Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Wangbao Society Review

Wang Yi, the top leader of mainland China, and US Secretary of State Brosky, had a unofficial meeting during the Munich Security Conference recently. The two sides were unhappy and did not arrange subsequent communication and the trip in Brinken.Although the two sides intend to make the United States down to cool down the Chinese balloon, the tree is quiet and windy.Wang Yi accused the United States at a high decibel at the Munich Conference and was welcomed by many countries, but Sino -US relations were worse.If the strategic self -confidence of the mainland will not be converted into the driving force for building guardrails with the United States, it will enable both China and the United States to enter a more dangerous situation.

Mutual Trust, weak band, beauty and Chinese relations

Wang Yi said on the 17th when he met with the Foreign Minister of Pakistan, "China requires the United States to come up with the sincerity of solving problems, and no longer do such absurd things because of domestic politics."This means that Beijing's decision to make a balloon incident is the excessive reaction made by Biden for "domestic political needs". It should not be infinitely outlined, which will affect Sino -US relations.On February 17, local time in the United States, the Chinese Embassy in the United States voted for the Washington Post, expressing hoping that the United States would do with China.President Biden also expressed his willingness to seek communication with Xi Jinping.The balloon incident met with Wang Yi in Brinken. After the two reiterated their positions, they should come to an end.

The mutual dislocation cracks caused by the balloon incident not only exist, but also have a crisis of expansion.The Republican and right -wing media will not let Bayon go, and will continue to speculate. The disadvantaged Biden Mouse taboo device will do nothing about improving Sino -US relations.China also sanctioned the US military fire merchant. On the grounds of these companies as a reason for Taiwan's military sales, a fine was fined.

The website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Mainland published on the 20th that the US hegemonic domineering and its hazardous reports were published to comprehensively criticize US diplomatic behavior.This shows that the spirit of the "unwilling struggle" emphasized by the Chinese government's 20th National Congress, as well as the global strategy of the mainland government more confident.Of course, such a big move will deepen the United States' fear of Beijing and strengthen the publicity of China's threat theory.This also predicted that Sino -US relations have entered a dangerous stage.

Another seemingly distant, but has a profound impact on the development of Sino -US relations in the next stage, that is, the development of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. China and the United States have new actions against the Russian and Ukraine War.In the past year, China has repeatedly expressed the principles of neutrality and peaceful solutions. It is believed that the United States and other NATO countries should bear the responsibility of resolving disputes. They have no positive military weapons assistance in Russia, and they are also very cautious about intervention mediation.Xi Jinping may visit Moscow this spring. Before the visit, Beijing will publish the "Political Settlement of Political Resolution of the Ukrainian Crisis". This should not only reiterate the past position.According to the preview of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland, the document emphasized that the nuclear war "could not fight or win", and called on the protection of civil nuclear facilities for civil nuclear facilities, opposed attacking nuclear power plants, and opposing the use of biochemical weapons.This may reflect the concerns of China's situation of upgrading and expanding the situation of the Russian and Ukraine war, and must be shot.

There will be key changes in the Russian and Ukraine War

Bynden suddenly arrived at Kiev on February 20, promising to provide US $ 500 million in military aid to Ukraine to express his determination to support Ukraine.US presidents visit the fire line to express support for other countries, which are rare in American history.Such a big movement is unusual.However, the history of the United States' foreign war may not be briefly interpreted as long -term support for Ukraine, and the House of Representatives held by the Republican Party has opinions on continuous gold aid Ukraine.In any case, it is foreseeable that there will be key changes in the Russian war in this year.

If the United States takes a shot from Ukraine, the Taiwan Strait may appear on the stage, and the struggle between China and the United States is more and more dangerous.A fluttering balloon may cause such a large storm, showing the weakness of Sino -US mutual trust.Although the two countries now step on the brakes, they are also accumulating greater energy to carry out the future "timid ghost game".In this way, the Taiwan Strait will have the risk of getting out of control, which is shocking.

Xia Liyan, Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang, said at the reporting conference of the land of the land that the Kuomintang of this trip to the mainland's worry about the mainland's conversation with the Taiwan Strait War.According to their colleagues and scholar Zhao Chunshan, they met with senior officials such as Song Tao and Wang Huning and other mainland governments. They felt that the mainland did not want to fight.What should not worry about Taiwan is not Beijing's willingness to war, but out of control of US -China relations.At present, the main administrators of the United States and Lutai do not have the intention of resolving the conflict, but they are full of uneasiness and doubtful heart knots. It is easy to wipe the guns and fire, making the Taiwan Strait War a self -evidence prediction.

Faced with the changing international situation, Taiwan should clearly transmit peaceful demands to relevant parties such as the United States, China, and Japan. It is the moment of rebuilding the fence and restoration of communication.