
The negative examples of the UK tell us that the country's counter -terrorism strategy must be strong, and we must not be "afraid of wolves and tigers."

In the past few years, the influx of more foreign funds and high -quality investment has eased the impact of the uneasy international situation to Singapore.Since entering 2023, Singapore's economy has shown a significant development momentum, but on this front of "self -radical", negative news is frequently reported: more young Muslims have been issued by detention or restrictions.In a month, the internal security bureau issued two consecutive announcements to announce several prevention law enforcement operations.

On January 11, the Security Bureau revealed that in October last year, the 38 -year -old teacher Kaelu was detained.This is the first teacher of the Ministry of Education to be detained under the internal security law.He tried to hide humanitarian rescue as a cover, and went to the Palestinian Gaza Strip to join the terrorist organization Hamas and its subordinates of the armed faction Kasan to fight against the Israeli National Defense Force.

On February 1st, the bureau announced that he had detained 18 -year -old student Irfan in December last year.He intends to launch at least three violent attacks, including attacking "non -believers", attacking the Hongmao Kui military camp where the National Student Corps Headquarters is located with a car bomb, and the explosion of the Harva Mohamad Sauli in Perso,Beno Saint Grave.

On February 21, the Inner Security Bureau announced another announcement that the two teenagers had become radical in contacting the content of terrorism online. One of the 15 -year -old teenagers even wanted to be a beheading attack on non -Muslims at the local popular tourist attractions.In December last year, he became the youngest detainee.

Another 16 -year -old teenager was issued a restriction order in January this year. In November 2020, he was interested in online information of extremism.warning.However, he was still obsessed and discussed with other online users, and even joined the game platform Roblox, tampered with the game content, promoted the terrorist organization "Islamic State" (ISIS), and uploaded it to social platforms.

From teachers, students, to students, to minors (officials are also known as their names), the detention person is younger than one, and its violence tendency is more fierce than one.

Two teenagers met on the Internet with Irvan, who were detained in December last year. Although the three young people were self -evolved separately, the odor was similar. Through the same extreme social media platform, they exchanged radical ideas and jointly supported terrorist organizations.The three never met or discussed the plan to go abroad.The three young "people in the same way", the radical process of ideology and consciousness is similar, and all worship the social platforms that preach the extremeism.

In addition, the family of the three of them did not know their ideas, which is a key factor in "self -radical".To prevent young people from moving towards extremes, communities and family members have their own effects, but in fact, parents generally cannot supervise their children's online reading habits and interests, and parents cannot seek assistance from the official early.

The assessment of the Inner Security Bureau's assessment: "Young people are more likely to be affected by the outside world in the process of finding their identity, meaning, and belonging. As a result, extreme and terrorist organizations are therefore based on the goals of online recruitment and intake of radical ideas." These organizationsIt also abuses video game platforms, spread ideological beliefs, and recruit players with affected affected.With the increase of radical young cases, officials will deepen their contact with other participating transformations and community partners, "dealing with radicals from upstream, and strengthening the transformation of radical teenagers."

Young people look for their identity and sense of belonging, just like early society, young people "go astray", and the psychology of gangs is similar.The biggest difference is that extremism and terrorist organizations go to the Internet, influence breaks national borders, and is more difficult to detect about social security and land security.

From 2015 to the present, there are 11 20 -year -old or younger teenagers in the local area.

Online surveillance technology is getting more precise. The official wants to strengthen the monitoring of monitoring extremists from "upstream" to make up for the insufficient supervision of the community and the family's own supervision.

From another perspective, the exposure of more young people's self -evolution may be precisely because of the continuous improvement of official law enforcement.


Digitalization era makes it more difficult for young people to get rid of various weird temptations on the Internet.Young people linger on the Internet every day. Personality and emotions are easily affected by what they have seen on the Internet. They live in time and space that are disconnected from reality and bring themselves into the world of imagination.Therefore, it is not incredible to have a young Muslim to yearn for Taliban.

The "echo room effect" played on social media is an intangible trick that recruits and buy horses and expand its strength. It is happening all the time. No matter what field topics, such as the discussion of the crown vaccine and the Ukrainian war.The existence of the "echo room effect" is already a phenomenon of the times and the network ecology. We cannot escape. "Coexistence with it" must have a positive response strategy, find the source of the problem, and ring the alarm in time.

Recently, the Broadcasting Corporation quoted a sharp assessment conclusion in the report that the British anti -terrorist mechanism "Prevent" has failed, and it missed the opportunity to find a terrorist attacker.In fact, the disasters of the past terrorist attacks were actually "followed" by this anti -terrorist mechanism, but they were not stopped in time.This anti -terrorist mechanism is criticized as too "politically correct". It is worried that it will be regarded as "spread Islamic phobia", and it will not act decisively and lacks targetedness.

The negative examples of the UK tell us that the country's counter -terrorism strategy must be strong, and we cannot "be afraid of wolves and tigers." Especially the extremism in the Internet era is an invisible enemy.The local agents who were found to be voted for the net, but this depends on the governments of various countries to refine Sun Wukong's "fire eyes and golden eyes" to find them out, so that they can be called online demon and monsters.

(the author is a special commentator in Lianhe Zaobao)