Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ye Dehao

On February 24, the Russian and Ukraine War began with one anniversary.In addition to the discussion of Russia's counterattacks, the almost frozen war front line, the universal absence of the Air Force and the Internet forces in the past few months, and the important position of the Army cannon have also attracted many comments to the Russian and Ukraine War model and the first world.Battle comparison.The trenches of the front line, the suspected sea tactics of some recruits in Russia, and the tragic casualties of both sides have also greatly deepened the impression of "this is a war in the nuclear military era".

However, the joint application of different new and old weapons on the battlefield shows that under the appearance of the old era, a new era of war is emerging.

The "jailer"

At the beginning of the war in Russia, when the Russian army attacked Ukraine from the north, east, and south, it encountered severe frustration. One of the most common discussion was whether the era of tanks had ended.What causes people to reflect on this problem is two weapons that are generally used on the Ukrainian battlefield. One is "Fire-And-FORGET", and the anti-tank missiles that can be portable, such as the American javelin (Javelin).The second is all kinds of drones, including Turkish Bayraktar TB2, which can be used for reconnaissance and missile attacks, and American suicide drones "SwitchBlade", and even DJI's civil drones.

During the land war, the tank has a "three -in -one function". One is to allow soldiers to move quickly on the battlefield, the other is to ensure the safety of soldiers during the transportation, and the third is to provide sufficient fire to deal with the enemy.In the lightning tactics of the German deployment of mechanized infantry in the deployment of mechanized infantry in combination with the densely connected air support (CAS) before World War II, tanks were also indispensable in the broad mobility war in the ground war to avoid consuming warfare.

However, people quickly developed special weapons for tank armor, including Panzerfaust, which began to use in 1943, and Bazooka in the United States.The effective range of these anti -armored weapons was very short, only a few hundred meters. In World War II, the U.S. general claimed that Bazuka did not need to pursue tanks, but to prevent enemy tanks from being able to cross our infantry.But these weapons can be regarded as the prototype of today's anti -tank missiles.

After that, by the Fourth Middle East War in 1973, the Soviet -made 9M14 infant anti -tank missile (also known as "Sagger") further conducted a wired way, combined with the range of up to 3 kilometers and a higher range and higher ones high.The power of armor -piercing has become a tank killer on the battlefield.The javelin missiles with more than $ 70,000 (S $ 903,590) can destroy millions of dollars worth of tanks worth millions of dollars.Discussion of death.

Faced with the farther range of the range, and even the wireless guidance, the anti -tank missile, the response method is to strengthen the armor of the tank, allow the tank equipment to mortar or interference, or even down the active protection system of anti -tank weapons, and strengthen the strengthening of the anti -tank weapon, and strengthen the strengtheningThe Air Force and cannon combined with the combined combat capabilities of mechanized infantry to protect the ground of the tank.

However, the weapon like the benchmark anti -tank missile brought a new round of challenges to the tank.On the one hand, the javelin strikes the weaker armor from top to bottom to further break its armored protection.In the early days of the Russian army invading Ukraine, many tanks were "turtle steelmaking" with iron cage -like protective devices at the top. Maybe they worried about the benchmarking gun from top to bottom.However, the unanimous opinions of military analysis believe that this "iron cage" device can only give the soldiers on the tank a psychological sense of security, and there is no actual effect of blocking attacks.

On the other hand, the javelin is equipped with an automatic infrared guide system, which is the so -called "no need to control" system after launch, so that the soldiers can quickly transfer the position after the missiles are fired, and there is no need to stay in place to guide the guidance of the bomb attack target.This makes it more difficult to fight back in other weapons used to protect tanks in the combination of joint arms.Moreover, from the performance of the Russian army to the present, it can be seen that the specialization requirements of joint warfare operations are very high. Without other infantry, artillery and secret air support, it makes the Russian tank easily become the target of attack guns.

Similarly, in the combination of joint arms, it can be used as a close -to -air support for assisting tanks. It seems that in the Russia -Ukraine War, it seems that it has encountered greater setbacks than tanks.Just like the anti -tank missile, the United States began to deliver to Ukraine very early as the "Stinger) portable air defense missile, which is also" no need to control ", which caused a serious blow to airplanes for air -supported air support.Since the start of the war, the SU-25 attack aircraft used in secret air support has accounted for one-third of the total loss of the Russian army in the Ukraine.

Some analysts believe that a similar "do not need to control" weapons after launching is one of the reasons why the U.S. Marine Corps decided to abandon the use of the M1 tank (M1 Abrams) in the future.

Of course, like the history of tanks and anti -tank military science and technology, people still reduce the power of anti -tank weapons through the improvement of tank design and combat tactics and training of joint arms.However, the emergence of drones has caused a fundamental change in the modern battlefield.

"Universal" drone

After the Bayraktar TB2 drone in Turkey was aware of the use of drones beyond intelligence and reconnaissance during the Nagorno-Karabakh war to defeat Armenia in 2020.SCOTT SHAW, the former leader of the US Army asymmetric combat group, once said that drones are not only for tanks, but also may sound a bereavement for all the combats of joint arms.

Like the benchmark missile, the attack on the tank from the top is also the basic attack direction of the drone.Due to the low cost of many drones and attacking the same expensive goal, they can also attack from multiple parties. Any fish that missed the net can destroy the target.The suicide drone like the "spring knife" can be "wandered" in the range of ten kilometers to automatically find and attack targets. Its convenience and security can be said to be higher than the benchmark missile.

At the same time, it is difficult to be discovered by the radar with low flying drones, and the cost of the air defense system that can effectively shot down the drone is often ten times higher than the drone.Coupled with the reconnaissance and communication capabilities of drones, they are widely used in the army of Russia and Ukraine.

At the level of suicide drone, the Iranian SHAHED-136 has become a weapon for Russia to attack Ukraine energy infrastructure since October last year.SHAHED with a slow flight, large noise, and less ammunition.Since a Shahed is only about $ 20,000, it is completely incompatible with the S-300 air defense system owned by Ukraine.For the attack of certain energy infrastructure goals, the Russian army also adopted a multi -party combination strategy to make the Ukraine defend.

For this Iranian drone, the URA does not seem to be effective and cost -effective.Some soldiers shot pursuit of the sky on the car, some Ukraine took off fighters to chase in the air, and some manufacturers were output to Ukraine that they could track and attack drones by themselves.

The United States recently claimed that with the extensive use of its drones in the Russia and Ukraine battlefield, Iran is becoming a large producer of low -drones.It is reported that Iranian news said that China is also waiting to buy up to 15,000 Iranian drones.

Although the use of Iranian drones has attracted much attention, Ukraine also launch suspected drone attacks with military -in -law attacks in Russia, including the air force base of hundreds of kilometers deeply in Russia.EssenceThis also shows the challenge of drones to advanced air defense systems.

For cost -based considerations, the most common drone on the battlefield of Russia and Ukraine is probably the price ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars.DJI drone.Although DJI has already stopped exporting to Russia and Umanby, it does not hinder people from purchasing drones from foreign countries and then sent to Ukraine battlefields.These drones that seem to be particularly concentrated in the hands of the Ukraine can also track the enemy's position in real time in addition to the use of intelligence reconnaissance.Some Ukraine even installed the drone with explosives, throwing it on the sky for the enemy's purpose.

SpaceX Star Chain Military Corresponding Weifie

The United States began to supply Ukraine's HiMars multi -tube launcher in June last year, which greatly increased the range, criterion and firepower of the Ukraine artillery.Kharkiv has passed 10,000 square kilometers of land, and in November, in November, the main weapon of the Russian army in Kherson, southern.But behind Hamas's success, it relies on the support of drones and Starlink satellite network communication.

Although Haimas has a long attack capability (at present, the shells of the United States lost from the U.S. -Ustus have increased from the beginning of 80 kilometers to 150 kilometers), and the shells also have the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the inertia navigation system, which can be used as a way to make it.To precisely strike, but to successfully control the enemy, you must have a rapid information exchange on the front line of the battlefield.Otherwise, when the enemy's position collected by the drone is passed to the controller of Hemimas, the enemy may have left the origin.

At this time, the Starlink satellite network plays a major function.Unlike the communication satellite tens of thousands of kilometers away from the ground, the star chain uses a low -orbit satellite 550 kilometers away from the ground. Although the coverage is small, due to the low launch cost of SpaceX, the number of star chain satellites has exceeded 3500.Not only does it make up for the coverage, the number of high quantities and the nearness of the ground also greatly increased frequency width and decreased delay, so that the satellite communication that was likely to be limited to the use of the leadership in the past can popularize it to one soldier.

In addition to the significant increase in social media from the front line of the battlefield, it has also accelerated the connection between the front line from identifying the enemy to launching attacks.In the past, the information obtained by drones may have reached several levels to reach the front line of the front line with offensive weapons. Now the soldier can almost communicate directly with the drone.Military analysts who have observed the front line of the Ukraine also described this military communication capability with "Uber of Grenades Cannon".

Moreover, Xinglong's receiving antenna is easy to carry and is not easily disturbed by signals. In addition to allowing the Ukraine to stabilize the communication in march, sometimes it is more converted into part of attack weapons.The Russian army at the port of Crimea's Black Sea Fleet has been attacked by unmanned ships at the sea that seemed to be installed on the star chain antenna.

The Russian army has to deal with the Star Chain communication capabilities of the Ukraine.For the star chain that can quickly update the software, the impact will only be extremely short, even if the road can find the road of invasion; and the attack on the star chain satellite itself is even less cost -effective. NowadaysAt the rate of more than 150 per month, even if the Russian side has laid dozens of at once, its impact on star chain services is extremely limited, and it can be quickly replenished.

Seeing the effectiveness of its military application, Elon Musk, Chief Executive CEO of SpaceX, launched the Starshield program in December last year to serve the military and the government.It is not limited to the use of communication.Perhaps in order to clarify the use of the army and the people, SpaceX has recently announced that it has adopted action to limit the use of the Ukraine's use of its star chain communication services as an offensive purpose.Essence

At present, China, Russia and other countries are also interested in developing a communication system similar to a star chain.It can be seen that the high -level low -track satellite system similar to the star chain will fundamentally change the battlefield communication model in the future.

The Russian and Ukraine War stepped into a year, and no one saw the end of the war.This scene looks like a war -consuming war. With the popularization of various arms reserve, it has actually shown the prototype of the new era of war.