Deng Qingbo

The Vice Chairman of the Russian National Security Conference, Medvedev, posted on a social platform on February 22 that if the United States wants Russia to be defeated, Russia has the right to use any weapons to self -defense, including nuclear weapons.He said: "If the United States stops providing weapons to Kiev's regime, the war will end."

"Weapon" is always the keywords in the Russian and Ukraine War.Before the war, Russia cared about Ukraine to join NATO, which will cause NATO to deploy advanced weapons to Russia's doorstep; after the war, Russia wanted to quickly defeat Ukraine with its own weapon advantages.From beginning to end, Russia seems to have fascinated self -confidence in its own weapons, especially strong nuclear arsenal. The United States and NATO will not dare to get over half a step.In any case, Russia will be invincible.

However, the United States has driven NATO's steady stance to continuously send weapons into Ukraine, making Russia not only unable to win quickly, but also increasingly falling into passive.The performance of Russia's weapons in the Ukrainian battlefield is also a great surprise. It is far from being advanced as people thought before. For exampleSinking is the reputation of Russian weapons.

Next, will NATO countries such as the United States, Germany, Britain, and France will give more advanced weapons to the Ukraine Zelei regime, which is the focus of attention from all walks of life.At the same time, the United States is still speculating in China to "consider" providing weapons such as weapons to Russia. The purpose is naturally to block the assistance of Russia to obtain external weapons.

In this case, Russian political leaders again issued severe warnings on weapons issues.However, the so -called "Russia has the right to use any weapon self -defense, including nuclear weapons", which seems powerful, in fact, it is precisely exposed Russia's weakness on weapons.Because when a large country can't move the core cards such as nuclear weapons, if it is not a poor soldier, it is about to play all the food. Except for this kind of big killer, there will be no more and better other weapons.

Russia's biggest strategic error

In fact, the superstition of weapons is the biggest mistake made by Russian politicians in national strategy.

Historically, the collapse of the Soviet Union is also related to the superstition of the Soviet Communist Party on weapons.In order to maintain a powerful arms, the Soviet Union's deformity development and heavy industry has led to long -term weakness in the civil and industrial industry. In order to engage in the "Star Wars" with the United States, the Soviet Union invested a lot of funds on weapons research and development to drag the economy.The "steel torrent" of palpitations did not allow the Soviet Union to win the respect of European and American countries. Instead, it strengthened the fear of the European countries as a strong threat to the Soviet Union and further deteriorated the strategic environment of the Soviet Union.EssenceAll of these are important catalysts of the sudden collapse of the strong Soviet Union.

As the main heirs of the Soviet Union, Russia obviously did not learn the deep lessons of the Soviet Union.As a politician cultivated under the Soviet system, Putin's superstition of weapons is better than the Soviet leaders of the year.During his tenure, he repeatedly used the foreign soldiers, and he really tasted the sweetness before. The biggest sweetness was to show off the army and obtain the Crimea of Ukraine.Obviously, Putin believed to be able to repeat Crimea.

However, it turns out that the weapon is not enough to ensure that the Russian war is invincible.Weapons are like drugs. Once they are addicted, they will get deeper and deeper, bringing deep crisis to the country and even humans.Right now, Russia has a dilemma on the Ukrainian battlefield. The United States continues to transport weapons to Ukraine, making the war not only difficult to calm down, but also in danger of upgrading. Human beings are facing a huge threat to nuclear war.

Russian politics must deeply realize that this situation today is not just because the United States and the West continue to give Ukrainian weapons.There are far more important and powerful things in this world than weapons.

Looking back, the reason why the United States and the West can defeat the Soviet Union are not, at least not just weapons, but also strong cultural output and other soft power.There is no doubt that it was the Soviet people, including the many party members of the Soviet Communist Party, the longing for Western democracy, freedom and other systems and lifestyles that made them lose confidence and patience, and chose to welcomes the collapse of the Soviet Union regardless of the collapse of the Soviet Union.When the banner of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Communist Party landed, people could not see that the Soviets and the Soviet Communist Party members shed tears, let alone fierce struggle.

Similarly, Ukraine, which had a deep relationship with Russia, is now being ironic to join the EU and NATO Western camps. It is also because of its people at least those elites who have power., Rather than everything that Russia showed them to them.Obviously, if Russia's soft power is strong enough, its social system, lifestyle, etc. are enough to be attractive, it can consolidate its strategic interests by fighting the Ukrainian elite and the people to get close to Russia without facing UkraineThe centrifugal and virtues are helpless, and you can only choose to send troops to move the next strategy.

Objectively speaking, Putin's time to rule Russia is so long, and national power has become his ban.Under his governance, is Russia more free and prosperous, becoming a desirable land?Is people more envious of the lives of the Russians, so be willing to approach and follow him?The answers are obviously negative.Today's Russia has not yet created a system and civilization that can truly allow the people to live in peace and work; let neighboring countries sincerely admire and desire the mind.In this case, the superstition of weapons and easily send troops to use martial arts will only make people even more fear and alienation of Russia, which will only cause Russia's strategic environment to worsen.

What inspiration can China get in the Russia and Ukraine War?That is to pay attention to weapons, but we must not be superstitious; we must pay attention to weapons, but we must pay more attention to soft power.In today's China, the biggest weakness in the face of the United States's various enclosures and containment is not that China's weapons are not enough and the economy is not developed, but the soft power such as China's culture and system.Competition against the United States?

In fact, the great achievements of contemporary China are not only economical, but also because it has taken democracy, freedom, civilization, equality, justice, and rule of law as its core values, that is, to acknowledge that these are the rights of the people's rightsIt is also the responsibility of the ruling party.If persistence is persistent, the Chinese people may live in a real democracy and free society in the future.At that time, not only did the West have long been afraid of the infiltration and slander of China under the banner of democracy and human rights, but also that more countries and regions will yearn for China, and China will be truly powerful and safe.

This is the wisdom of governing the country that Chinese sages have long already proposed: "If far people are not convinced, they have since repaired the German.

Of course, not only Russian politicians who are superstitious weapons.To some extent, today's US political elite is even more superstitious about weapons.At present, the US military expenditure accounts for about 40%of the world's total military expenses, exceeding the total military expenses of 15 countries in the world's second to 16th positions, which is more than 10 times that of Russian military expense budgets.However, on the other side of these data, the US debt is high. As the most developed country, a large number of people are in poverty and hunger, and society is facing profound tears.Therefore, if the current Russia is paying for superstition weapons, who will know who will be the next big world of the world?

The author is Chinese current affairs commentator