Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Gui Hongcheng

The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of National Defense was added to Article 15 in the draft of the National Defense Mobilization Preparation Law.Internet platforms and application service providers and journalists, implementing investigation, statistics, grouping and planning ", which has aroused social attention whether there is any control media.The so -called "mobilization" refers to integrating all forces such as manpower, material resources, financial resources, and mental power to respond to the situation of war or urgent evacuation, but this is not necessarily related to the processing of news and non -real information.

The government regulates or take over all the media during war, which is a normal action.The cognitive operations of Ukraine in the Russia -Ukraine in the Russian and Ukraine War have won great victory. In addition to the support of Western media, it should be the effect of controlling and taking over the media.

However, most media in Taiwan currently have long been a propaganda machine for the Tsai government. Once the war broke out, they should instantly cooperate with the government's propaganda and exert the power of cognitive operations.Moreover, if a war really occurs, the president can restrict the freedom of journalism and speech on constitutional and legally restricting the freedom of news and speech in accordance with the Constitution or issuing martial laws in accordance with the constitution.

But the above draft stipulates that the "usual" of "mobilization preparation" first implements investigations, statistics, grouping and planning for the media and journalists.The style of style is likely to use "political correctness" as the standard of the investigation to distinguish the media of "own people" or "non -person", and then incorporates themselves into mobilization., To enrich the "combat power".Relatively, the media or journalists who have not been mobilized to prepare for planning are the manufacturers who may involve the false news and information in the draft, which is likely to be pre -made "filtering" by the government.

People over 50 years old still remembers that early on the license plates including private bus, transport trucks, engineering cars, etc., some will add the word "movement".This indicates that after the presidential mobilization order, the transportation tool with the word "movement" is a mobilized vehicle that has been listed by the government. It will be collected as the government's material resources in accordance with the national general mobilization law at that time, similar to the current "mobilization preparation".Stage work.

However, during the usual mobilization preparation stage of the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Defense conducted investigations and grouping the media and journalists. Should the mobilized marshals also awarded the identification mark with the word "movement"?Besides, the "fourth power" role of the media and journalists in supervising the government, in order to accept the power of the government's investigation as "usual", is still to deal with the problems of poor news and information.It is difficult for the government to scrap the freedom of news.

The Ministry of National Defense should further explain that after incorporating the publication, media communication, and journalist personnel into mobilizing material resources and manpower, what specific tasks should they take on the "mobilization implementation period" during the war?In addition, the people of Taiwan should understand that from the incidents of invasion of Iraq in the United States and Britain, the government that proves that the government of the free democracy system will not only lie, but also often cause the most unreal information manufacturer.Therefore, the amendments to this full -motion method must be strictly supervised.

The author is the associate professor of Shixin University