Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The Hong Kong Government's "High -end Talent Public Permit Plan" was approved and approved. He Jiankui, a scholar who was sentenced to prison in the Mainland for editing of human embryo genes, applied for "Gao Cai Tong" for approval.qualifications.Director Lao Fu said yesterday that during the application of "Gao Caitong", there is no need to report a criminal record for the party's declaration.Inbound regulations, such as no serious criminal record.Whether the "Gao Cai Tong" plan should all have the case at the bottom of the case and can consider it, but the official should clearly request the declaration of crime records at the beginning, instead of approved the application without knowing it, and shirk the responsibility to the Immigration Department. ThisThe name "Last Guanren" reflects that the government policy formulation needs to be more meticulous, and the treatment should be more cautious.

No Crime Records

The handling of the Labor Blessing Bureau is puzzling

The government launched the "Gao Cai Tong" to solicit high income and top university graduates at the end of last year.At the end of 2018, He Jiankui, then an associate professor at Shenzhen South China University of Science and Technology, visited Hong Kong. He announced that his research team used human embryonic gene editing technology to allow a pair of twin baby girls to be immune to AIDS in the Mainland, becoming the first case of gene editing babies in the world.The incident not only caused medical ethics disputes in the academic and society. He Jiankui and two other people involved were therefore provoked in the Mainland. The Shenzhen court believed that the defendant deliberately violated the relevant national scientific research and medical management regulations.The crime of "illegal medical practice" was performed. Among them, He Jiankui sentenced him to the most severe sentence in prison. The health administrative department also included him in the "blacklist" of human reproductive technology illegal personnel and prohibited from being engaged in human assistance technical services.

In April last year, He Jiankui was released from prison and later established the "He Jiankui Lab" in Beijing to engage in scientific research on rare genetic disease gene therapy.He Jiankui said that he was optimistic about the future of Hong Kong. He submitted an application for "Gao Cai Tong" on the Internet earlier this month. He was approved a week later. He was preparing to contact some universities and scientific institutions in Hong Kong to see if there were cooperation and job opportunities.He emphasized that he would comply with ethical and moral research, hoping to treat cheap forces for genes.When asked if he mentioned the "Gao Cai Tong", he mentioned the case, and He Jiankui did not answer.

One of the goals of the punishment system is to make people who used to go wrong and have the opportunity to change from the new.In Hong Kong, many people are quite concerned about the problem of re -voting the society in the past few years. In the United States, due to the shortage of labor, the company has been "grabbing people", and the trend of hiring students is obvious. Among them, there are many heavyweight companies.As an example, Dashang JP Morgan Chase was an example. In 2021, the company's new employment was about 10 % (4300).Of course, the background of each more student is different. After the freedom is re -indeed, if you want to stand or immigrate in certain industries, there is a certain difficulty in reality. This is also an impossible reality.

In recent years, immigration has appeared in Hong Kong. Individual countries allow Hong Kong people to move their lives without holding the "good people's certificate", but many countries will ask applicants for the case.Or senior researchers may have more considerations.Whether the "Gao Cai Tong" plan should be one -size -fits knife and the bottom of the case will refuse outside the door. It can be considered that the complexity of He Jiankui's case is that he not only convictions because of "illegal medical practice", but also because he has passed the ethical and moral line of scientific research, which will affect his peers.Trust his trust.At the beginning of this century, Korean biologist Huang Yuxi claimed that the successful cloned human embryo was successful, but he was later exposed to fake the paper and was defeated.Although he has been working hard to revive his personal reputation, the Biotechnology Research Foundation he operated has indeed successfully replicated dogs, cattle, and pigs, but he has never been cleaned.He Jiankui wants to "come back", and the issue of integrity believes that it will also become a major obstacle.

Policy takes results as the goal

Policies need to be considerate

He Jiankui applied for "Gao Cai Tong" to come to Hong Kong. How to deal with and approve it, of course, the responsibility is in the SAR government.The official said late at night that after reviewing the relevant application, the Immigration Department suspected that someone had obtained a visa with a false statement, announced that the relevant endorsement was invalid, and would be investigated in criminal investigation.The most unknown thing about this incident is why the Labor and Blessing Bureau did not ask the "Gao Cai Tong" applicant to declare the crime record. It was not until He Jiankui's dispute was exposed, and all parties were anxious to make up for it, including all applicants today.It must be declared and investigated whether He Jiankui has false statements.

Officials have always emphasized that the goal of "Gao Caitong" is that Luo Zhi has an annual salary of 2.5 million yuan or more, or talents who graduate from the top 100 universities in the world and have certain work experience."Gao Cai Tong" submits a Hong Kong visa or entered a license application."Gao Cai Tong" is responsible for the Labor and Fu Board and does not require the declaration of crime records. The only reasonable explanation is that the bureau had previously believed that the responsibility of holding the level was in the immigration office, which had nothing to do with themselves.The bureau supplemented the loopholes of the declaration, which is better than insisting on relying on the director of the Immigration Department to make the "Last Passer", but the bureau's response yesterday, the sense of perception was to shirk others to the responsibility of "leakage".

The current government attaches great importance to KPI (key performance indicators), emphasizing that policies aim at the results, from land houses, urban health, transportation to grabbing talents, and different departments want to achieve achievements.Just to chase the indicators to catch up with the dead line. Policies and considerations are not available and cost -effective, which may derive various governance issues.Whether it is a simple public housing, easy -to -pass, or "Gao Cai Tong", it makes people feel that policy formulation is rough and urgent, and many important details have not figured out.If the bureau formulates the "Gao Cai Tong" plan, and thinks about how to handle some applications from the case in advance, the controversy caused by He Jiankui's case is by no means inevitable.