, if Hong Kong continues to maintain a mask order, I believe it will affect the passenger's perception of Hong Kong and feel that the Hong Kong epidemic has not yet passed.In order to cooperate with a series of events, Hong Kong must cancel the mask as soon as possible, so that citizens can meet the passengers with a smiley face.

The official wants to achieve a comprehensive revocation of masks overnight, and it is also what the people's hearts are, but related measures may not be responded to all citizens.After all, Hong Kong and other Asians have a strong awareness of epidemic prevention. When the epidemic broke out, we consciously wore masks. Even if the epidemic slowed down, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Macau have successively relaxed or canceled the mask order, but many local people in the local areaStill unwilling to remove the mask, because the epidemic has not yet passed, the WHO has never announced that the popularity is over. I believe that many people may be wary of the epidemic.I will continue to wear a mask, and I want to wait and see for a while, and determine that the epidemic is completely controlled before I will be relieved to remove the mask.

More importantly, Hong Kong people and people in Asia have wearing masks for three years. Many people are accustomed to nature. Suddenly asking not to wear it, it is inevitable that they will not be able to adapt for a while, and may even have "appearance anxiety".

For female office workers, we have been wearing masks in the past few years without makeup, which not only saves expenses, but also reduces respiratory diseases. The Japanese also joked that the mask is "underwear hanging on the face", even if the local governmentIt is no longer forced to wear a mask, but 60%of people support to continue wearing a cover. Because of the meaning of the mask, we must show people from the true face.

School should provide counseling and support for students

Students also have the same problems. Earlier surveys showed that 63%of middle school students were worried that they were in addition to masks. This may be in adolescence. The face was full of acne.In addition, they are accustomed to wearing a mask and hide their expressions and emotions. Once the mask is removed, their emotions will not be embarrassed.

As for the problems derived from young children's long -term masks, they cannot be ignored. They cannot participate in preschool gaming classes during the peak of the epidemic, and rarely contact strangers.Because the mouth -shaped bite of the teacher or mentor cannot be seen, it will affect the pronunciation, and it is more likely to have language barriers.

Therefore, when the official cancels the mask order, it should not be implemented at full speed of the economy at a regular speed. It should also take into account the anxiety that citizens may have in the past 3 years.Let it adjust the mentality, slowly recover normal communication with others, and provide appropriate support for young children with language barriers.When you are preparing for adaptation, when you take off the mask, everyone hangs a long -lost smile, rebuild social life, and welcome passengers to come back.