Hachizuka Zheng Shao

The US military shot down the Chinese balloon that invaded the United States, causing international attention.The United States has a strong response because it symbolizes that China's foreign spy activities and collecting information are being upgraded.

The balloon incident is expected to affect places other than US -China relations.In 2020 and 2021, the same balloon also appeared over Japan.At that time, the Japanese Self -Defense Force had different responses with the US military, but only maintained warning and continuous surveillance.However, after the US military operation, senior Japanese government officials stated that if similar incidents occur in the future, this option will not be ruled out.Countries around the world have also confirmed that Chinese balloon has been discovered.If the international community finds balloons in its own airspace in the future, it is believed that it will become even more polite.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China acknowledged that the airship was in China, but it was a civilian nature, used for scientific research purposes such as meteorology, and criticized the United States for excessive response.However, if the aircraft invades the airspace of other countries without permission, it will violate international law.In addition, since it is the scientific balloon of private enterprises, why isn't it equipped with ADS-B (broadcast automatic related surveillance device) that is usually widely used in the people?The statement of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is inevitable that it is difficult to accept.According to Chinese media reports, the People's Liberation Army shot down in 2019 that was considered a balloon that was considered to be reconnaissance.In contrast, the United States' response is not overly.From this point of view, Chinese claims and condemnation of the United States lack persuasion.

The interpretation of the Chinese government, suspicion of the international community is related to China's military -civilian integration development strategy.

China has launched a military -civilian integration development strategy since 2015. In order to promote the application of cutting -edge technology in military affairs, it has strengthened the resources of local governments and private enterprises.In the case of new technologies that can change society, Western countries, including Japan, are also discussing the military applications of cutting -edge technology owned by private enterprises.However, the biggest difference between China and these democratic countries is that in the process of forming consensus in the process of forming consensus, the government, enterprises, and scientists have great authority, not only mobilizing social resources semi -mobilized, but also lack of transparency.

The development strategy of Chinese military -civilian integration involves all fields of society, and weather information is no exception.In related official documents, military applications to strengthen meteorological data are also proposed.In the innovative model zone of Chinese military and civilians, it is also developing a military reconnaissance system that can be loaded on balloons.It can be seen that scientific research results such as folk weather may be applied to military.

Chinese balloons that appear over the United States are a height of about 20 kilometers from the ground.In recent years, the People's Liberation Army has referred to the place 20 to 100 kilometers from the ground as the "near space", as a strategic high point for implementing the cross -landed sea and aerospace network integration and joint operations, and has been valued."Near the space" is a height of higher orbiting satellite orbit higher than the passenger airline.In addition to developing the "Near the Space", the high supersonic glide (HGV) DF-ZF, etc., also developed a drone with low speeds like this balloon.Military researchers analyzed that stagnant skate machines can be used as platforms for early warning, communication, electronic warfare, attacks and other combats that support joint warfare.

The Australian Institute of Strategic Policy (ASPI) project team also participated in the development source of the balloon, and found that the balloon with the Chinese Academy of Sciences was responsible for launching and closely related to the people's Liberation Army.Similarly, a balloon that can fly in the "near space" for a long time needs to be composed of cosmic rays and new materials that can withstand the extreme environment.Enterprises that can develop this material, Guangqi Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology and other companies and research institutions are closely related to the People's Liberation Army, and also participated in military -civilian integration projects.

The United States is conducting recycling investigations on the shot balloon, and it is expected that there will be various follow -up development in the future.However, as mentioned above, even if the Chinese government's explanation of folk meteorological research is true, in the process of promoting military -civilian integration in China, the possibility of military applications cannot be denied.

China wants to eliminate doubts of the international community. Only the transparency of the integration of military -civilian integration will make a sincere explanation to the international community.

The author is a researcher at the Japanese Institute of Defense