Thinking Space

February 15th is a comprehensive defense on Singapore. That day was the occupation day occupied by the Japanese army in 1942, which was of great significance.The concept and name of "comprehensive defense" are rare in all seas.The founding of the country in Singapore was inherently inadequate, and the development process was also frightened with the small country, and stepped up.After all, it is a small achievement.However, the surrounding environment is still sinister.There is no continuous and far -sighted innovative thinking, and it is impossible to have today, and tomorrow is still full of variables.

Driven by the awareness of worry, the concept of comprehensive defense was proposed by Wu Zuodong, then the then -leading team of the second -generation leader in 1984 to implement it to this day.On the surface, Singapore's safety has been smooth so far, and in fact, there may not be no undercurrent.Many potential crises and disasters can be dangerous to be fortunate. We know afterwards and should be considered to be precepts.

Comprehensive defense covers six pillars, namely military defense, civil defense, economic defense, social defense, psychological defense and digital defense.Digital defense is a pillar of newly established comprehensive defense on 2019.

There must be false imaginations in the presence of defense, who is our imaginary enemy?

From a military perspective, imaginary enemies can be a country. Although this is more specific, in the comprehensive reality of political and economic diplomacy, after all, it is slightly narrow and simple.

The fall of Singapore was the direct result of a military defeat, which made people feel the importance of military defense.Several lessons of that year, one after landing on the Malay Peninsula, they quickly went south to Johor Bahru. The defense British coalition forces caught off guard and fell within a few days.The lesson lies in the lack of the island of the hinterland. It is too late to wait for the enemy forces.This can only be done through the Air Force, so it is imperative to establish an air force that can quickly and effective reactions.However, as soon as Singapore ’s aircraft aircraft lift up, it will immediately enter the neighboring country. It is necessary to obtain the understanding and cooperation of neighboring countries through the help of diplomacy and alliances (such as the Five Kingdoms Defense Treaty) in peacetime.

Another historical lesson was to defeat South Vietnam in 1976 and unified Vietnam; then Vietnam invaded and occupied Cambodia in 1978.This made Yajian (only includes Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines).If the expansionism is not stopped, the Domino brand effect will be formed, and who will the next goal?Of course, it is Thailand, after that?Fortunately, Ya'an at that time showed unprecedented unity, perhaps this is one of the important scary factor.Later, the Sino -Vietnamese war broke out, causing Vietnam to be lacking, and Southeast Asia avoided a disaster.This lesson is the importance of the unity of Asian security.

Time has moved, and Vietnam and Cambodia are both members of the Asian fine security. They are no longer a military imaginary enemy in that year.

Similarly, the first stage of the first stage of Japan in Japan and Singapore was about 30 years of low tide period in the early days of the war.Black becomes better.Entering the second stage is the relationship between Asia in Asia and Japan for more than 40 years, and has become an important partner of each other in politics and economic exchanges.The turning point of this development is worth mentioning the "Fukuda Declaration".

After the war, Japan has been developed in less than 20 years. It has been developed. It was impressive and more than 300 kilometers per hour. After hosted the Olympic Games in 1964, it was quickly prosperous and rich.However, the advanced Japan that year tried to show compensation after the battle in Southeast Asian countries, but the gold aid of pollution industry and the gold aid in the hands of the dictator caused the dislike of the local people.In 1974, when Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka Tanaka visited the Five Kingdoms of Asia, it was exactly the anti -Japanese demonstration, which surprised Japan, showing that it failed to reflect on its 30 -year diplomacy after the war and had to reflect.The result of the reflection was reflected in the Declaration of Futian, a Prime Minister Fukuda in 1977.

The main content of the

Fukuda Declaration is that the vows are no longer a military power, but to maintain an equal and equal relationship with the ASEAN countries.After more than 40 years of diligent operation and practice, the right medicine changes the policy, including bringing added value to Yajia'an, the training of local talents, establishing a good reputation of Japanese products. In addition, it has won people in the soft culture.The test of time has reversed the unfavorable situation and became an important partner in Yaxian.Premier Li Xianlong also gave a positive evaluation of the Fukuda Declaration on many occasions.

The culprit of Japan's war in the war of aggression should be the thought of militarism, and many good citizens of Japan were also harmed.Today, between Japan and Asians, it is obviously getting rid of the past, so its second -stage diplomacy can be said to be successful.

However, it has to be mentioned that diplomacy is two -way. Japan proposed the Fukuda Declaration. Because of the active response of Asians, it has proved that it can do it and be beneficial and benefit.

Vietnam and Japan in the two historical lessons are examples of turning the enemy as friends; the important factor in common is the unity of Ya'an.

Another historical lesson that is closely related to us is related to the subversion of the Malayan Communist Party.In the 1950s and 1960s, for the Malaysian Peninsula and Singapore, they were all autumn.The independence of colonial independence after World War II in the world also blown into Xinma.Britain gradually withdrew, triggered the independence of the 1957 Malaysian Federal Federation. In 1959, Singapore's complete autonomy, the merger of the new horse in 1963, the establishment of the Malaysian Federation, and the new horses in 1965.The struggle between the regime in the middle is endless and brutal. One of the power Malaysias sneaked into the forests of the North Malaysia early, accepting the support of the Communist Party of China and the Soviet Union, and continuously waited for the opportunity to seize power through force.Today's statement is the violence of almost terrorism.


Malaysian activity base, although in the Matai border forest near Singapore thousands of miles away from Singapore, however, the underground infiltration activities of the Communist Party of China are spread all over the new Malaysia.This made the new Malaysia government feel deeply worried and guarded all the enemy hiding in the dark.

When Deng Xiaoping, the leader of the mainland government in 1978, visited Singapore, then the then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yao asked Deng to propose to Deng that the mainland government should strive for the trust of Asia's safe security (the purpose of the mainland government at that time was to be aimed at the Communist Party of China and the Vietnam), and it should consider the withdrawal of the mainland government.Support the Malaysia Communication of Radio Broadcasting Activity.After many considerations, the mainland government finally made a positive response, which greatly relieved the threat of the Malaysian Communist Party.Malaysia disbanded in 1989, and a suffering of a major confidant finally disappeared.

Comprehensive defense respond to the new threat

The past has passed, and it is new and new.What about the current situation today?

Not long ago, the government announced that three teenagers were detained, the youngest was only 15 -year -old students.They received the propaganda materials of some extreme religious organizations through the Internet, self -radical, and even generated the idea of killing non -paders.In recent years, there are many similar detention cases. The parties hope that the religious extremism in various places has also planned a terrorist attack.Fortunately, the internal security bureaus can still be preceded to prevent scourge.However, this threat still exists.

The Internet has helped such incidents, and this phenomenon has surpassed the national borders.Although it is difficult to stop the penetration of hostile forces, Singapore's new digital defense has played a role.

Internationally, internationally, in addition to the Russian and Ukraine War, the current major major events should be the mutual confrontation between China and the United States in many fields. One of them is a large amount of resources in both parties.In order to strengthen persuasion, he did not hesitate to make fake information to confuse people. Due to the misleading of various authentic information of foreign countries, they tend to choose the side stations in the game of great powers.The difference in this view is not good for national unity, and it will also shake Singapore's independent diplomatic policy.Therefore, on the one hand, we hope that the great country can find a relief plan. On the other hand, we must strengthen domestic communication, so that Chinese people can see the facts, distinguish between right and wrong, and understand what is the best for us.

Terrorism and the overwhelming publicity of large powers are different from armed threats such as Japan, Vietnam, and Malaysia in history.Today's imaginary enemies have surpassed the national borders and are no longer limited to individual countries, but extreme ideas or ideology.

Everything is constant, and the imagination is evolving.The so -called unchanged is to continue to stand firmly, understand our national interests, wait strictly, and maintain the values and spirit of continuous innovation for many years.In this way, we can stand invincible and allow people living in this land to continue to enjoy peace and prosperity.

The author is Singapore

Pre -President of the Graduate Association of State University

Today's imaginary enemies have surpassed the national borders and are no longer limited to individual countries, but extreme ideas or ideology.