Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense announced the draft law of the preparation law of the National Defense Mobilization. If necessary, the media and the Internet will be compiled, causing the outside world to question the control of the government's fake defense.More seriously, the Ministry of Education recently convened a local education authority to ask for "mobilization" for students over 16 years of age to organize students to "protect their hometown" and participate in rescue.These measures aroused the anxiety and fear of the people overnight, as if the war of killing was nearly.

This amendment, the Ministry of National Defense renamed the current national defense mobilization preparation law to the National Defense Mobilization Law, and used the "mobilization preparation stage" to expand its power.The current law will divide mobilization of mobilization into eight categories, including spiritual mobilization and manpower mobilization, but the draft amendment has changed the "spiritual mobilization" to "education mobilization", and new information dissemination, financial foreign exchange and capital mobilization are added;Media -related people account for more than half.In addition, the current law of mobilization is based on "materials", but the new law has significantly increased the "manpower" tube, emphasizing "in response to news and non -truthful information treatment".It is displayed at the high level of remarks and control of this amendment.

It is more discussed that two "blank authorizations" appeared in the draft of the full motion method, making the government's control of the government's control of remarks.One is that there is no clear definition of the so -called "mobilization preparation stage". At any time, as long as the government thinks it is necessary, it can be regarded as a "preparation stage".Na Na.Second, it is to "blank authorization of the competent authority". The current laws and regulations have clearly stipulated the competent authorities of each mobilization preparation plan.In the new law, it becomes "the authority or unit designated by the Executive Yuan as the competent authority", which also made the government's naping management of Zitong, news, network, and famous manpower.

Although the Ministry of National Defense stated that these are all necessary measures during the war, and the current laws and control of the media have also been regulated by the "mobilization and implementation stage of mass communication and employees."However, looking at the above methods, there is no relevant provisions of the "mobilization preparation stage personnel nation, nathematics management"; the statement of the Ministry of National Defense obviously avoids the weight of the weight, and the focus of the problem is blurred.

Equally attracting serious attention is that once the war occurs, whether the "uncomfortable youth" must be on the battlefield.The Ministry of National Defense explained that the current civil defense law has stipulated that students above high schools must miss the protective team to assist in the tasks such as rescue and fire protection, which is different from the "participating in the war" to allow unsuccessful young people.But the fact is that the Ministry of Education has recently demanded that educational agencies in various places have mobilized students over the age of sixteen to mobilize and provide training to establish a "town -guarantee school and self -protection ability".Although the defenders of Baosheng are the responsibility of everyone, after more than 30 years of democratization in Taiwan, the temporary clauses during the chaos have already exited;In the face of cross -strait conflicts, even the sixteen -year -old adolescents have to start to mobilize their hometown. Isn't this time that has flowed up for more than 30 years?

Ironically, the Cai government once wanted to promote the constitutional amendment of the "eighteen -year -old citizenship", and sent a "adult gift" of 1,200 yuan per person from eighteen to 21 years old.For generations, we have revealed love.But at the same time, the military service of the eighteen -year -old man was extended to one year under the pressure of the United States. Nowadays, the 16 -year -old student mobilizes the mission of the hometown.Are these methods be accelerated to recognize reality?Or is it pushing the younger generation to the battlefield and helping the DPP to fight a war that they can't clean up?

The Ministry of National Defense revised the full movement method, and the indica direction was: war is approaching.Therefore, Taiwan must prepare for the "all people's soldiers", and the media must hand over the right to compete for mobilization. Young students must be organized early for Baoxiang Wei and Land.This decree is also the Cai government's unforgettable preservation work method and the borrowing of the soul of the borrowing of the digital intermediary law; but the sword refers to the war, is this what the whole people want?