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A UMNO Chairman Ahmad Zahi launched a cleaning operation within the party. Several senior party members were frozen to party membership, and many senior party members were fired, including Minister of Sanitation Kelly.He continued to challenge Ahmad Zahi's leadership before and after the Malaysian election.After Ahmad Zahi and the Pakatan Harapan co -consolidated their positions, they were retaliated with other objections.

Kelly graduated from Oxford University. It is unique in Umno. In recent years, he has also appeared in a variety of images. When he served as the Minister of Health during the epidemic, he also won some people's favor.Because of this last year, he only lost to the fair party candidate in the Pakatan Harapan in the Pakatan Harapan security zone.

In recent years, the general Mazian's impression of Kelly is a young leader with enlightened and talented. His departure is considered a big blow to UMNO.But is this?Does Kelly himself meet the image he created in recent years?Will his departure cause ripples in Umno or even Malaysia's political circles?

Looking back at history, Kelly was tied with UMNO after political politics, becoming the son -in -law of Abdullah, the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia, and made his political approach to Ma Pingchuan.Although he worked out in the last election and proposed the slogan of reforming UMNO to win votes, everything was given by UMNO.Looking at the perspective of political parties, although Kelly has a good degree, today's wealth status achievements are all from the political behemoth of UMNO.

Kelly learned the UMNO politics in the short time in politics in politics, publicly promoting the marginalized remarks of the Malay people, inciting racial hatred and advocating racial politics.It was not until 2008 that he had converged, but he still made institutional remarks from time to time, such as opposing multiple current education and emphasizing the privilege of Malay.

Kelly made a reform banner during the election, but his essence was not a reformer, but a member of the UMNO. As a vested interest, he was ease in the status quo until his interests were challenged.His reform attitude is just a way to choose when there is no way, not from the heart.

After all, the conservative and traditional routes have been occupied by other Umno veterans. If Kelly wants to stand out, he can only choose relative reforms and changes as a hand.After the fall of Najib, Kelly used the open tolerance as the slogan to run for the party's chairman in 2018, but defeated Ahmad Zahi and only received support for 61 district ministries.99 and 30 district ministries support shows that UMNO is still based on conservative forces.

Kelly regards the national election as a platform for party elections. By accusing many leaders of their own leaders of corruption and publishing purification, it shows that he knows the deep -rooted problem of UMNO.However, when he was unwilling or dared to leave UMNO. When the Corruption Prime Minister Najib was revealed, he also led a number of leaders of the Wuxi Youth Leadership to publicly express his support and support for NajibI am satisfied with Najib's closed door explanation.

As a young political leader, Kelly of Pingbu Qingyun shows more about the wind that makes the rudder and pass by.As soon as he was in politics, he could publish the racial remarks that were repeatedly tried in Malaysia to receive the support of the witch; after 2008, he began to turn to a more enlightened and inclusive route.The Najib's corruption case broke out, and Kelly publicly supported him for the first time. After Najib lost power, he saw a joint jump to compete for the party's chairman.The minority route proposed.If it wasn't so speculative, Kelly would sit comfortably on the seat today, like Najib to support Ahmad Zahi like Najib.

On personal ability, Kelly did not leave significant achievements when he served as the Minister of Qing Dynasty and the Minister of Technology in the past, but the post of Minister of Health has made him popular."A Han Batu repeatedly did not meet the ridiculous remarks of professional identity during his tenure, which made the Malaysian dissatisfaction with him, so that Kelly, who only showed the general logical level, was soon welcomed after taking over.

After Kelly served as the Minister of Health, he not only made a statement of hateless vaccination, but also the opaque purchase of vaccine purchases also caused controversy. Since thenThis procedure contains the personal information of the Malaysian people.Before serving as the Minister of Health, the official website led by Kelly, the coordinating minister of the National Crown Disease Vaccine, not only frequent problems, but also exposed high costs involved in tens of millions of MIL.

Compared with the water on the water case, he publicly challenged Najib's Muyudin. Kelly not only had no principles, but also lacks political courage and ambitions.After the fall of Najib, he sniped the political old man headed by Ahmad Zahi. I am afraid that he was the biggest adventure in his political career and the biggest mistake, because he underestimated his opponent, and he also overestimated himself.

The beneficiary of the skirt relationship, the racist, the supporter of the vested interest group, and the typical political speculators, Kelly and other Umno party members are the same.His anti -corruption speech also won a lot of support.After being destroyed by UMNO, Kelly immediately received invitations from multiple parties.

In essence, it is the old -fashioned Kelly, but now we wear the label of the persecuted young transformators.He is smart, whether he will play an enlightened leader or extremely conservative racist in the future, he can be handy.

The author is a local information technology executive