Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Liu Birong

Iranian President Laich visited mainland China on February 14 and had talks with Xi Jinping.This is the first Iranian President in China to visit China in 20 years. It is naturally unusual significance.

From the perspective of power and politics in the Middle East, Xi Jinping invited Laish to visit China, which is Beijing's consistent balance strategy in the Middle East.In December last year, Xi Jinping visited Saudi Arabia, making Saudi Arabia ’s rivals Iran.In particular, during the meeting with the Gulf State, Xi Jinping expressed his support to negotiate with Iran in accordance with international law, to peacefully resolve the sovereignty disputes of the three islands of the Bay Bay, and made Iran extremely dissatisfied.Because the three islands (big, small, small, and Abu Musa) have been under the jurisdiction of Iran since 1971, and Iran does not recognize any controversy.After Xi Jinping left the Saudi Kingdom, China sent Hu Chunhua to visit Iran to show a balance. Of course, this was not enough, so there was an arrangement to invite Leis to visit China this time.

In fact, mainland China has also made a lot of time in Iran.In 2021, the two countries signed a long contract. China promised to invest 400 billion US dollars in Iran in 25 years, which is more interesting.Because the contract signed by the mainland and the Arab countries, the validity period is only three or five years.However, the 25 -year -old approval has not been achieved according to the plan, which is dissatisfied with Iran.Therefore, Lich publicly stated before the visit that Iran's economic and trade relations between Iran and China are far less than expected.He brought a visit to the huge delegation including 6 cabinet ministers, presidents of the central bank, and the chief representative of the Iraqi Nuclear negotiations in order to implement this 25 -year strategic partner plan.

Iran needs to be in China.After Iran was severely sanned by the United States, China was the only country that imported oil from Iran and an important trading partner for Iran.In particular, in the case of constant struggle and turmoil in Iran, Iran needs to use Iran -China relations to break diplomatic isolation.

But British scholars pointed out that although Laish's trip signed 20 cooperation agreements with a total value of 3.5 billion US dollars to strengthen the comprehensive cooperation between the two countries in the field of economy, trade, energy, and security.But it is not easy to really implement these agreements.Because Iran is still under international sanctions, many mainland companies are particularly cautious when they are worried about being subject to second -level sanctions in the United States.Especially after the Meng Wanzhou incident, everyone was more careful.The second is that Chinese investors are often frightened by Iran's complex legal regulations. The third is Dubai, Doha, and other places, providing investors with a more attractive investment environment than Deheilan.

From the perspective of international politics, Iran is now getting closer to Russia, and China and Russia are getting closer and closer due to the relationship between the Russian and Ukraine War.Therefore, Russia, Iran, and China are regarded by the West as the Three Kingdoms Group, which must be contained in geopolitical threats.However, Beijing may not want to tie up so tightly with Russia and Iran. Especially since the beginning of this year, the tone of diplomacy in mainland China has shifted mild, and it has also tried to repair European relations. It is too tight to Russia and Iraq, which may not meet the interests of China at this stage.So the relationship between China and Iran has become very subtle.Former American Assistant National Defense Minister Cropus said that as long as China can have a good relationship with Arab countries, it can ensure the interests of the Middle East and the safety of oil transportation through diplomacy and economic means.It's right.

This statement may be too simple, because when Xi Jinping said to Laish, "mutual support, unity and cooperation" shows that China still needs to stand with Iran to fight against international pressure.Therefore, the layout of mainland China in the Middle East is still comprehensive, maintaining a balance between Saudi Arabia and Iran.During the period, the dependence and the proportion or due to time are different, but the balance is still the most in line with China's interests.

(the author is professor of Political Department of Soochow University)