Breakfast time

Forced mask measures implemented in order to cope with the crown disease epidemic, after three years, it was finally canceled last Monday (February 13). The public does not have to wear a mask when taking public transportation.As Singapore's outbreak of the disease response to the system's alert level, from yellow to green, after the crown disease is regarded as a local epidemic disease, we can finally say "worship" to the mask.

The first day of the cancellation of mandatory measures, according to the reporter's observation during the morning peak hours, about 80 % of the bus and subway passengers still wore masks.Most bus passengers who do not wear masks are young people, and they can finally show people.The elderly continued to wear obediently, worried that the virus entered the virus.Regardless of or not wearing, everyone has a mask on it to prevent it.

"Green Light" was two weeks after lighting up, half of the bus passengers continued to wear masks.A few days ago, in the subway car, I heard a conversation.Aber, about seventy -year -old, said to the man in his 20s next to him, "It's rare, you still wear a mask." The man said that there were two boxes of at home and did not wear waste.Two boxes can be used for two months, and you may not wear it after use.Aber said that even if the mask was used up, he would "add the goods" to continue wearing it. He was used to it and would not take risks to save money.

When the outbreak was outbreak, the government encouraged everyone to wear masks if necessary.I remember that everyone knew how to wear a mask, and could not figure out which side was out of or out.The newspapers are also brought with pictures and texts to teach readers step by step.At first, everyone found out various reasons and refused to wear masks. The common reason was not used to, or had difficulty breathing, foggy glasses, hot weather, and so on.In short, complaints, especially elderly people, are even more resistant.

In order to resist the disease, the government stipulates on April 16, 2020 that except for young children under the age of two and the public who are performing fierce exercise outdoors, everyone must wear masks when they go out.Facing a fine of 300 yuan and a fine of 1,000 yuan, serious violations can be charged to court.Many people received the ticket, and some people got on a lawsuit.

What impressed him was that a former female officer of the Navy had not been wearing a mask since 2020, and it also violated the home notice order and was sentenced to 16 weeks.After that, she was charged again because she didn't wear a mask to walk around Urcel Road.A British man did not wear a mask on the subway, and he was still charged with the court in the subway car.There are also some "iron teeth" public who are reminded to wear masks, hands -on and intimidating safety distance ambassadors, or burst into roughness to law enforcement officers.

From rejection to voluntarily wearing masks and never gets used to it into habits, for three years, masks have become our daily necessities, but they are uncomfortable without wearing.Wearing a mask has become a good habit of fulfilling social responsibility.What is the definition of good habits?It is good for the inertial reactions and behaviors of yourself, others, and society.Wearing a mask to protect yourself and protect your family.

I hope this good habit will continue under the new normal.

(The author is [email protected])