Chen Liujun

Recently, the famous American journalist Seymour Hryh released a heavy survey report on his personal social platform, the title is how the United States destroyed the Beixi pipeline (how the United States destroyed the Beixi pipeline "EssenceThe article describes the explosion of "Beixi 1" and "Beixi 2" pipeline explosion in September 2022, which has attracted global attention.Of course, the U.S. government tried to deny that the source of the reported information was unknown and could not be verified. It was purely a rigid creation of Ziwu (compiled by the mainstream media in the West, and the basis for the report of this report was an anonymous orphan.Followed out); Russia was a treasure, and praised some of them, hoping to conduct investigations on the basis of this report and investigate the United States.

When all parties can't fight, guessing that the truth of the incident may still be far away. Maybe 85 -year -old Hesh will not have the opportunity to see it in his life, but his influence has become in the process.And fully reflect the weight that an excellent reporter should have.This should be the higher value pursued by Hesh in the year.

The weight of the reporter first comes from the long -term persistence.Since being a reporter, he has been full of enthusiasm for the journalism industry. Whether it is a report by himself or working for other media, he has insisted on independence and true positions.At the age of 32, he became famous with the report of the US military's "Merray Massacre" incident in Vietnam.It is rare that after winning the Pulitzer Award in 1970, he did not stop his steps, but reportedly reported the US government's surveillance scandal of civil organizations, the U.S. military's prisoner abuse in Iraq, sniping Osama Azama, OshammaDoubt cloud, the secrets of the United States help Israel develop nuclear weapons, and so on.The persistence and contempt of power to win the international reputation for him, and also enhanced his credibility as a journalist, making his reports more influential and lethal.enemy".

Of course, the reporter's weight is inseparable from strong resources and ability support.Hesh's report, what is most interesting is his source of information, such as the bombing of the Beixi pipeline, which is not the information that ordinary journalists can obtain.It is the key to his ability to fully trust him.The success of Bob Woodward, a friend of Hesh's friend and the "Water Gate Incident", is inseparable from the "deep throat" of the "deep throat" that the discipliner who has so far.Only with strong resources and capabilities can reporters play a greater role, and the media can have the position of "fourth power".No wonder the owner of the news group Murdoch will be regarded as one of the most powerful people in the United States and even the world.

The component of the reporter really requires a relatively loose public opinion environment.Hesh's report about "Beixi" was published on personal network accounts, which is an interesting phenomenon.

On the one hand, his previous famous report was published in the New York Times Washington Post, etc., all of which received support from mainstream American media, but this report seems to have not even received the support of small media. Except for its own source, it cannot be unable to have its own source.In addition to the research, the external environment faced by the American media seems not optimistic.

He uses the media platform to release messages. Although he may not have a generous material return, it can be freely expressed. At least it shows that the American online platform companies are not limited by much, and they can also provide the people with more relaxed expression space;In another environment, such reports may not have a chance to come out at all.Dialectically, the public opinion environment in the United States is deteriorating, but the power of new media cannot be ignored, and it is no wonder that such weight reports are often exposed only in the West.This is a place where they often embarrass and make them proud.

The component of the reporter must also be based on the closest to the truth.Many sensational reports often occur in things that lack the truth and cannot be tested.Although it is difficult, this often becomes a gap between reporters to break through to succeed.Regarding the bombing of "Beixi", many western countries have concluded after several months of investigation, that is, "man -made", but no more details can be provided, and there are no questions in the hearts of the world. This is ideal.Reporters can show their ambitions.

If a reporter can test more facts and more material information, you can give the world more truth, or you can force relevant departments to give more truths, otherwise the report itself will become the truth that the other party cannot refute.Although this is completely possible not all the truth, this is the value of a component reporter.No wonder there will be so many readers in these reports of Hesh, and so many people are willing to believe.Because without more information to verify, this is the closest truth.

Today is actually an era when everyone can be a journalist. Everyone has the right to report the truth and means, but the reporter's weight is still lacking, because there are still many places that need reporters' professionalism and persistence, and also alsoThere are many places that reporters have forgotten their duties.Simo Hesh's reports may not be tested, but whether many reporters are willing to and work hard to become Simon Hesh can be tested.

The author is a commentator in Yangzhou, China

When all parties can't fight, guessing that the truth of the incident may still be far away. Maybe 85 -year -old Hesh will not have the opportunity to see it in his life, but his influence has become in the process.And fully reflect the weight that an excellent reporter should have.This should be the higher value pursued by Hesh in the year.