Zhang Tiancha

On February 23, the 11th emergency special meeting of the UN General Assembly was overwhelmed, and the Russian Federation was required to immediately require the Russian Federal Federation to be immediately required to immediately,Thoroughly and unconditionally, all military forces are withdrawn from Ukraine internationally recognized territorial territories, and call for stopping hostile operations.

In response, the vice chairman of the Russian National Security Conference, Medvedev, once again issued a threat to nuclear blackmail and destroying the world.On February 25, he wrote in the news that if Russia's own survival has a serious threat, the problem will never be resolved on the Ukrainian front ... "We don't need a world without Russia.Forgot to be forgotten for a few centuries, until the smoke's filled with the sparkling of the smoke stopped being released. "" Western countries and its allies only account for 15%of the world's population. We are more powerful and more powerful. "

This is no longer known for Russian officials for several nuclear blackmail and threats.

The power of the country and the nation is not large, nor is they widely located, but in terms of politics, science and technology, economy, and culture.Even from Medvedev's primary school cognition -a large number of people in the number of land represents a strong representative, it is ignored.The 11th Emergency Special Meeting of the United Nations Conference requires Russia to withdraw unconditionally from Ukraine. There are 141 countries that have voted in favor of votes, and seven countries who vote against votes, including Russia, White Ross, North Korea, Eritle, Mali, Nicaragua and Syria.Russia's population is 140 million, and the total population of these seven countries is 229 million.

In fact, this total population is less than 330 million in the United States, not to mention that among the 141 countries who voted for votes, the EU alone 447 million Canadian American population reached 777 million.More than three times the population.The ratio of this number may be that kindergarten children should know who is more and less.

Maybe Medvedev uses another algorithm, which is calculated to support his country that supports the country. In this wayChina's population has reached 2.82 billion (1.408 billion+1.412 billion).However, does the country who vote for power really supports Russia?They are just neutral.If you make support for abstaining power, it is not only a semantic solution, but also distorted the true intentions of others in other peoples in the behavior and substantive sense.This approach is no longer the thinking of normal people.

In terms of the vast region, many people agree that Russia is a powerful country, just because the land area is the world's highest in the world, reaching 17.1 million square kilometers.However, even if it is measured by the large land and the big objects, the land area of Russia is not the largest, because about 70%is permanent frozen soil, and the effective land area suitable for human living is only 30%, about 5 million square kilometers.About 7.5 million square kilometers; it is also lower than 60%of China's effective land area, about 5.5 million square kilometers.

Some people will think that Russia is rich in natural gas and oil, and the thin camel is larger than the horse.According to statistics from the British Petroleum Corporation (BP), as of the end of 2020, Russian natural gas proven reserves reached 37.4 trillion cubic meters, accounting for 19.9%of the world's proven reserves, ranking first in the world.The reserves are mostly one thing, whether it can be mined, and whether there is consumers to buy and use it.After the implementation of sanctions in Western countries such as the United States, the state -owned Russian Natural Gas Industry Co., Ltd. reported that in 2022, natural gas output fell by 20%and exports fell by 45%.Petroleum production is only 2%lower than that of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that when the EU embodiment will take effect in winter, the decrease will be expanded to 13%.

Okay, Russia's natural gas and oil have other countries to take over, such as India, but energy is just raw materials. If it cannot be converted into scientific and technological innovation and economic industries, it cannot become a real big country and power.The elements of becoming a big country and a strong country are morality, systems, economy and technology.In these respects, there is no standard for Russia to reach the standards of a strong country, but it has gradually declined.

From a moral point of view, obeying the rules based on the universal value of human beings is the cornerstone of a country to become a great power.The United Nations Charter proposes these principles and rules: it is not allowed to seize the land with force; the border of another country must not be canceled; the civilians must not be attacked in the war;

Observing the significance of these principles, as U.S. Secretary of State Brillings said: If we do not defend these basic principles, we are encouraging a world that may be regarded as a matter of course that may be considered as a matter of granted.Essence

The United Nations Charter is committed to ending the world of weak meat and strong food, which is the voice of most countries in the world.The Charter is committed to allowing all life and living a free and happy life. It also summarizes the process and tragedy of human history from a strong country to a weak country. Only by adhering to this charter, it is possible to be strong.happiness.

Russia once dominated the world with force and became the world's power and the largest country, but it inevitably became a weak country and the end.From a historical and reality, Russia is by far the largest and most aggressive country in the world, and the largest land area is obtained by invading, strong occupation and killing.Even so, Russia does not have the number one land area in history, only the second.

In history, the Mongolian Empire's land area was the largest, with more than 35 million square kilometers, and the entire Asian and European continent was only 50 million square kilometers.In 1206, Tiemu was respected as Genghis Khan in the Difficult River, and established the Mongolian Empire. Tie hoof conquered countries from east to the Korean Peninsula, west to Poland, Hungary, Siberia in the north, and south to the Central South Peninsula.But by 1359, after the fourth -generation Da Khan Mongolian died, the Mongolian Empire gradually split into the Yuan Dynasty and the Four Great Khanate.At this time, the Mongolian Empire had perished, and it only lasted for 153 years.

Of course, there are many reasons, but the essence is that the aggression and expansion of the Mongolian Empire violates the basic morality of human beings and expand the territory in order to slaughter and robs instead of freedom and happiness. Its rule will inevitably perish.Now, inheritance in Russia in the Mongolian Empire in genes, although the history of plundering and expansion has been 500 years, it is still the largest country in the world.It will decline and fall into the end of the world.The reason is very clear. It does not have real hard and hard strength to get close to it.

The author is Beijing scholar

The United Nations Charter is committed to ending the world of weak meat and strong food, which is the voice of most countries in the world.The elements of becoming a big country and a strong country are morality, systems, economy and technology.In these respects, there is no standard for Russia to reach the standards of a strong country, but it has gradually declined.