Source: China News Network

Author: Zuo Yukun

"The sales office queuing to see the house", "Thousands of Lock" reappears, real estate agencies have begun to "recruit soldiers and buy horses" ... Recently, the news market recovery news represented by first -tier cities has frequently caused heated discussions. "Xiaoyangchun" is here?

China New Finance reporters found that the current property market has risen through interviews with related industry people such as real estate agencies, but the improvement of data is related to the release of inertia after the Spring Festival and the release of the rigid demand for backlogs.Market confidence has picked up, but buyers still watch their emotions.

Obverse growth growth

"People who look at the house indeed have increased significantly. The sales office can receive more than 100 groups of customers a day on weekends, and there can be 30 or forty groups on working days.Li Li (pseudonym), a real estate agent in Daxing District, told reporters.

"I returned to Beijing from my hometown after the Lantern Festival. On the weekend of February 11, I went out to take customers to see the house from 8:30 in the morning.I have to lie on the bed and do n’t want to do anything. I saw that my peers were almost busy when I brushed the circle of friends. This feeling is really long. "

Li Li said that at present, there are five groups of customers who follow up in their hands. They are more interested and the communication is very active. I feel that "the order is very promising."

The popularity of second -hand housing also rose.Ms. Zhu, a citizen of Shanghai, is going to sell a real estate of her own. She told reporters that the month after the Spring Festival, the people who came to see the house at home have almost caught up with the sum of last year.There are people who come to see the house.

"At the same time, compared to most people looking at last year to see or let me take videos and pictures, people who watch the house this year are obviously more attentive. There are more people who are willing to bid, butThe price of the out is mainly tentative, and there is no stage of deepening. "Ms. Zhu said.

According to data from the Shanghai Chain Home Research Institute, the transaction of the second-hand housing market after the Spring Festival has returned well, especially the first weekend in February (the first weekend after the festival).60%, with the increase of viewing by 30%to 40%, indicating that the market still has demand and purchasing power.

Can the heat continue?

The atmosphere of warming the market is obvious, but industry insiders have reminded that this phenomenon still cannot be overly understood.

"Central Plains Real Estate stores, such as listing, and view volume, etc., have basically returned to normal interval, which has a positive role in promoting the actual transaction volume.Lu Wenxi, an analyst at Shanghai Zhongyuan Real Estate.

"At present, it can only be said that it is returning to normal, and the accumulated customers have shot. Some of the cheap houses and good units have been sold. But the real shot is still based on just needing, and the gears that improve the house change have not been obviously operated."Mr. Luo Luo, a second -hand house in Beijing, also said.

"The current market is expected, because the entry and lag of the Spring Festival holidays in school district houses are Xiaoyangchun almost every year.More obvious. "Mr. Luo introduced that in addition to some luxury homes recently, the mainstream is still the mainstream house.

But under warm wind, the mentality of buyers and sellers has indeed changed significantly.

In Mr. Luo's view, after the transaction of low -cost housing in the market, the seller confidence has been raised. Many orders have not been discussed because the owner's "anti -price" has even increased the listing price by about 10 %.This may cause buyers to wait and see again, and buyers and sellers will re -play.

He mentioned a group of customers he had recently met. The seller was sold sincerely, and the bargaining space gave a lot of room for bargaining.A buyer is also more satisfied and even watched the room twice.But after the year, the seller felt that the market was warmed up, and it was impossible to reduce the price directly. At least 10,000 yuan meant.

"At present, the real estate market is still in the restoration stage. The market performance after March depends on policy changes." Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, pointed out that if the policy has not changed significantly, "Xiaoyang Chun" may be more obvious in second -tier cities.It is much more; if the first -tier cities have changed the needs of the two sets of two sets, the "Xiaoyangchun" may last longer.

Chen Wenjing, the market research director of the middle finger research institute, also believes that the differentiation of different energy -level cities may be more obvious.situation.

"In the short term, some cities may have a small Yangchun market in March, but the continuous recovery of the market requires residents' confidence and revenue of revenue expectations. The overall needs to rely on the repair of macroeconomic fundamentals." Chen Wenjing said.