Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review

Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang of the mainland government, visited and visited the mainland government, and successfully ended the trip back to Taiwan.Xia Liyan believes that this trip has achieved the expected goal and is very successful. When returning to Taiwan, she only had sporadic protests, which shows that Taiwanese society has watched it.However, the frozenness of both sides of the strait is not caused by the overnight, and the cross -strait relations have come out of the deadlock. All parties of red and green are responsible for doing more beneficial things.

Best interactive interaction of red, blue and green three parties

Xia Liyan's significance this time is not only at the level of the Communist Party, the Communist Party, but also the overall atmosphere of cross -strait relations. Beijing, the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party have showed signs of healthy interaction.First of all, there is no doubt that the KMT and the Communist Party of China are trustworthy and recovered. Xia Liyan has repeatedly reiterated the consensus and anti -independence existing position on the mainland.In Taiwan, the Kuomintang chairman Zhu Lilun also supported Xia Liyan. He pointed out the absurdity of the Democratic Progressive Party on the 1992 consensus issues. The Kuomintang was no longer like a military exercise last year.

After the selection of

2020, Beijing once doubted and dissatisfied with the Cross -Strait routes of the Kuomintang, especially Wang Jinping canceled the invitation to the Straits Forum. Zhu Lilun had advocated "pro -American and anti -Communist Communist Party", which also strengthened the external judgment of the foreign and Communist relations.However, Beijing may recognize that in 2019, "the essence of conspiracy is the essence of the 1992 consensus" and the "one country, two system Taiwan plan" caused by the doubts caused by Taiwan, so this time did not propose a difficult words that made the Kuomintang landing regiment.On the other hand, the Blue Camp has gradually realized that the cross -strait soldiers are in danger. The DPP "anti -China -China -protecting Taiwan" broke the power. The Kuomintang must stand up to pass the public opinion of Taiwan and reflect the demands of the Lu and Taiwan in order to reverse the crisis.

While the KMT and the Communist Party have accumulated each other, the Communist Party of China also shows signs of dialogue.For the first time, the director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council stated that if he agrees with the 1992 consensus, the people of the Green Camp are welcome to the mainland.Although Song Tao's possibility is very small in the short term, and the red and green positions are also different, at least the atmosphere of the dialogue between the people is worth cherishing.Similarly, the MAC approves Li Xiaodong, deputy director of the Shanghai Taiwan Office to come to Taiwan. Although the invitation party is the Taipei City Government under the governance of the Kuomintang, the Shanghai League is willing to follow the principle of "low -key, simple, and safe" of the MAC.This shows that the mainland also respects the Governance of the DPP government.

Economic decision politics, the key reason why the political atmosphere of red, blue and green on both sides of the strait is warming is that the demand for cross -strait economic and trade and social exchanges after the epidemic has increased greatly.The desperation of Taiwanese businessmen and tourism industry's eagerness to restore cross -strait exchanges.In addition to the Kuomintang delegation "talking about politics" in Beijing, in Beijing, in Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing and other places, they all "talk about the economy".Govern official feedback on both sides of the strait.This also proves that the Kuomintang serves Taiwanese businessmen, speaks for the industry, and creates opportunities for industries to create opportunities.

Policies to Taiwan must be moved

The mainland must noted that cross -strait economic relations have been affected by the epidemic, cross -strait politics, and the US and China situation in recent years.Accelerate the flow to Southeast Asia and so on.In 2018, the "Article 31 of Huitai" in the mainland once set off a wave of "voting" to Lu Xun to find opportunities in Lu Xun, but the epidemic not only interrupted the above process for three years, but also increased the negative perception of the Taiwanese people in the mainland system.

In this context, how to stabilize the basic market for economic and trade cross -strait, attract more businessmen, Taiwanese capital, especially Taiwanese young people, and top talents to log in to employment and entrepreneurship, not only need to release a new round of favorable policy, but it is more important.It is the optimization of mainland governance efficiency.

Back to Xia Liyan's trip to the mainland, although the Green Camp and its supporters have not rebounded strongly, but the supporters of the Blue Camp also seem to be unsightly. Mainly media reports are focused on Xia Liyan and Lu Fang to Taiwan's senior management, provincial and municipal supervisors.An official worship meeting is not easy to touch people's hearts.Beijing needs a new policy and new discussion of Taiwan's "eyes bright".Compared with the existing concepts such as reiterating the consensus of 1992 and national rejuvenation, Song Tao welcomed people from the green camps to the mainland, which was even more exciting.

However, the premise of Song Tao's invitation to the Green Camp is still the 1992 consensus. In fact, the word itself means that it has been narrowed in Taiwan.In contrast, Lu Xiulian proposed "a Chinese and Cross -Strait Integration", Shi Mingde proposed the "Golden Horse Peace Zone", etc., which has long surpassed the 1992 consensus under the context of the Chinese Communist Party, and raised the discussion of the cross -strait future to a new height.If Beijing proposes a moving policy and discussion against Taiwan, and a dialogue with all Taiwanese, including the green camp with a pragmatic, open, constructive attitude, the next breakthrough of cross -strait relations is not far away.