Source: Surging News

Author: and Gui

Teachers also have to dress uniformly?Recently, the Education Bureau of Liaoning Dandong City, China, released a response to the people's congress representatives on strengthening the management of teachers' pretending to be managed by the people's congress. The unified dressing of the teacher group will be the main development trend in the future.Dandong intends to investigate and study in the aspects of the types, quantities, styles, and funding sources of clothing, form a perfect plan and trial it first, and actively promote teachers to wear professional clothes.

Teachers' dressing problems will cause discussions from time to time.Indeed, the phenomenon of "a part of the teachers in the Education Bureau of Dandong in the school is dressed in all dresses at school, wearing casual, even strange clothes, weird dressing, or stingy", but this can be based on the professional ethics of primary and secondary school teachers."The request to manage, there is no need to be neatly dressed in the teacher.

This is like because there are children who love to eat hygienic snacks, and all children can only eat.The severity and existence of the problem is not proportional to the labor, time -consuming, and cost -effectiveness of the solution.As for the judgment of "Future Trends", many netizens said that they did not feel it, so how can this be seen?Can there be corresponding data basis and research data?In this regard, there may be more explanations.

Regarding the unified dressing of teachers, the General Office of the State Council of China issued two notices in 1986 and 2003, clarifying the approval authority of uniformly wearing clothing.Approval; more than, it only stipulates the unified dress of 13 departments including public security organs, courts, industry and commerce, taxes, and transportation, and the education department is not among them.

Looking at these 13 departments, in fact, they have their own characteristics. They basically involve law enforcement departments, especially some of these departments also need to carry out law enforcement activities often in public places outdoors. Unified dressing can improve recognition.Maintaining the seriousness of law enforcement can also shock illegal and criminal activities.

Different from these departments, teachers' work scenarios are often relatively fixed. Generally, they are on campus and classrooms. They are not facing the people or law enforcement objects, but students.Of course, the class needs a certain seriousness, but is it necessary to let the teachers wear one?It is thought that even from the perspective of teaching effects and classroom atmosphere, teachers' own personality and lively are necessary.

Take a step back, there are still many government departments that have not been unified, let alone the teacher group?Teachers are only professional and technical staff. Public schools are generally public institutions, and there are many teachers in private schools in the teachers.In the operation of unified teachers' clothing, in fact, it just ignores the most right and direct group -teachers.In the end, do you want to uniform clothes? You may wish to ask the teacher first, consult their opinions, and form a public opinion foundation first.

Unified teacher's clothing, there is another direct question: Where does the money come from?Is the local government grant fiscal appropriation or the education department raised itself?Or let teachers pay for money or deduct from wage bonuses?These are the problems that have touched the vital interests, especially in some areas with underdeveloped economies, the problems will be more prominent and may also cause unnecessary contradictions.

Maybe one day, regarding the unified dress, the teacher's wishes and funding problems are no longer a problem. The design of the professional dress itself can also win the love of the majority of teachers. Then the promotion of teachers' professional clothes is a matter of water.The point is that the establishment of the canal requires a process and time.