Education topic

The advent of ChatGPT of artificial intelligence (AI) chat program has set off heated discussions in the education community, and related topics have even appeared in the palace of Congress.If we tell you, ChatGPT -users enter text "requirements" and systematically generate text "Wenshengwen" tools, but this wave of icebergs that may impact education that may impact education, as well as other "Ensheng pictures"——Axin describing the image or photo according to the user's text, as well as tools such as "Ensheng Video", "Ensheng Audio", "Ensheng Computer Program", "Tu Sheng Wen" (collectively referred to as generating AI), all types of various types)Can be "packed" by AI for students, will you be shuddering?

In fact, which disruptive technology first appeared, did not cause public noise?More than 10 years ago, when the Internet, especially search engines, began to popularize, and some people were worried that the knowledge of teachers and textbooks was challenged.Today, online learning and integration of information have become a regular learning task in school teaching activities, and it has become a weapon for breaking through class restrictions, cultivating self -learning ability and critical thinking.

The reason why

ChatGPT has repeatedly questioned the education community as soon as it appears, because it seems to be in the era of the agricultural industry, and it is still recognized as a natural way of teaching, learning, and evaluation by most people.However, human beings have already entered the information age, and the entire education concept should be "cut off and re -training" under the premise of cultivating teachers and students and employees who "coexist with technology and become comrades -in -arms with technology".Therefore, compared to other related review articles focusing on the relatively low -level (although it cannot be ignored) anti -cheating topics, or when scattered to enumerate the teaching ideas, we try to improve the discussion level -information literacy and AI literacy, as well as people -machine "smart partners partners""The concept.

Information literacy and AI literacy are the essential literacy that people living in the information age.Simply put, information literacy involves the ability to obtain and critical understanding and integrate information, and the ability to produce and publish in a responsible and constructive production and release (presented in the form of network, digital or traditional printing media).The AI literacy is closed to understand and evaluate the functions, limitations and challenges of AI tools, and understand the responsibilities to make good use of AI to assist decisions, complete tasks, and improve the quality of life.

These seem to be skills, but why did the Chinese world invented the word "literacy" (English, which borrowed the original literacy or read and write ability)?Because literacy also includes the conceptual understanding of related things, and related morality and social values (the "responsible place" mentioned above), etc.

In the local area, in view of all aspects of life in the Internet, information literacy has long become a learning.The government releases the framework of digital and information literacy to integrate into middle school courses; the National Library also organizes activities all year round to enhance public awareness.Among them, fake information and online fraud are still frequent, and the factual verification has become one of the core skills of information literacy.On the other hand, many people may not realize that on the road towards Smart Country 2025, our lives are gradually being surrounded by more AI facilities or tools; when children grow up, they will enter the society, AI in the workplace, and the workplace in the workplace.Applications will only deepen.Therefore, the Singapore Artificial Intelligence Core (AI SINGAPORE) with the purpose of promoting artificial intelligence has also continued to promote AI literacy education.

Chatgpt can cultivate students related literacy

ChatGPT appears, and some scholars have proposed to use it (or other genetic AI tools) to cultivate students' information literacy and AI literacy.AI generating tools are not the only means to cultivate these two literacy, but they are winning in low use thresholds, rich use experience, and almost all subjects; because they seem to be wise and talented, they are in fact, but they are limited and defects.available.

If someone is proposed, teachers can instruct students to request ChatGPT to generate a short article related to teaching content, and then students must search the source of all the arguments in the text online, and find out or settle the wrong information or biased concepts in the text.Comments with the text; individual students can also put forward their disagreement views in the text and debate with them.These activities such as one stone and two birds can not only deepen the content of the course, but also enhance the information literacy, so that students will be more sensitive to online fake information in the future.

These AI generation tools, currently generated "works", for students with high progress progress, are often just "first drafts" level, and must be repaired. In addition to might have to be corrected, you have to re -re -re -correct, but you have to re -re -re -correct.Organize the content, add and delete specific arguments, and add examples.However, because AI first raised a head, at least the work material was initially screened. Teachers and students did not have to start "composition" from zero, save more time to organize ideas, and then modify it based on the first draft, express their own ideas more than even more.Precise, or improve thinking while repairing the text.The condition is that students must learn this "technical job" starting from scratch before starting to use ChatGPT; otherwise, it is difficult to repair its first draft after starting.This is an example of the division of human -computer division of labor and forming a wisdom partner -good use of artificial intelligence to enhance (not replace) the wisdom of people.

Humblewen hugs opportunities to deal with challenges?——Chatgpt3's educational application (January 24th Morning Post · Speech) The "21st Century learner, knowing how to ask questions is more important than flowing and answer", is related to information literacy and AI literacy.

This "problem" can refer to the keywords of the search engine, the "question method" when consulting with ChatGPT, or the instructions to any AI tools that can be manipulated.Ask the right, high -quality, context, and set the most favorable conditions in order to get real, high -quality answers or "works", or AI tools to meet the expected and efficient operating results.

A tender design that is often mentioned is to indicate that students should ask ChatGPT for a big theme, and then share and compare the answers to each other in the class to achieve deep learning of discipline knowledge.To further improve information literacy and AI literacy, we recommend an extension activity: let everyone choose the most related and in -depth answers, push and reflect on the law, "Where is good?"

For example, on the battlefield, if a general does not know how to ask the question to accurately evaluate the war, do not know how to transfer the army, do not know how to change, and even a million male divisions will not be able to cover the whole army.The meaning of the concept of "smart partner" is like letting machines as think tanks, spies, and eutages, and people are both intellectual interpreters and make decisions (note: believe in think tanks (machines) as well as no think tanks).

Information literacy also involves responsible production and dissemination of information -not to fake or bias, but also considers a negative impact on society or parties after the release.Generating AI tools may generate "irresponsible" information, such as "from text to video" tools can generate deep pseudo videos.Therefore, teachers can ask students to discuss with the potential problems produced by these AI tools: "If you put it on the Internet, what will it cause?" Similarly, AI literacy also includes use and development (if students master related skills)The moral issues of artificial intelligence tools can also use similar reflection activities to make the cultivation of AI literacy more comprehensive.

Of course, we understand some people's concerns about ChatGPT -educating scientific and technical scholars have told for decades."Level teaching tasks", can be the functions of AI generating tools such as ChatGPT, as from "low -level" to "mid -level" like the night, further "eroding" some skills that should still be learned, the skills that students should control should beIt pushed another layer.Will this cause alternativeDigital gap -information / AI literacy gap?

For example, the text generated by ChatGPT may not be as written by students with high learning progress.Text, instead have lazy incentives?Perhaps the next topic to discuss the application of ChatGPT education is the consideration of different teaching. For example, students in the middle and low learning progress will also design targeted AI auxiliary learning strategies.This can be discussed in addition.

The author Huang Longxiang is Nanyang University of Technology

Senior Education Research Scientist of the National College of Education

Luci Jie is a professor of college

Information literacy and AI literacy are the essential literacy that people living in the information age.Simply put, information literacy involves the ability to obtain and critical understanding, integrate information, and the ability of responsible and constructive production and publishing information.The AI literacy is closed to understand and evaluate the functions, limitations and challenges of AI tools, and understand the responsibilities to make good use of AI to assist decisions, complete tasks, and improve the quality of life.