Recently, the United States has continuously raised the gateway to accuse China of providing military -civilian dual -use production products to Russia, and it is said that information shows that China is considering further providing fatal weapons to Russia.

In fact, today, regardless of whether the United States says is true, standing on the standpoint of China, even if China does so, it is logical or already.

For nearly a year, the situation has gradually become clearer.Economically, Russia has hosted a powerful sanctions in the West. The national economy has not collapsed as Western imagination. After the initial chaos, it has basically stabilized.On the battlefield, Russia adjusted the initial battle goals. In November last year, it retired from the Nieber River to stabilize the footsteps and gradually occupied the initiative. There were signs that Russia was brewing a large -scale offensive.

The West was obviously nervous about this possible offense.The information revealed shows that after a year of tragic conflict, Ukraine's troops are almost exhausted, and weapons and ammunition are urgently to be supplemented. In view of the huge consumption of the battlefield, Western's regular military aid for Ukraine has become powerless.

It can be reasonably foresee that if the Russian side consumes raw forces and ammunition in Ukraine through a spring offensive and a large -scale consumption of Ukraine, the battlefield situation will completely fall to Russia.

On February 18, the Seventh Kingdom Group and the European Union issued a joint statement that vowed to further increase sanctions against Russia and turned their fans to third parties that were still in trade with Russia. They believed that these countries had disappeared from Western sanctionseffort.China is by far, and the largest trading country, which is still developing with Russia, is still self -evident.

Obviously, Western countries have realized that to defeat Russia, China has become the most critical factor.Next, China and the United States and NATO will be more intense for diplomatic confrontation around China to stop economic and trade relations with Russia, and China's pressure will be very high.

In December last year, mainland China has abandoned the three -year -old rigorous new crown disease control policy, but the economy has been traumatized.Coinciding with the traditional pillar industrial real estate industry, China is facing a problem of revitalizing the economy.Out of the strategic needs of comprehensively curbing China's strategy, the United States has accelerated the pace of departure and blocking China in the economy, especially the high -tech field.Taking the chip as an example, since this year, in addition to taking more stringent measures to comprehensively restrict the import of high -end chips imported by Chinese companies, the United States and the Netherlands and Japan have also reached an agreement on exporting some advanced chip manufacturing equipment to China on January 27.Weaken China's efforts in chip manufacturing.All these undoubtedly have a huge shadow on the prospects of China's economic recovery.

Politically, the United States has continuously rendered the theory of Chinese threats, trying to characterize the Chinese governance model in terms of political concepts and values, and provoke the relationship between China and other major countries in the world.

Militaryly continue to cooperate with allies to create incidents on the issue of Taiwan and the South China Sea. The military existence in the Philippines and Japan and South Korea has been increased. It is even planned to deploy medium -range missiles on the Japanese island.The Asia -Pacific region penetrates.

It can be said that Sino -US relations have never been as nervous and low as today. The balloon incident in early February this year showed this to the fullest.

Now there is a very funny scene: on the one hand, the United States is trying to suppress China, and on the other hand, it requires it to cooperate with NATO to sanctions against Russia. Even the most common Chinese people have seen the ridiculous of them.On the Internet of China, netizens made a lot of ridicule for this.Obviously, in terms of economy and technology, they cannot see the rationality of the United States completely removed and blocked China. They feel puzzled why Americans prevent the transmission and exchanges of human civilization, from the breadth of sanctions and the breadth of sanctions andIn depth, this is almost unique in history.In terms of political and military, unlike Western public opinion, most of the Chinese people have maintained their views with the Beijing government, and believe that the Chinese governance model is based on national conditions.Asian affairs should be the main as Asian countries. The US military activities in Asia are obviously targeted at China and have threatened China's security.

At this point, on the Russian issue, the Chinese government has almost no choice, and it has reached a situation where they have to stand in Russia.Obviously, if the United States insists on curbing China, then Russia's failure in Ukraine will bring serious consequences to China, which will not have to say.

Also on the Chinese Internet, the more radical netizens have repeatedly deduced this consequence.Judging from the long -term impact, we think this is not an exaggeration.That is, if Russia loses the war, it may cause a series of chain reactions. Not only will Russia face the risk of disintegration, but the Middle East and Central Asian regions will also face the reshuffle of geopolitics, which will not be conducive to China.Then there are traditional Chinese -friendly countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America, and China will eventually face pressure. China will eventually respond to the siege of Western countries alone.I believe the Beijing government will also see this.

After Russia made peace talks with Ukraine and NATO on February 11, the Chinese government also put forward twelve suggestions for the peaceful resolution of Russia and Ukraine the day before yesterday, and Western countries responded indifferently.U.S. President Biden said in an interview with the US Broadcasting Corporation that China's plan is only beneficial to Russia, while Ukrainian President Zelei insisted that he would not negotiate with Russia and completely drive the Russian army out of the territory.

In view of the huge differences in the position of the Russian -Ukraine conflict, it is unknown how the conflict end to end, but China's role will become heavier.One thing is very clear. If the United States continues to implement a comprehensive curbing China's policy, China may be forced to stand with Russia.

Author: Zhang Yongjian