Wu Jungang column

Every year's fiscal budgets affect people's hearts, and it is necessary to staged a fierce offensive and defensive battle in Congress. There are always many suggestions for spending money, and it is always based on the assumptions we can afford.As for where money comes from, it is always a difficult problem.The so -called budget is to estimate the expenditure required by the government in the fiscal year and the taxes that can be paid.When you compare, you know if the money is enough.

In the past few years, affected by the epidemic of the crown disease, deficits have appeared in the fiscal budget, and this year seems to be expected to return to the normal state of revenue and expenditure balance.Instead of money, there are only two solutions, borrowing money (that is, debt) or using old books (national reserves, if so).In fact, most countries do not have sufficient reserves, so they can only continue to raise debt, and continue to repay their debts, and the financial situation is getting worse.

The situation in Singapore is very different.In the past 70 years, the financial situation has become better and better, and the living standards of ordinary people have also improved significantly.how did you do that?A simple answer is to keep making the national economy bigger.The greater and larger cakes can get more and more people.Not only that, the more the country's reserve is accumulated, which has become one of the most important tools to deal with the crisis.

It all seems to be taken for granted, but it is actually unusual.Because Singapore has almost started from one poor, and the reason for today is that for so many years, in addition to encountering the world economic recession and financial crisis, the economy can basically maintain a momentum.Singapore without natural resources, the main driving force for growth is to attract foreign investment, invest in production and expand trade.The fundamental fundamentals are good, and the state has considerable financial and tax income to cope with various frequent expenses, and even have surplus to enters the reserve.The Singapore government also has another exception to use reserve investment to earn returns to open up a new source of wealth for the government.

In this year's budget, the Net Investment Returns Contribution (NIRC) reached 23.5 billion yuan, which was 6.1 billion yuan more than the estimated 17.4 billion yuan of consumption tax revenue.Few countries in the world have such ability.Our neighboring countries are rich in natural resources, but the result is a big scandal of corruption money and laundering. The money originally used for investment does not know where to go. Where can there be any net investment returns?The Malaysian Prime Minister and Fortune Changan have recently proposed a budget of RM388.1 billion (about S $ 117 billion). The taxation is estimated to be RM295.1 billion, which is more than 90 billion yuan deficit.

The Congress debate the financial budget and allocation committee to review the expenditure budgets of each department, always compare baht, and do not let go of any details.This is one of the responsibilities of members of the parliament, ensuring that every penny of the budget is used on the knife mouth.But from the perspective of national finance, it is more important to ensure that the financial resources are widely advanced.Because, if the source of money is insufficient, you can't talk about the big cakes.Therefore, it is important that to ensure that the master responsible for making cakes has the ability to continue to make the cake bigger.

However, although the government can do it, it is not Sun Wukong and can change seventy -two; it is not the God of Wealth, you can continue to divide money.The return on investment in national reserve is also limited.At a certain point, some tax rates have to be adjusted.One percentage point of consumption tax is a percentage point.The population aging, social and medical expenditures are getting bigger and bigger. Without increasing taxes, where does money come from?

The so -called wool is on the sheep. Except for Nirc to help a lot of help, the rest is to share the taxpayer.Based on the capable of paying more, the low -income groups that cannot afford and feel the pressure of tax regulation will be helped by the government through fiscal transfer.This is to help with sincerity.If the government cannot withstand political pressure or does not make necessary adjustments for politics correctly, the rest is the only way to empty the treasury.It may be terrible that the consequences of the state treasury are caught for a moment.Some countries go bankrupt because of this.

Britain is reduced to a world steward that only recognizes money

Therefore, fiscal policy must take care of the current needs, but also must consider long -term.The sustainable policy can only be quantified, not Yin to eat food, not casually pay salary, and maintain consumption within the ability to make money.Just like the founding generation of the country, from renting a house to buying a three -bedroom house, and then gradually improved with family income to four -bedroom or five -bedroom style.

Founding of the People's Republic of China has witnessed Singapore from poverty to a well -off, from a re -export trade port to a world financial center, and the whole process of the world is well -known.The empire was reduced to a rich housekeeper.Therefore, the importance of fiscal policy that can be deeply enlightened.

Reading British writer, the butler of the book of the British writer Oliver Bullough, has a lot of emotions.The butler that this person can use is Britain.There is also a sub -title of the title: how the Britain is reduced to a rich man, tax evasion, stolen and criminal slaves.The transformation process described in this book over the past 70 years can be said to have formed a strong comparison with the story of Singapore.

General housekeeper is to manage housework for employers.Of course, employers are large and small, as large as the royal family, and small as a rich family.Who is the housekeeper of the world?There are rich people from all over the world, no matter what identity or background, whether their money is clean or dirty.As long as you have money to invite me, I will serve you.

According to the author, after the two World War, Britain spent hundreds of years to plunder the wealth of the colonies for hundreds of years.After the Suez Canal crisis in 1956, the pound depreciated and British fiscal was constrained. Since then, it has become a housekeeper in the world.It is also good to be a housekeeper to be a housekeeper honestly. The problem is that this housekeeper chose a crooked road.In the words of the author: In the past 70 years, the United Kingdom has changed and has become a gangster's helper. A slave who can serve anyone can afford the cost.

Simply put, there is only money in the eyes of this housekeeper, no morality, no black and white right and wrong.A very good example is that after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, many oligopers and stolen people who appeared in Russia and Ukraine had chosen to settle in London and transfer their dirty money to London or British Naobrallas and Verjing Islands., Cayman Islands and other tax evasion paradigms.They were warmly welcomed. They were in power in London, bought luxury homes, set up empty shell companies, opened casinos in Gibraltar and other places, laundering money, and enjoying a luxurious life without evil.

But Britain does not care about these. What it cares about can only get various benefits from these people. For example, banks can earn a lot of service fees, lawyers, accountants, tax experts, real estate agents, insurance companies, etc., can be replaced byThese rich people have received generous compensation, politicians can get political donations, and universities can get these rich funds donations.

The fate of a country is not permanent, but it is just better or bad.The finances of a country are not permanent, and they will also become better or bad.After becoming better, the reputation and status of the country have improved; if it is bad, the country can only fall.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress

The Congress debate the financial budget and allocation committee to review the expenditure budgets of each department, always compare baht, and do not let go of any details.This is one of the responsibilities of members of the parliament, ensuring that every penny of the budget is used on the knife mouth.But from the perspective of national finance, it is more important to ensure that the financial resources are widely advanced.