Source: United News Network

Author: Lu Xinchang

China has gradually become a world factory from the millennium after the millennium.As far as the influence is, not only will Apple make the company, but also the name of its high -quality brand, and launch a series of consumer electronics.From the laptop to make a gorgeous turn, there are various positioning of iPod and iPad all the way; and gather various product functions to one, and now they can still lead instantly with output. The global fruit powder hopes will be brought again and again.iphone mobile phone trend.

The same period of the same period, IBM, Intel and Microsoft also sought market niche and cut into Chinese domestic demand. For example, Microsoft settled in Chengdu and chose to use TV boxes to promote smart families and modern home lives.As for IBM, all their personal computer departments are sold to Lenovo, and their trademark IBM can be used for time limit with ThinkPad and complementary advantages of combining production, research and sales.

Sure enough, since the financial tsunami was quantified and loose by the major countries in 2010, and the joint financial expansion led by the Chinese government, since the successful rescue, the President of the United States has all been doing its best, trying to curb the rise of China and its industrial upgrade in the industry.speed.After the Obama's economic strategy promoted during the Obama period, it signed a free trade agreement with the European Union in Asia. TPP and TTIP are intended to compete with China's speed with the efficiency of market openness and a more closely combined production and sales scale.

The signing of the Liangyang Free Trade Agreement, although the successor of the former President Trump, rejected, has reduced the dependence of Europe and the United States to the Chinese supply chain, which has already become a established policy for the United States to take the lead in the world.Especially in 2021, President Biden intends to replace Trump's high tariffs with the volunteer quota of steel and aluminum products; operation can be exchanged for benefits to allow protectionism to obtain legitimacy.Essence

After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, there was a series of fighting for freedom. Now global crosses and trade sanctions have finally received general support from European countries.Then down is to construct a large encirclement circle to obtain the advantages of negotiation; as for whether this big chess that can force China to concession, it will inevitably affect the long -term trend of the Balance of the World Bureau and the world.

In fact, the United States has a long history of doubts about China's speed; but the name of the fake Guoan, one hand to overthrow WTO's trade open policy, will it be as expected?Is the future inspection indicator that can create high -paying manufacturing work?And ensure the stable steering of the democratic supply chain and the final competitive efficiency.

In particular, the Indo -Pacific economic structure that is formally negotiated is to hope that through the new type of legislation and supervision mechanism, on the one hand, it is necessary to prevent the profitability of Chinese manufacturers and its compensation for research and development.Can fully control the use of Chinese manufacturers in key technologies and intellectual property rights.Therefore, a series of legislative concepts with strong protectiveism are constantly trying to modify and reorganize.

As for the differential tariffs that violate the spirit of the WTO, including anti -dumping duty, increasing China's export cost can curb its industrial profit and delay its upgrade and development;At one point, everyone was also happy that there would be workers from India, Turkey, Indonesia and Vietnam to do production supplementary positions; however, the situation in front of them was not optimistic.Including Taiwan ’s bicycle manufacturing, Baocheng Shoe Factory in Vietnam has reduced production capacity loads and fired production line employees.

Interestingly, the supply of solar panels and lithium batteries that Green Energy needs to be used. In recent years, although there are subsidies for the Bayeng government to subsidize, some Japanese companies have actively transferred;Strong, just how do you get plenty of technical labor?How to prevent the nightmare of the global economic stall and the interruption of the supply chain?It's all the days.

This fire will be created from retail trade, employment, and spreading the financial market and investment all the way. Investors please be careful!

The author is an associate professor at the National Taiwan University