Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

The Kuomintang won the beautiful election in the Jiu -in -1 election, and then took the two innings of the Chiayi Mayor Election and the Bei Municipal legislators.Today, the blue camp is still waiting for the victory of the Nantou legislators next month; but during this period, there was a phenomenon of self -confidence in the party, which consumed the original momentum.There are two main symptoms: First, the party cannot be set to one for the president of the party to run for the president on behalf of Hou Youyi or Guo Taiming.Second, the call for young members to compete for the legislators caused the squeeze of succession, but the Party Central Committee could not handle it properly, leaving the impression of "internal dispute".

According to the recent media polls, the support of Hou Youyi and Guo Taiming has declined, and Guo Taiming has declined greater.This shows that whether Hou Youyi refuses his statement, or Guo Taiming's excessive statement, and even the cubs of the Party Central Committee, the people are impatient.As a result, Ke Wenzhe of the People's Party made a profit, and the support of Hou and Guo's loss turned to him.This may be just a moment, but if the Kuomintang cannot handle it well, the momentum of the nine -in -one victory will continue to dissipate.In the end, it is very likely that the mistakes of the last election "The Pride will defeat" should not be careless.

When asked about the presidential election, the party chairman Zhu Lilun replied, "Wait for the March 4th to make up the election on March 4th."This statement may want to strive for the time when Hou Youyi is delayed; but from the outside world, I feel that the central government is slow.In fact, the current election of Nantou seems to be trapped, but people cannot see the determination to win in the party's active assistance.In particular, Lin Mingzhang participated in the election of legislators with a strong posture, but claimed that he would not participate in the legislator election next year; therefore asked the Green Camp to seize the needle, accusing him of the pre -pre -pre -selection of his son Lin Rubin.These rumors have certain lethality, making the outside world feel that Lin Mingzhang's attitude is negative, which will damage its support.

If Zhu Lilun thinks that Nantou's re -election is important to maintain the "victory", how can you sit at the opportunity to discredit the opponent to discredit the opponent?Not only that, but for Hou Youyi and Guo Taiming, they are "competition". The Party Central Committee does not seem to have eighteen sets of scripts. It will be said that the unpleasant words such as "public toilets" will be exported.Imagine that even if Guo Taiming could not represent the Kuomintang, he was at least a "ally" that he was more worthy of the trusted Blue Camp than Ke Wenzhe. He also had the support of cross -generation and cross -ethnic groups. Does the blue camp person need to treat him as a "political enemy"?

Looking at the so -called "generation of generations" is actually a fake issue.One of the firepower centers of the opposition party should be placed in Congress, using strong supervision to check and check the ruling party, and to strive for voters' identification with disadvantages.Therefore, political parties should strive to allow strong sticks to enter Congress to expand their combat power; as for who is strong, it may not be related to generations.This time, after Wang Hongwei defeated Wu Yinong's re -election of the legislators, three Kuomintang North City members claimed to be running for the legislators. The only one involved in challenging the current legislator Fei Hongtai was the member Xu Qiaoxin.Unexpectedly, a nest of beef was later, and seven or eight members claimed to be challenging.In this way, the change of the number of changes is to cause qualitative changes, as if as long as you are "young", that is, he is eligible to eliminate the predecessor's replacement, and the strength is not important.Imagine that a large number of members who have just been elected will immediately abandon voters, will it not cause voters to be disgusted?Moreover, Wang Hongwei is elected legislators with special subjective and objective conditions. Can other members compare with it?

Look, this time Chen Zongyan's acceptance scandal of sexual entertainment was revealed by Chen Yanhui, a party legislator of the people who had only been in office for two months, and the Kuomintang could only make a wall view.This shows that the Kuomintang's current legislators are not active enough, and the outside world broke the materials by bypassing the Blue Committee.In particular, the Kuomintang was too superstitious to win and defeat, and a few victories revealed the "arrogant soldiers" attitude, so he began to stubbornly compete for victory and use his spirits. You are competing for me, but forgetting to return to ruling next year is its bigger goal.This is exactly the weakness of the Kuomintang: Everyone scrambles to grab the ride, but no one silently plays the role of "inviting Dongfeng" and "creating Dongfeng".Compared with the concentration of the Democratic Progressive Party, it is in sharp contrast.