The most incredible thing is that all this can happen in Europe in the 21st century!

Poland's geographical location and history allows us to soberly commented on the Russia -Uko -war between Eastern Europe.After all, Singapore has directly experienced the pathogen of psychological invaders (referring to the Nazis and the Soviet Union) of two totalitarianism. In the Second World War, Poland sacrificed one -sixth of the population and half of intellectuals.Throughout the 20th century, Poland has experienced so many disasters. In order to allow our society to be conscious, sometimes the important situation is not to remain silent, and sometimes it is not worthy of concessions. We must stand up against evil.This is why more than 90%of Poles support Ukraine during this war.

For hundreds of years, Ukraine is part of Poland. The complex relationship of this European history has caused a lot of historical wounds.If the people of Poland and Ukraine are not willing to let the past, but stay in the Russians, the two countries will not develop and build a better common future.Now, the friendship of the Bowu people has developed into an unprecedented height.

Looking at the Ukraine people bravely resisting the aggressor, the Poles realized that Russia had no reason to bomb and robs their Slavic relatives, and the Polish people were fully devoted to supporting Ukraine's battle.In our eyes, Putin has failed.Whether he can guarantee the bombardment of his land is uncertain. What can guarantee is only the Ukraine who strengthens the relationship with who, or whether to join the Western world without hesitation.Another victory in Ukraine is that more countries have visible and clearly see Russia's nature.Ukraine has won.This is a comment from the people in my social group.No one I know, none of the people who do not support Ukraine, do not admire the courage to pursue freedom and love, and are willing to bear some responsibilities for strengthening Ukraine.

The 20th century should teach humans, to resolutely oppose violence in international relations, or use historical dreams to revive the scope of the old forces.

Outside Poland, sometimes people can hear people say that this war is not easy to clearly clearly clear black and white.In fact, this is the darkest war in observing all kinds of conflicts in the world.Let me use a metaphor with popular culture to describe the Polish people's attitude towards this war: that is the choice of movie Lord Rings or Star Wars.Get clearly Mordor (Mordor, edit: The Dark Demon Soron in Magic Novels).

Ukraine not only resist foreign infestation, they also become people shields far more than Western principles.They struggled for the rules-based order.If the people of the world want to have some stable principles and rules to follow, they should be able to accept these principles and sacrifice some of their own rights.In the past year, Poland has received millions of Ukrainian refugees.More than 70%of Poles have participated in the process of helping refugees.My family is also, and we can't talk about special contributions. We can only help the pain of refugees every day.The refugees brought various stories, and I had sent two cancer Ukrainian children to the hospital before.I have known many people. For more than 300 days, I welcome Ukraines to live in their house and eat together. When they are their own family, they just make their mother see that their children can go to school instead of learning the hatred of adults.And violence.

Six of the 19 students in my son's class are refugees, and the refugees in other Warsaw schools account for 10%to 15%.This is also a certain burden.Seeing a doctor, school, and national benefits have increased more than 2 million people.For whom, it is a great burden, but at least in the first year of summary, the answer of Polish citizens is: should.

If we sacrifice Ukraine, we do not support this young but free nation to determine their future. If we do not defend foreign enemies, the invaders will only be more greedy, and violence will easily spread to the world.There are already many problems in countries around the world, historical maps, controversy, and unsolved contradictions.Eating small between the country is primitive enough.What Russia wants to tell us is that it can violate any agreement, bomb cities, slaughter, and intimidate the world. At the same time, pretending that it is not a war, pretending to be threatened, not violating international principles.

Poland has been a Russian neighboring country for hundreds of years, and the relationship is complicated.From Finland to Romania, no neighbor facing Russia will not resolutely oppose Russian aggression and support Ukraine.The closer to Russia, the more I know the Imperial Dream of Russia.Russia's special gasoline and cheap natural gas have never corrode us.The Polish are clearly black and white. They know that they want to unite to oppose Russia. Russia's behavior is a hooligan and is raping others' territory.

For the Polish, if Ukraine is defeated, the next one is the three Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and Poland, but we are not afraid of Russia. Now if we do not invest in Ukraine, Russia will come in.We have no other choices.In order to protect their lives and principles, the Poles will definitely resist, and the current dedication is definitely required.

My intellectual friends who have read the news carefully know that Singapore is the only country in Southern Asia that supports Ukraine and sanction in Russia. We admire you very much.You have your own thoughts, bravery and principles.You have nothing to do with Russia in history. You can have been neutral, but you oppose things that violate international principles. You are doing things according to principles. We admire them very much.